PSICOLOGICA was born in 1980 as an instrument for publication of articles in Methodology and Experimental Psychology. This is an open access journal, available since 1998. It is published in 1 volume per year (2 issues) by the Department of Methodology of the Behavioral Sciences of the University of Valencia (Spain) (Legal Dep.: -1419-1981. print ISSN 0211-2159, electronic ISSN 1576-8597). We maintain a MAILING LIST with the addresses of all interested readers to keep them periodically informed of accepted papers and news. If you are interested in receiving this information, please register at the FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology) repository. PSICOLOGICA is included in several databases such as PsycINFO, Psyclit Database, Psychological Abstracts, Ulrich International Periodical Directory, PUBLIST (The Internet Directory Publications), ISSN International, PSICODOC, the ISOC database (PSEDISOC), CSIC-RISO, CIRBIC-REVISTAS, COMPLUDOC, and in the Spanish listing of Social Sciences, A: Psychology and Education. More important, as of January, 2005, PSICOLOGICA is been covered in the SOCIAL SCIENCE CITATION INDEX (Thomson-ISI). est né de la volonté de quatre maisons d'édition (Belin, De Boeck, La Découverte et Erès) ayant en charge la publication et la diffusion de revues de sciences humaines et sociales, d’unir leurs efforts pour améliorer leur présence sur l’Internet, et de proposer à d’autres acteurs souhaitant développer une version électronique de leurs publications, les outils techniques et commerciaux développés à cet effet.En février 2006, la Bibliothèque nationale de France s’est associée à ce projet, de façon à faciliter le développement d’une offre éditoriale francophone, sous forme numé réunit, en outre, différents investisseurs institutionnels, notamment Gesval, la société ayant en charge la gestion des participations de l’Université de Liège.En France, le Centre national du livre apporte son soutien à cette initiative.
The journal Psychological Research publishes articles that contribute to a basic understanding of human perception, attention, memory and action. It is devoted to the dissemination of knowledge based on firm experimental ground, independent of any particular approach or school of thought. The contents include theoretical and historical papers as well as those of an applied nature that serve to bridge the gap between basic and applied research.2 Year Impact Factor: 2.472 (2011)5 Year Impact Factor: 2.371 (2011)
Section 'Psychology, Experimental': Rank 23 out of 842.371 (2011)
Section 'Psychology, Experimental': Rank 23 out of 84
Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory Research and Practice (formerly The British Journal of Medical Psychology) is an international scientific journal with a focus on the psychological aspects of mental health difficulties and well-being, and psychological problems and their psychological treatments including: • theoretical and research development in the understanding of cognitive and emotional factors in psychological disorders; .
Psychology in the Schools, which is published eight times per year, is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to research, opinion, and practice. The journal welcomes theoretical and applied manuscripts, focusing on the issues confronting school psychologists, teachers, counselors, administrators, and other personnel workers in schools and colleges, public and private organizations. Preferences will be given to manuscripts that clearly describe implications for the practitioner in the schools.
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts is devoted to promoting scholarship on the psychology of the production and appreciation of the arts and all aspects of creative endeavor. To that end, we publish manuscripts presenting original empirical research and papers that synthesize and evaluate extant research that relate to the psychology of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts. Generally, qualitative work, case studies, essays, interviews, biographical profiles, and literature reviews are discouraged.
The journal Psychonomic Bulletin & Review provides coverage spanning a broad spectrum of topics in all areas of experimental psychology, intended for a general readership. The journal is primarily dedicated to the publication of theory and review articles and brief reports of outstanding experimental work. Areas of coverage include attention and perception, cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, behavioral and cognitive neuroscience, memory, comparative psychology, social cognition, and cognitive development. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review is a publication of the Psychonomic Society.
Public Understanding of Science is a fully peer reviewed, quarterly international journal covering all aspects of the inter-relationships between science (including technology and medicine) and the public. Topics Covered Include: popular representations of science, scientific and para-scientific belief systems, science in schools, history of science, education of popular science, science and the media.
