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ISSN: 0004-0843
JUFO Level 1

Arctic is North America's premier journal of northern research! Now in its seventh decade of continuous publishing, Arctic contains contributions from any area of scholarship dealing with the polar and subpolar regions of the world. Articles in Arctic present original research and have withstood intensive peer review. Arctic also publishes reviews of new books on the North, profiles of significant people, places and northern events, and topical commentaries. For examples of recent content please see the Arctic Contents page.Arctic also contains the general interest section InfoNorth, which contains a contributed essay of northern interest and Institute news. To obtain an idea of the subjects covered by InfoNorth essays please look at the last item in each issue of Arctic since March 1997 using the Arctic Contents page.A subscription to Arctic will keep you informed of current thought and directions that cross disciplinary boundaries, enabling a broader understanding of today's rapidly changing circumpolar world. Arctic is distributed to members and organizational subscribers quarterly. See the "Join AINA" page for prices and ordering information. Unless noted otherwise on the Arctic Contents page, Arctic single and back issues are available for $25.00 each. To order back issues, please contact for ordering information. Please have the appropriate volume and number of the issue you wish to purchase. Microfilm copies may be ordered from University Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Road, P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106-1346, U.S.A.Researchers who wish to submit papers for publication in Arctic, and members and subscribers who wish to learn more about the journal's peer review and editorial processes, should consult our detailed Guide for Authors. Book reviewers should consult our Guide for Book Reviewers.Arctic is a member of the Canadian Association of Learned Journals . (ISSN 0004-0843).

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Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research

ISSN: 1523-0430eISSN: 1938-4246
JUFO Level 1

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research is a quarterly international journal. It publishes original research papers, shorter contributions, resulting correspondence, and book reviews. The subject matter deals with any scientific or cultural aspect of Arctic, Antarctic, and alpine environments and related topics on subarctic, subantarctic, subalpine environments, and paleoenvironments. Papers may be uni- or multidisciplinary but should have interdisciplinary appeal. Special thematic issues and proceedings are published from time to time.

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ISSN: 0373-2266
JUFO Level 1


ISSN: 0570-7358
JUFO Level 1

Arthropod Structure & Development

ISSN: 1467-8039
JUFO Level 1

Arthropod Structure & Development is a Journal of ArthropodStructural Biology, Development, and Functional Morphology; it considers manuscripts that deal with micro- and neuroanatomy, development, biomechanics, organogenesis in particular under comparative and evolutionary aspects but not merely taxonomic papers. The aim of the journal is to publish papers in the areas of functional and comparative anatomy and development, with an emphasis on the role of cellular organization in organ function. The journal will also publish papers on organogenisis, embryonic and postembryonic development, and organ or tissue regeneration and repair. Manuscripts dealing with comparative and evolutionary aspects of microanatomy and development are encouraged. Specifically, the following research areas will be covered:• Integument and effector organs (exoskeleton, muscles and glands).• Sensory structures, peripheral, autonomic and central nervous systems, and neuroendocrine systems.• Circulatory, respiratory, visceral, and excretory organs.• Reproductive systems, organogenesis and repair.• Pattern formation and development.• Comparative microanatomy and morphology of arthropods from the phylogenetic view.A thorough but efficient peer-review system with the assistance of section and advisory editors of world-wide reputation will ensure that published papers will conform to high scientific standards. Review articles and article series on relevant topics will be invited at regular intervals and will be subject to peer-review. Particular emphasis will be given to high quality line and half-tone illustrations. Exceptional colour plates will be printed free of charge. Supplementary 3-D and motion figures and other electronic addenda can be submitted with the manuscript and published on the journal's website after acceptance.

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Arthropod-Plant Interactions

ISSN: 1872-8855eISSN: 1872-8847
JUFO Level 1

Arthropod-Plant Interactions is dedicated to publishing high quality original papers and reviews with a broad fundamental or applied focus on ecological, biological, and evolutionary aspects of the interactions between insects and other arthropods with plants. Coverage extends to all aspects of such interactions including chemical, biochemical, genetic, and molecular analysis, as well reporting on multitrophic studies, ecophysiology, and mutualism. Arthropod-Plant Interactions encourages the submission of forum papers that challenge prevailing hypotheses. The journal encourages a diversity of opinion by presenting both invited and unsolicited review papers. The Editor-in-Chief is Heikki M.T. Hokkanen, University of Helsinki, Finland.

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Arthropoda Selecta

ISSN: 0136-006X
JUFO Level 1

Asian Myrmecology

ISSN: 1985-1944
JUFO Level 1
Publisher: Penerbit UMS

Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific

ISSN: 0066-8435eISSN: 1535-8283
JUFO Level 1

Asian Perspectivesis the leading archaeological journal devoted to the prehistory of Asia and the Pacific region. In addition to archaeology, it features articles and book reviews on ethnoarchaeology, palaeonanthropology, physical anthropology, and ethnography of interest and use to the prehistorian. International specialists contribute regional reports summarizing current research and fieldwork, and present topical reports of significant sites.

