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Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

ISSN: 1747-0218eISSN: 1747-0226
JUFO Level 1

Previously published in two sections, Human Experimental Psychology (Section A) and Comparative and Physiological Psychology (B) the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology merged in 2006 to form a single journal.The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology is a leading international journal that publishes original articles on any topic within the field of experimental psychology. The journal publishes Rapid Communication articles (under 3,000 words) reporting novel techniques or ground breaking results, as well as substantial experimental reports. The journal offers an Open Access option, approved by the Wellcome Trust and other funders.The journal is keen to encourage submissions across a broad range of areas in experimental psychology, including those reporting work on human and animal subjects. Manuscripts including the use of functional brain imaging are also encouraged, as are papers reporting computational modelling of behavioural data.QJEP offers a competitive publication time-scale. Accepted Rapid Communications have priority in the publication, and usually appear in print within a few months. We aim to publish all accepted (but uncorrected) articles online within 7 days. Articles in their final form appear on-line, through the iFirst system, several months prior to paper publication.QJEP now offers an iOpenAccess option for authors. Peer Review IntegrityAll published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by independent expert referees. Special IssuesIssues devoted to a particular topic are occasionally published in this journal. These special issues are sent free to subscribers in that year, and are available to purchase separately as books for non-subscribers. Click on the titles below for more information and to order.Grounding Cognition in Perception and ActionGuest Editors: Martin Fischer and Rolf A. ZwaanVolume 61, Issue 6 (2008) ISBN 978-1-84169-843-4Cognitive GerontologyA Special Issue of QJEP Section AGuest Editor: Patrick RabbittVolume 58, Issue 1 (2008 - updated edition) ISBN 978-1-84169-981-3Neurocognitive Approaches to Developmental Disorders: A Festschrift for Uta Frith Guest Editors: Dorothy V.M. Bishop, Margaret J. Snowling and Sarah-Jayne BlakemoreVolume 61, Issue 1 (2007) ISBN 978-1-84169-839-7Human Contingency Learning: Recent Trends in Research and Theory Guest Editors: Tom Beckers, Jan de Houwer and Helena MatuteVolume 60, Issue 3 (2007) ISBN 978-1-84169-824-3The Role of Medial Temporal Lobe in Memory and PerceptionA Special Issue of QJEP Section BGuest Editors: Kim Graham and David GaffanVolume 58, Issues 3-4 (2005) ISBN 978-1-84169-998-1 Related LinksBrowse books in Cognitive Psychology, and view forthcoming conferences in Cognitive Psychology.Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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RSC Chemical Biology

eISSN: 2633-0679
JUFO Level 1

RSC Chemical Biology is a gold open access journal dedicated to publishing and disseminating exceptional, breakthrough research and high-quality reviews at the interface of chemistry and biology. We welcome contributions from across the breadth of the chemical biology field. This includes Sensing and Imaging, Bioorthogonal chemistry, Biosynthesis, Biomimetics and Bioengineering, Synthetic biology, Directed evolution, Drugs development and mechanism of action, Glycoscience, Natural products, Nucleic acids, Peptides, Phenotypic screening, Proteins (including protein-protein interactions, modifications, structure and function) We are particularly interested in reports on the application of chemical tools to probe, explore and visualize biological systems and processes to provide insights into molecular mechanisms in health and disease. We also encourage translational research that bridges chemistry and chemical biology to medicine.

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Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Trabalho

ISSN: 1679-4435

Risk Analysis

ISSN: 0272-4332eISSN: 1539-6924
JUFO Level 1

Risk analysis is the science of evaluating health, environmental, and engineering risks resulting from past, current, or anticipated, future activities. The use of these evaluations include providing information for determining regulatory actions to limit risk, presenting scientific evidence in legal settings, evaluating products and potential liabilities--within private organizations, resolving World Trade disputes amongst nations, and for educating the public concerning particular risk issues. Risk analysis is an interdisciplinary science that relies on epidemiology and laboratory studies, collection of exposure and other field data, computer modeling, and related social and economic and communication considerations. In addition, social dimensions of risk are addressed by social scientists. Methods of risk analysis and the outcome of particular evaluations are regularly presented in scholarly papers that are published in Risk Analysis: An International Journal and topics are as diverse as quality of drinking water, air and land contamination, the safety of foods and drugs, automobile and infrastructure safety, and risk associated with weapons of mass destruction.

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ISSN: 0161-8105eISSN: 1550-9109
JUFO Level 2

SLEEP is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific and medical journal featuring a wide spectrum of sleep-related research. The journal is the official publication of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC (APSS), a joint venture of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society.The primary audiences are clinicians and research professionals specializing in sleep-related disorders. SLEEP publishes 12 regular issues annually, along with a digital supplement featuring abstracts presented at the yearly SLEEP Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies. Subscribers have access to all new and archived issued online. All articles are available to the public free of charge six months after publication.Sleep specialists treat a broad spectrum of disorders, categorized into primary dysfunction of the neural mechanisms of sleep and arousal, pathologies uniquely related to sleep and disturbances of sleep associated with behavioral or psychiatric syndromes. Experts come from a variety of primary backgrounds, including pulmonology, neurology, psychiatry, psychology, otolaryngology, and dentistry.SLEEP publishes original findings and analysis related to sleep disorders, medical dysfunctions during sleep, clinical investigations, therapeutic trials, physiologic events, anatomic structures and molecular components underlying normal and abnormal sleep, psychological and psychophysiologic research, and the pharmacology of sleep.

