Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Structural Equation Modeling publishes manuscripts from all academic disciplines with an interest in structural equation modeling. These include, but are not limited to, psychology, sociology, educational research, political science, economics, management, and business/marketing. The journal contains theoretical and applied articles, a teachers' corner, book and software reviews, and advertising. Theoretical articles address new developments and examine current practices. Applied articles deal with both exploratory and confirmatory models. The teachers' corner provides instructional modules on aspects of structural equation modeling. The book and software reviews afford an opportunity to examine new modeling information and techniques. Advertising alerts readers to new products. RELATED LINKS * Research Methods books * Research Methods conferences * Join the Psychology Press Research Methods mailing list!Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous double-blind reviewing by three anonymous referees. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal (SCFIJ) is a peer reviewed periodical providing a broad international coverage of subjects relating to the management of the supply chain. It focuses on the integration of supply, production, distribution and sales. It is concerned with the management of the global supply chain from primary supplier to final customer. It provides in-depth research articles and company case studies that enrich both the knowledge of the discipline and the practices of supply chain management.
SCFIJ is designed to appeal to managers and researchers concerned with supply chain management, inter-firm relationship and organization and new technologies. Its aims are:
· to present the latest thinking, research and emerging
concepts of supply chain management
· to explore the overall philosophy of supply chain
· to further first class supply chain practices
It includes original material concerned with all facets of supply chain management in the form of:
· articles with a fundamental basis and research papers presenting results and practical applications
· papers providing experiences and practical features of supply chain management
· commented case studies illustrating international application problems
Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal welcomes research papers based on new and innovative supply chain management practices. Any appropriate research methods may be used and each paper should justify the method applied. Case studies are also welcome where they illustrate international application problems and generate discussion about supply chain policies, practices and methods. 2-3 managers or researchers, experts in the field, are invited to comment the case studies. Authors should relate their work to the existing knowledge in the field, and have impact on the SC operations in companies, setting the agenda for future research.
Contents of Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal are targeted to academics (professors, researchers), students and practitioners (supply chain managers, consultants). It is not the appropriate journal for theoretical papers without any managerial implications.
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by at least two independent, anonymous expert referees. Reviewers are drawn from the Editorial Board and a list of occasional reviewers who have been nominated for their expertise. Reviewers’ comments are based on relevance to the field, particularly applicability in industry, besides originality and scientific rigor. All peer review is double blind and submission is online via ScholarOne.
Subjects covered by SCIJ include:
Supply chain management, Supply chain strategies, collaboration, logistics pooling, purchasing, outsourcing, risk analysis, innovations, logistics services, service provider, global supply chain, sustainable supply chain, reverse supply chain, healthcare supply chain, supply chain performance, supply chain finance, supply chain control, performance measurement, knowledge management, sourcing strategies, decision-making, e-commerce, traceability, process modelling, inventory planning, city supply chain, supply chain risk management, humanitarian supply chain, information systems, new technologies, service provider, networks, physical internet, big data.
Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science is published twice a year in journal format, following on from the renowned Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science series.The journal provides state-of-the-art surveys in operations research and management science. These surveys enable educators, researchers and students to obtain an overview of subjects of current interest as well as important recent developments in established areas.What makes a good survey?The following is a list of characteristics we feel that an ideal SORMSsubmission should satisfy.1. Choice of topic:A survey topic can be both on theory and applications of OR/MS and can be of several types. For example, a survey can focus on• Results that are considered standards by experts in the community but which not have been documented in textbooks. • Standard results which have been, in some way, streamlined; for example new proof techniques leading to more elegant derivations of known results. • New developments in methodology or new application areas (hot topics).Accepted SORMS submissions should be of significant interest to the OR/MS community. The associated literature should be of sufficient significance and, from an OR perspective, originality to warrant a survey in our journal. In particular, a topic should be sufficiently broad. Surveys focusing on the work of a single author or single group of authors may be possible, but will be considered with extra care.2. Choice of audience and writing: The readership of SORMS will be broad, ranging from graduate students to senior researchers, and from OR/MS professionals to applied mathematicians. An ideal SORMS survey should be appealing to a wide enough subset of this audience.A survey paper is not written in the same way as a research paper. Technical details that are not crucial should be addressed on a sufficiently high level, readers interested in these can be referred to particular papers. Examples of good survey papers can be found in the Handbook series. Other relevant guidelines are:• A good survey does not only focus on the work of the author but provides an appropriate broader context. • It takes more effort to write a short survey than a long survey. • A good survey should have intrinsic added value, in the sense that the sum should be stronger than its parts. For example, it may provide new structure, point out connections not noticed before, or a new context for old results. • It helps if a survey is written by an expert that masters the subject enough to provide newcomers a well guided tour through a new area.
