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Anatomy and Cell Biology

ISSN: 2093-3673eISSN: 2093-3673
JUFO Level 1

Annals of Anatomy

ISSN: 0940-9602eISSN: 1618-0402
JUFO Level 1

For more than a century the Annals of Anatomy have been one of the most famous and widespread journals on morphology. The journal is open to original papers covering a link between anatomy and areas such as molecular biology, cell biology, reproductive biology, immunobiology, developmental biology, neurobiology, embryology as well as neuroanatomy, neuroimmunology, clinical anatomy, comparative anatomy, modern imaging techniques, evolution, and especially also aging. Moreover, manuscripts dealing with all forms of anatomical teaching and new forms of curricula will be considered for publication. Priority will be given to experimental studies; merely descriptive studies will only be published if the Editors consider that they are of functional significance.Annals of Anatomy publish original articles as well as brief review articles and is the official journal of the Anatomische Gesellschaft (Anatomical Society).

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Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology

ISSN: 1081-0706eISSN: 1530-8995
JUFO Level 2

The Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, in publication since 1985, covers the most significant developments in the field of Cell and Developmental Biology, including structure, function, and organization of the cell, development and evolution of the cell as it relates to single and multicellular organisms, and models and tools of molecular biology.

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Arthropod Structure & Development

ISSN: 1467-8039
JUFO Level 1

Arthropod Structure & Development is a Journal of ArthropodStructural Biology, Development, and Functional Morphology; it considers manuscripts that deal with micro- and neuroanatomy, development, biomechanics, organogenesis in particular under comparative and evolutionary aspects but not merely taxonomic papers. The aim of the journal is to publish papers in the areas of functional and comparative anatomy and development, with an emphasis on the role of cellular organization in organ function. The journal will also publish papers on organogenisis, embryonic and postembryonic development, and organ or tissue regeneration and repair. Manuscripts dealing with comparative and evolutionary aspects of microanatomy and development are encouraged. Specifically, the following research areas will be covered:• Integument and effector organs (exoskeleton, muscles and glands).• Sensory structures, peripheral, autonomic and central nervous systems, and neuroendocrine systems.• Circulatory, respiratory, visceral, and excretory organs.• Reproductive systems, organogenesis and repair.• Pattern formation and development.• Comparative microanatomy and morphology of arthropods from the phylogenetic view.A thorough but efficient peer-review system with the assistance of section and advisory editors of world-wide reputation will ensure that published papers will conform to high scientific standards. Review articles and article series on relevant topics will be invited at regular intervals and will be subject to peer-review. Particular emphasis will be given to high quality line and half-tone illustrations. Exceptional colour plates will be printed free of charge. Supplementary 3-D and motion figures and other electronic addenda can be submitted with the manuscript and published on the journal's website after acceptance.

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BMC Biology

eISSN: 1741-7007
JUFO Level 2

BMC Biology is the flagship biology journal of the BMC series, now incorporating Journal of Biology, the premier biology journal of BioMed Central, and publishes peer-reviewed research and methodology articles of special importance and broad interest in any area of biology and biomedical sciences, as well as full reviews, opinion pieces, commentary and Q&As on topics of special or topical interest.

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BMC Developmental Biology

eISSN: 1471-213X
JUFO Level 1

BMC Developmental Biology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in the development, growth, differentiation and regeneration of multicellular organisms, including molecular, cellular, tissue, organ and whole organism research.

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Birth Defects Research

eISSN: 2472-1727
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Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology

ISSN: 1542-0752eISSN: 1542-0760
JUFO Level 1
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Birth Defects Research Part B: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology

ISSN: 1542-9733eISSN: 1542-9741
JUFO Level 1

The purpose of this journal is to publish original contributions describing the toxicity of chemicals to developing organisms and the process of reproduction. The scope of the journal will inlcude:• toxicity of new chemical entities and biotechnology derived products to developing organismal systems; .

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Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews

ISSN: 1542-975XeISSN: 1542-9768
JUFO Level 1

John Wiley & Sons and the Teratology Society are pleased to announce a new journal, Birth Defects Research . This new journal is a comprehensive resource of original research and reviews in fields related to embryo-fetal development and reproduction. Birth Defects Research draws from the expertise and reputation of two current Wiley journals, and introduces a new forum for reviews in developmental biology and embryology. The new journal consists of three parts:

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Brain Research

ISSN: 0006-8993
JUFO Level 1

An international multidisciplinary journal devoted to fundamental research in the brain sciences. Brain Research publishes papers reporting interdisciplinary investigations of nervous system structure and function that are of general interest to the international community of neuroscientists. As is evident from the journals name, its scope is broad, ranging from cellular and molecular studies through systems neuroscience, cognition and disease. Invited reviews are also published; suggestions for and inquiries about potential reviews are welcomed.

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Cell Cycle

ISSN: 1538-4101eISSN: 1551-4005
JUFO Level 1

If your lab's work was recently scooped by a paper in Cell, Nature or Science, please contact us for ultra-rapid peer-review and publicationCancer cells accelerate aging and inflammation in the body to drive tumor growthA trio of papers in the June 1st issue of Cell Cycle by Dr. Lisanti and his research team sheds new light on the longstanding conundrum about what makes a tumor grow -- and how to make it stop.

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Cell Regeneration

ISSN: 2045-9769eISSN: 2045-9769

Cell Regeneration is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes novel research articles as well as in depth reviews in modern biology, especially in the field of stem cell and regenerative biology, and regenerative medicine. The journal is supported by the Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, who covers the cost of publication on behalf of the authors upon acceptance of their article.