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Seminars in Reproductive Medicine

ISSN: 1526-8004eISSN: 1526-4564
JUFO Level 1

Seminars in Reproductive Medicine is a bi-monthly topic driven review journal that provides in-depth coverage of important advances in the understanding of normal and disordered human reproductive function, as well as new diagnostic and interventional techniques.Seminars in Reproductive Medicine offers an informed perspective on issues like male and female infertility, reproductive physiology, pharmacological hormonal manipulation, and state-of-the-art assisted reproductive technologies.2011 Topics Include:Regenerative Medicine Meets GynecologyThe Role of Modern Reproductive Surgery for the Evaluation, Therapy and Preservation of Fertility.

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Sleep Medicine Research

ISSN: 2093-9175eISSN: 2233-8853
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Sleep Medicine Reviews

ISSN: 1087-0792eISSN: 1532-2955
JUFO Level 2

Sleep Medicine Reviews provides International coverage of sleep disorders, their aetiology, diagnosis, treatment and implications for related conditions at an individual and public health level.Articles review the clinical information published in peer-reviewed journals devoted to the many disciplines involved in sleep medicine, including: pulmonology, psychiatry, psychology, physiology, otolaryngology, paediatrics, geriatrics, cardiology, dentistry, nursing, neurology and general medicine.The journal publishes narrative reviews, systematic reviews and editorials covering area of controversy and debate, as well as areas of future research.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Sleep and Biological Rhythms

ISSN: 1446-9235eISSN: 1479-8425
JUFO Level 1

Sleep and Biological Rhythms is the official journal of the Japanese Society of Sleep Research, and publishes original research articles dealing with sleep and wakefulness, including biological rhythms. Papers in basic science, medicine and social science relating to sleep and/or biological rhythms will be considered for publication. Both members and non-members of the Japanese Society of Sleep Research are welcome to submit papers to the journal.

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Somnology – Current Sleep Research and Concepts

ISSN: 1432-9123eISSN: 1439-054X
JUFO Level 1

Die Zeitschrift Somnologie ist das offizielle Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin (DGSM), der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Schlafmedizin und Schlafforschung (ÖGSM) und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung, Schlafmedizin und Chronobiologie (SGSSC).

Auf der Basis von aktuellen, klinisch relevanten Forschungsergebnissen, befasst sie sich mit der Ätiologie, Pathophysiologie, Differenzialdiagnostik und Therapie der verschiedenen Schlafstörungen.

Eine wissenschaftlich hochqualifizierte Analyse der verschiedenen Ursachen von Schlafstörungen erfordert die Kooperation einer Vielzahl von medizinischen Fachdis-ziplinen. Durch die Zusammenarbeit von Vertretern aus den Bereichen der Epidemiologie, Humangenetik, HNO, Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie, Innere Medizin, Pneumologie, Kardiologie, Gastroenterologie, Neurologie, Neurophysiologie, Physiologie, Psychologie, Pädiatrie und Pharmakologie erfüllt die Somnologie die multidisziplinären Anforderungen der Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin.

Neben experimentellen und klinischen Originalarbeiten werden Reviews, Fallberichte sowie Empfehlungen und Leitlinien publiziert. Durch das Peer-Review-Verfahren und Online-First-Publikationen gewährleistet die Zeitschrift international wissenschaftlichen Standard. Official Journal of the German Sleep Society (DGSM), the Austrian Sleep Research Association (ASRA) and the Swiss Society of Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine, and Chronobiology (SSSSC).

On the basis of current, clinically relevant research results, the journal Somnologie is concerned with the etiology, pathophysiology, differential diagnostics and treatment of various sleep disorders.

A scientific, comprehensive analysis of the various causes of sleep disorders requires the cooperation of several branches of medicine. Due to the cooperation of, specialists in the areas of epidemiology, human genetics, ENT, OMF, internal medicine, pneumology, cardiology, gastroenterology, neurology, neurophysiology, physiology, psychology, pediatrics, and pharmacology, Somnologie fulfills the multidisciplinary requirements of sleep research and sleep medicine.In addition to experimental and clinical original articles, reviews, case reports, recommendations and guidelines are published. With the peer-review process and Online First publication of articles, the journal ensures international scientific standards.

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Translational Research

ISSN: 1931-5244
JUFO Level 2
Translational Research (formerly The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine) delivers original investigations in the broad fields of laboratory, clinical, and public health research. Published monthly since 1915, it keeps readers up-to-date on significant biomedical research from all subspecialties of medicine. Interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary in scope, it aims to expedite the translation of scientific discovery into new or improved standards of care and promotes a wide-ranging exchange between basic, preclinical, clinical, epidemiologic, and health outcomes research. It encourages of studies describing preclinical research with potential for application to human disease, and studies describing research obtained from preliminary human experimentation with potential to refine the understanding of biological principles underpinning human disease. Also encouraged are studies describing public health research with potential for application to the clinic, disease prevention, or healthcare policy.

Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our services.

Please see our for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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