Documenta Praehistorica is an international journal that focuses on interdisciplinary research in cognition and materialities of prehistoric cultures, archaeogenetic studies, palaeodemography, population dynamics and cultural trajectories in prehistory, settlement and landscape dynamics, climate anomalies, radiocarbon dating, palaeodietary reconstruction based on stable isotope analysis, chemistry in archaeology and palaeoenvironmental studies. The main strength of the journal is that it provides an opportunity for the publication of diverse approaches, theories and specific case studies, while maintaining a coherent editorial policy in addressing significant topics and studies relating to Eurasian prehistory.
Drug and Alcohol Review is an international meeting ground for the views, expertise and experience of all those involved in studying alcohol, tobacco and drug problems. Contributors to the Journal examine and report on alcohol and drug use from a wide range of clinical, biomedical, epidemiological, psychological and sociological perspectives. Drug and Alcohol Review particularly encourages the submission of papers which have a harm reduction perspective. However, all philosophies will find a place in the Journal: the principal criterion for publication of papers is their quality.
Drugs: education, prevention & policy is a refereed journal which aims to provide a forum for communication and debate between policy makers, practitioners and researchers concerned with social and health policy responses to legal and illicit drug use and drug-related harm. The journal publishes multi-disciplinary research papers, commentaries and reviews on policy, prevention and harm reduction issues regarding the use and misuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. It is journal policy to encourage submissions which reflect different cultural, historical and theoretical approaches to the development of policy and practice.The Editor welcomes contributions based on original research, policy discussion, evaluations of policy and practice, literature reviews, and papers which examine historical and cultural aspects of substance use and social responses to use and problematic use.Short contributions are also welcome for two new sections in the journal:Policy News will aim to provide information and discussion on current policy developments and issues of national or international importance in prevention or harm reductionConference Reports is intended to provide brief accounts, from the contributor’s point of view, of the themes and outcomes from national or international conferences.Read More:
Drus?tvena istraz?ivanja is a journal for general social issues, embracing complete thematic and disciplinary openness. It publishes works in different social disciplines (sociology, psychology, political science, psychiatry, history, law, economics, demography, linguistics etc.), but also publishes work that transcends the frontiers of individual disciplines. Papers are subject to anonymous review procedures. .
Dutch Crossing published since 1977, is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, devoted to all aspects of Low Countries studies: Dutch language and literature, history and art history of the Low Countries, the social sciences and cultural studies, and Dutch as a foreign language. It also publishes conference papers, research reports, book reviews and occasionally, English translations of Dutch literary works. Coverage includes both the Netherlands and Belgium, as well as other places where Dutch historically had or continues to have an impact, including parts of the Americas, Southern Africa and South-East Asia. A special focus concerns relations between the Low Countries and the English-speaking world in all periods from the Middle Ages to the present day.