Cell Communication and Signaling, the official journal of the Signal Transduction Society, encompasses all basic and translational aspects of cellular communications. This includes but is not limited to the identification and functional analysis of ligands, receptors, signal transducers and other biomolecules participating in cellular signaling pathways in normal and pathological conditions.
If your lab's work was recently scooped by a paper in Cell, Nature or Science, please contact us for ultra-rapid peer-review and publicationCancer cells accelerate aging and inflammation in the body to drive tumor growthA trio of papers in the June 1st issue of Cell Cycle by Dr. Lisanti and his research team sheds new light on the longstanding conundrum about what makes a tumor grow -- and how to make it stop.
Cell Death & Differentiation is a journal devoted to the cell biology, molecular biology and biochemistry of cell death and differentiation, both in normal tissue regulation and in disease. To this end, Cell Death & Differentiation provides a unified forum for scientists as well as clinicians. It is committed to the rapid publication of high quality original papers that relate to these subjects, together with topical, usually solicited, reviews, meeting reports, editorial correspondence and occasional commentaries on controversial and scientifically informative issues.
Cell Death & Disease is a peer-reviewed open access online journal that will publish full-length papers, reviews and commentaries describing original research in the field of translational cell death. It seeks to promote diverse and integrated areas of Experimental and Internal Medicine with its specialities, including Cancer, Immunity and Neuroscience.Cell Death & Disease seeks to encompass the breadth of translational implications of cell death, and topics of particular concentration will include, but are not limited to, the following:* Experimental medicine* Cancer* Immunity* Internal medicine* Neuroscience.
cell growth and differentiation, signal transduction, apoptosis, stem cells, development, immunology
Cell Division is ready to receive manuscripts concerning all aspects of cell cycle control in eukaryotes.
Cell Metabolism publishes reports of novel results in any area of metabolic biology, from molecular and cellular biology to translational studies. The unifying theme is homeostatic mechanisms in health and disease, from simpler model systems all the way to the clinic. Published work should not only be of exceptional significance within its field, but also of interest to researchers outside the immediate area. Cell Metabolism also provides expert analysis and commentary on key findings in the field. The journal's mission is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and concepts across the entire metabolic research community, cultivating new areas and fostering cross-disciplinary collaborations in basic research and clinical investigation. Cell Metabolism publishes papers in any aspect of basic and translational metabolic research, including (but not limited to):Adipogenesis/lipidsObesityDiabetesCardiovascular diseaseHypertensionBone homeostasisAging and stress responseEnergy balanceMitochondriaHormone receptorsFor more information please visit www.cellmetabolism.org
Cell Regeneration is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes novel research articles as well as in depth reviews in modern biology, especially in the field of stem cell and regenerative biology, and regenerative medicine. The journal is supported by the Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, who covers the cost of publication on behalf of the authors upon acceptance of their article.
Cell Research publishes results of significance and originality in all disciplines of cell biology and molecular biology. The journal has an international authorship and a broad scope in basic research including: * Cell growth, differentiation & apoptosis * Signal transduction * Stem cell biology & development * Chromatin, epigenetics & transcription * miRNA function & mechanism * Cancer biology * Immunity & molecular pathogenesis * Molecular & cellular neuroscience * Plant cell biology * Genomics & proteomicsCell Research is published by Nature Publishing Group in partnership with the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences (SIBS), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). In CR the Editorial team and NPG provide readers with high quality original articles and sharply focused reviews and commentaries which span the life sciences. CR is China's best journal in the Life Sciences and it is a valued member of NPG's highly respected family of Molecular Cell Biology journals.Cell Research, which publishes exclusively in English, is China's leading journal in the life sciences.
For more information, go to http://www.cell.com/cell-stem-cell/home
Cell Stress and Chaperones is a multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal that captures the eclectic spirit of the cellular stress response field in a single, concentrated source of current information. The Journal publishes basic and applied research on cellular stress responses of animals, micro-organisms and plants.5-Year Journal Impact Factor: 2.667 (2011) *
* Journal Citation Reports®, Thomson Reuters
<<Message from JSCB>>The online publication of this journal is supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
The journal’s scope includes systems at all scales8212;from molecules, pathways, cells, and tissues to whole organisms, populations, and ecosystems8212;and a diversity of traditional disciplines, including but not limited to microbiology, cancer, immunology, plant biology, computational biology, genomics, proteomics, translational medicine, digital healthcare, biological engineering, and systems and synthetic biology.
In addition to peer-reviewed research,
Cell Transplantation publishes original, peer-reviewed research and review articles on the subject of cell transplantation and its application to human diseases. To ensure high-quality contributions from all areas of transplantation, separate section editors and editorial boards have been established. Articles deal with a wide range of topics including physiological, medical, preclinical, tissue engineering, and device-oriented aspects of transplantation of nervous system, endocrine, growth factor-secreting, bone marrow, epithelial, endothelial, and genetically engineered cells, among others. Basic clinical studies and immunological research papers are also featured. To provide complete coverage of this revolutionary field, Cell Transplantation will report on relevant technological advances, and ethical and regulatory considerations of cell transplants. Cell Transplantation is now an Open Access journal starting with volume 18 in 2009, and therefore there will be an inexpensive publication charge, which is dependent on the number of pages, in addition to the charge for color figures. This will allow work to be disseminated to a wider audience and also entitle the corresponding author to a free PDF, as well as prepublication of an unedited version of the manuscript.
Cell and Tissue Banking provides a forum for disseminating information to scientists and clinicians involved in the banking and transplantation of cells and tissues. Cell and Tissue Banking is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original papers in such areas as quality assurance and control of banked cells and tissues; preservation and sterilization methods; clinical applications of banked cells and tissues; standards of practice in procurement, processing, storage and distribution; and ethical and medico-legal issues. Research is presented in the form of full-length papers describing original work; short communications for rapid publication; and mini- and full-length reviews of topical issues.
The journal publishes papers on vast aspects of cell research, including morphology, biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, molecular biology, immunology. The journal accepts original experimental studies, theoretical articles suggesting novel principles and approaches, presentations of new hypotheses, reviews highlighting major developments in cell biology, discussions. The main objective of the journal is to provide a competent representation and integration of research made on cells (animal and plant cells, both in vivo and in cell culture) offering insight into the structure and functions of live cells as a whole. Characteristically, the journal publishes articles on biology of free-living and parasitic protists, which, unlike Metazoa, are eukaryotic organisms at the cellular level of organization.