Prepared exclusively by professionals, this refereed journal publishes original manuscripts in the fields of literacy, reading, and related psychology disciplines. Articles appear in the form of completed research; practitioner-based "experiential" methods or philosophical statements; teacher and counselor preparation services for guiding all levels of reading skill development, attitudes, and interests; programs or materials; and literary or humorous contributions.Peer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Reading Research Quarterly is the leading global journal offering multidisciplinary scholarship on literacy among learners of all ages, including the latest research studies (methods, results, effects, findings, and implications). For more than 40 years, Reading Research Quarterly has been essential reading for those committed to scholarship on literacy among learners of all ages. The leading research journal in the field, each issue of RRQ includes*Reports of important studies*Multidisciplinary research*Various modes of investigation*Diverse viewpoints on literacy practices, teaching, and learning RRQ is published online and in print four times a year: January, April, July, and October.
Autism Spectrum Disorders are problems of social skills, empathy, and effective use of language for communication. Many challenges exist to better identify and treat the range of symptoms these persons display. These issues are compounded by the fact that upwards of 70% of these individuals have an intellectual disability and many also evince challenging behaviors such as self-injury and/or aggression, and comorbid mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety disorders. Furthermore, while great advances are being made with young children with the potential for even greater gains, little is known about assessment or intervention with teenagers and adults.Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders (RASD) will publish high quality empirical articles and reviews with a primary focus on applied topics. These areas will include but not be limited to diagnosis, incidence and prevalence, methods of evaluating treatment effects, educational, pharmacological, and psychological interventions across the life span. The primary audience for the journal will be researchers and clinicians with advanced degrees in the areas of mental health, education, communication disorders, rehabilitation, and allied disciplines.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Research In Developmental Disabilities is aimed at publishing original research of an interdisciplinary nature that has a direct bearing on the remediation of problems associated with developmental disabilities. Manuscripts will be solicited throughout the world. Articles will be primarily empirical studies, although an occasional position paper or review will be accepted. The aim of the journal will be to publish articles on all aspects of research with the developmentally disabled, with any methodologically sound approach being acceptable. A list of topics areas that is illustrative but not inclusive is applied behavior analysis, pharmacotherapy, traditional assessment, behavioral assessment, speech training and occupational therapy. Our aim is to publish the best available and most current research possible.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Research in Human Development is moving away from an isolated emphasis on particular stages ranging from infancy to later adulthood and from a reduction of multiple levels of organization to variables or processes associated with one discipline. Accordingly, Research in Human Development (RHD) seeks to promote a shift away from research focused on development at particular stages (early childhood, adolescence, middle age, older adulthood) and from separate fields of inquiry to a more inclusive, integrative, and interdisciplinary approach to the study of human development across the entire life span. The integration of the person and his or her context across life is the focus of the scholarship promoted by this journal; as such, multilevel, multivariate, and integrative longitudinal study of person-context relations is emphasized in these publications. Specifically, an interdisciplinary focus that integratively incorporates biological, psychological, sociological, anthropological, economic, and historical perspectives is stressed in the pages of RHD. To encompass such breadth, the publications incorporate a variety of research methods--from quantitative to qualitative.Moreover, the journal seeks to promote scholarship on the social, cultural, national, and global contexts of human development across diverse ethnic and racial groups employing multiple methods. Finally, RHD seeks to promote scholarship that informs and changes public policies and social programs that promote positive and healthy human development for all people. In short, by providing a forum for research that is life-span oriented, interdisciplinary, contextual, and methodologically diverse, the journal will significantly advance the field of human development.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology brings together the latest research on psychopathology in childhood and adolescence, with an emphasis on empirical studies of the major childhood disorders (the disruptive behavior disorders, depression, anxiety, and pervasive developmental disorders). Studies focus on the epidemiology, etiology, assessment, treatment, prognosis, follow-up, and developmental course of child and adolescent disorders. Studies highlighting risk and protective factors, the ecology and correlates of children's behavior problems, and advances in prevention and treatment are featured. The Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology is the official journal of the International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (ISRCAP), a multidisciplinary scientific society.