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Cells Tissues Organs

ISSN: 1422-6405eISSN: 1422-6421
JUFO Level 1

Cells Tissues Organs aims at bridging the gap between cell biology and developmental biology and the emerging fields of regenerative medicine (stem cell biology, tissue engineering, artificial organs, in vitro systems, and transplantation biology). Cells Tissues Organs offers a rapid and fair peer review and exquisite reproduction quality. Special topic issues, entire issues of the journal devoted to a single research topic within the range of interests of the journal, are published at irregular intervals.

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Cellular Reprogramming

ISSN: 2152-4971eISSN: 2152-4998
JUFO Level 1

Cellular Reprogramming is the premier journal dedicated to this rapidly evolving field. Advances in reprogramming cellular mechanisms are transforming biomedical research and offer new insights on the etiology, development, and potential treatment of various diseases. The Journal emphasizes novel approaches for understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie the phenomenon of reprogramming. The Journal publishes articles focusing on: * Somatic cell nuclear transfer and reprogramming in early embryos * Embryonic stem cells * Nuclear transfer stem cells (stem cells derived from nuclear transfer embryos) * Generation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and/or potential for cell-based therapies * Epigenetics * Adult stem cells and pluripotency * And much more….

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Clinical Epigenetics

ISSN: 1868-7075eISSN: 1868-7083
JUFO Level 1

Clinical Epigenetics, the official journal of the Clinical Epigenetics Society, is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that encompasses all aspects of epigenetic principles and mechanisms, as well as reports on defects of epigenetic regulation, in relation to human disease, diagnosis and therapy. Epigenetic research in disease model organisms is particularly welcome.Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:  Clinical epigenetic research Chromatin modification/Histone modification Epigenetics and disease  Epigenetics and aging Epigenetics in developmental processes Epigenomics and pharmacoepigenomics Non-coding RNA and gene silencing Epigenetics, environment, nutrition and evolution

Clinical Epigenetics studies epigenetic changes in normal and diseased cells in response to internal or external factors with the aim to translate basic epigenetic research into diagnosis, therapy and prevention.

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Current Opinion in Genetics and Development

ISSN: 0959-437XeISSN: 1879-0380
JUFO Level 1

Current Opinion in Genetics and Development aims to stimulate scientifically grounded, interdisciplinary, multi-scale debate and exchange of ideas. It contains polished, concise and timely reviews and opinions, with particular emphasis on those articles published in the past two years. In addition to describing recent trends, the authors are encouraged to give their subjective opinion of the topics discussed.In Current Opinion in Genetics and Development we help the reader by providing in a systematic manner:1. The views of experts on current advances in their field in a clear and readable form.2. Evaluations of the most interesting papers, annotated by experts, from the great wealth of original publicationsCurrent Opinion in Genetics and Development will serve as an invaluable source of information for researchers, lecturers, teachers, professionals, policy makers and students.Division of the subject into sectionsThe subject of Genetics and Development is divided into six themed sections, each of which is reviewed once a year.• Genetic and cellular mechanisms of oncogenesis• Chromosomes, genomes and expression mechanisms• Molecular and genetic bases of disease• Developmental mechanisms, patterning and evolution• Differentiation and gene regulation• Genetics of system biologySelection of topics to be reviewedSection Editors, who are major authorities in the field, are appointed by the Editors of the journal. They divide their section into a number of topics, ensuring that the field is comprehensively covered and that all issues of current importance are emphasised. Section Editors commission reviews from authorities on each topic that they have selected. The Editorial Board provides support to the Editors and the Section Editors with their comments and suggestions on names and topics.Review articles in Current Opinion in Genetics and Development are by invitation only.Review ArticlesAuthors write short review articles in which they present recent developments in their subject, emphasizing the aspects that, in their opinion, are most important. In addition, they provide short annotations to the papers that they consider to be most interesting from all those published in their topic over the previous two years.Editorial OverviewSection Editors write a short overview at the beginning of the section to introduce the reviews and to draw the reader's attention to any particularly interesting developments.This successful format has made Current Opinion in Genetics and Development one of the most highly regarded and highly cited review journals in the field (Impact factor = 8.987).

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Current Plant Biology

ISSN: 2214-6628eISSN: 2214-6628
JUFO Level 1

Fundamental plant sciences is increasingly becoming a collaborative domain, with projects for example including physics, mathematics and chemistry. This is largely fuelled by the last decade's many technical advances, allowing for more discoveries but also creating new challenges, such as data storage, analysis and predictions. Interdisciplinary collaborations are often the solution to these challenges.

This journal aims to acknowledge and encourage interdisciplinary research in fundamental plant sciences. It will publish original research papers and method papers in plant research fields such as systems biology, cell biology, genetics, epigenetics, mathematical modeling, omics, signal transduction, plant-microbe interactions, synthetic biology, developmental biology, biochemistry, bioinformatics research, and big data in plant biology. High-quality review articles are also welcome.

To further encourage collaboration in the community, all accepted authors of Research articles are required to make their data accessible to the public. This will avoid duplicate projects and speed up the progress of science. The journal will actively link and cooperate with some of these databases, as well as with computational infrastructure. Data should always be submitted in raw data format, and should be submitted preferentially in publicly accessible resources maintained by for example EBI, EMBL, or NCBI data. Which data repository is used is up to the authors, however please visit for more information on depositing and linking your data with a supported data repository. For datatypes for which no such repositories exist, data should be made available through the supplementary information or the authors own website. If the data has been processed into e.g. pathways or models, then this should be made available also during the review process.

For more submission information, see our Guide for Authors.

The editorial and publishing team of the journal is dedicated to being efficient in the manuscript handling. The journal uses a double-blinded peer review, to avoid bias in the review process. The resulting publications will be open access.

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Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology

ISSN: 1941-7322eISSN: 1938-8969
JUFO Level 1

Current Stem Cell Reports

eISSN: 2198-7866
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