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Austral Ecology: A Journal of Ecology in the Southern Hemisphere

ISSN: 1442-9985eISSN: 1442-9993
JUFO Level 1

Austral Ecology is the premier journal for basic and applied ecology in the Southern Hemisphere. As the official Journal of The Ecological Society of Australia (ESA), Austral Ecology addresses the commonality between ecosystems in Australia and many parts of southern Africa, South America, New Zealand and Oceania. For example many species in the unique biotas of these regions share common Gondwana ancestors. ESA's aim is to publish innovative research to encourage the sharing of information and experiences that enrich the understanding of the ecology of the Southern Hemisphere. Austral Ecology involves an editorial board with representatives from Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Brazil and Argentina. These representatives provide expert opinions, access to qualified reviewers and act as a focus for attracting a wide range of contributions from countries across the region. Austral Ecology publishes original papers describing experimental, observational or theoretical studies on terrestrial, marine or freshwater systems, which are considered without taxonomic bias. Special thematic issues are published regularly, including symposia on the ecology of estuaries and soft sediment habitats, freshwater systems and coral reef fish.

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Australian Journal of Botany

ISSN: 0067-1924eISSN: 1444-9862
JUFO Level 1

The Australian Journal of Botany is an international journal for publication of original research in plant science. Work on all plant groups, including fossil plants, is published. The journal publishes in the areas of ecology and ecophysiology; conservation biology and biodiversity; forest biology and management; cell and molecular biology; paleobotany; reproductive biology and genetics; mycology and pathology; and structure and development. Review articles will also be considered.

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Australian Journal of Zoology

ISSN: 0004-959XeISSN: 1446-5698
JUFO Level 1

The Australian Journal of Zoology is an international journal that publishes papers and critical reviews that demonstrate a conceptual advance to any aspect of zoology. The focus is on the Australasian fauna, however, high quality papers from any region that have practical or theoretical relevance to any general zoological issue will be considered. Subject areas include anatomy, physiology, molecular biology, genetics, reproductive biology, developmental biology, parasitology, morphology, behaviour, ecology, zoogeography, systematics and evolution.

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Australian Mammalogy

ISSN: 0310-0049eISSN: 1836-7402

Australian Mammalogy is a major journal for the publication of research articles and notes in all branches of mammalogy. The Journal´s emphasis is on studies relating to Australasian mammals, both native and introduced, and includes marine mammals in the Antarctic region. Subject areas include anatomy, behaviour, ecology, genetics, reproductive and developmental biology, parasites and diseases of mammals, physiology, molecular biology, taxonomy, systematics and evolution. Review articles and collections of symposium papers are welcomed. Australian Mammalogy is for professional mammalogists, research scientists, resource managers, consulting ecologists, students and amateurs interested in any aspects of the biology and management of mammals.

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Australian Systematic Botany

ISSN: 1030-1887eISSN: 1446-5701
JUFO Level 1

Australian Systematic Botany considers papers and critical reviews that aim to advance systematic botany and related aspects of biogeography and evolution of all plant groups, including fossils. Descriptive taxonomic papers should normally constitute a comprehensive treatment of group. Short papers on individual species and nomenclatural papers must contain significant new information of broader interest to be considered. Papers dealing with groups of unrelated species or miscellaneous collections of species are not considered. Numbered series of papers are discouraged. The prestigious L.A.S. Johnson Review Series is published. Other review articles will also be considered.

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Austrian Journal of Forest Science

ISSN: 0379-5292
JUFO Level 1

Avian Biology Research

eISSN: 1758-1559
JUFO Level 1
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Avian Conservation and Ecology

eISSN: 1712-6568
JUFO Level 1

Avian Conservation and Ecology is an open-access, fully electronic scientific journal, sponsored by the Society of Canadian Ornithologists and Bird Studies Canada. We publish papers that are scientifically rigorous and relevant to the bird conservation community in a cost-effective electronic approach that makes them freely available to scientists and the public in real-time. ACE is a fully indexed ISSN journal that welcomes contributions from scientists all over the world. While the name of the journal implies a publication niche of conservation AND ecology, we think the theme of conservation THROUGH ecology provides a better sense of our purpose. As such, we are particularly interested in contributions that use a scientifically sound and rigorous approach to the achievement of avian conservation as revealed through insights into ecological principles and processes. Papers are expected to fall along a continuum of pure conservation and management at one end to more pure ecology at the other but our emphasis will be on those contributions with direct relevance to conservation objectives.

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Avian Research

eISSN: 2053-7166
JUFO Level 1

ornithology, avian research

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ISSN: 0404-4266eISSN: 2420-9589
JUFO Level 1

BMC Biology

eISSN: 1741-7007
JUFO Level 2

BMC Biology is the flagship biology journal of the BMC series, now incorporating Journal of Biology, the premier biology journal of BioMed Central, and publishes peer-reviewed research and methodology articles of special importance and broad interest in any area of biology and biomedical sciences, as well as full reviews, opinion pieces, commentary and Q&As on topics of special or topical interest.

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