Systems Research and Behavioral Science publishes original articles on new theories, experimental research, and applications relating to all levels of living and non-living systems. Its scope is comprehensive, dealing with systems approaches to: the redesign of organisational and societal structures; the management of administrative and business processes; problems of change management; the implementation of procedures to increase the quality of work and life; the resolution of clashes of norms and values; social cognitive processes; modelling; the introduction of new scientific results, etc. The editors especially want manuscripts of a theoretical or empirical nature which have broad interdisciplinary implications not found in a journal devoted to a single discipline.
TEST is an international journal of statistics and probability, sponsored by the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research. Its scope includes both established and emerging areas, and English is the journal’s official language.TEST focuses on papers that offer original theoretical contributions and that have demonstrated or potential value for applications. Methodological content is crucial for publication in the journal as is detailed coverage of practical implications.In addition to the regular contributions, each issue of TEST features an invited paper covering a current and challenging topic authored by an internationally recognized statistician. One volume is published annually in four issues.Officially cited as: TestImpact factors
2009: 1.241 ( 34 of 100 )
2010: 1.036 ( 45 of 110 )
2011: 1.125 ( 42 of 116 )
2012: 1.271 ( 36 of 117 )
TOP is the official journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research. International in focus, the journal publishes original findings in operations research and management sciences. Contributions investigate either mathematical issues or applications to real-world decision-making problems. The topics covered are continuous and discrete optimization, games, decision theory, logistics, production planning, stochastic models, simulation, and OR applications.Officially cited as: Top
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management is an international research journal, linking the analysis of science and technology with the strategic needs of policy makers and management. The journal presents research on the analysis and assessment of technologies, their potentialities and impacts, and the development of methodological tools for the identification and analysis of key scientific and technological developments. The scope of the journal extends from technological issues and questions at the corporate and organizational level, through the intermediate levels of the firm and state/national capabilities and supranational capabilities, as far as issues of technological geopolitics. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management also promotes strategic thinking about how science and technology can be exploited industrially. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two anonymous referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
The American Statistician is published quarterly and contains timely articles organized into the following sections: Statistical Practice, General, Teacher's Corner, History Corner, Interdisciplinary, Statistical Computing and Graphics, Reviews of Books and Teaching Materials, and Letters to the Editor.
The Annals of Applied Probability aims to publish research of the highest quality reflecting the varied facets of contemporary Applied Probability. Primary emphasis is placed on importance and originality.
Statistical research spans an enormous range from direct subject-matter collaborations to pure mathematical theory. The Annals of Applied Statistics, the newest journal from the IMS, is aimed at papers in the applied half of this range. Published quarterly in both print and electronic form, our goal is to provide a timely and unified forum for all areas of applied statistics.
The Annals of Probability publishes research papers in modern probability theory, its relations to other areas of mathematics, and its applications in the physical and biological sciences. Emphasis is on importance, interest, and originality - formal novelty and correctness are not sufficient for publication. The Annals will also publish authoritative review papers and surveys of areas in vigorous development.
The Annals of Statistics aim to publish research papers of highest quality reflecting the many facets of contemporary statistics. Primary emphasis is placed on importance and originality, not on formalism. The journal aims to cover all areas of statistics, especially mathematical statistics and applied & interdisciplinary statistics. Of course many of the best papers will touch on more than one of these general areas, because the discipline of statistics has deep roots in mathematics, and in substantive scientific fields.Mathematical StatisticsMathematics provides the language in which models, the properties of statistical methods and computation algorithms are formulated. It is essential for rigor, coherence, clarity and understanding. Consequently, our policy is to continue to play a special role in presenting research at the forefront of mathematical statistics, especially theoretical advances that are likely to have a significant impact on statistical methodology, computation or understanding.Applied and Interdisciplinary StatisticsSubstantive fields are essential for continued vitality of statistics since they provide the motivation and direction for most of the future developments in statistics. We thus intend to publish papers relating to the role of statistics in interdisciplinary investigations in all fields of natural, medical, technical and social science.
The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics (AJSL) is intended to be an outlet for theoretical and empirical research contributions for scholars and specialists in the business of shipping and logistics. A multi-disciplinary and international refereed journal, it brings together papers on the many different topics that concern the fields of shipping and logistics.AJSL invites manuscripts particularly in the areas of management, finance, accounting, insurance, international business, marketing, and history in the fields of shipping, port, transport and logistics of Asia. Application of theory and research in these areas to related fields of inquiry are highly welcomed.The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics aims for contributing to the development of human beings by way of fostering and supporting the researches in the fields of shipping and logistics by the Asians, of the Asians, and for the Asians. Upon acceptance of an article by the journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer copyright in the article to the publisher. This will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information under the Copyright Law in Korea.The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics is published by the Korean Association of Shipping and Logistics, Inc. with cooperation of Chinese Maritime Institute and Japan Society of Logistics and Shipping Economics.Chris PringlePublisher,
The Journal of High Technology Management Research promotes interdisciplinary research regarding the special problems and opportunities related to the management of emerging technologies. It advances the theoretical base of knowledge available to both academicians and practitioners in studying the management of technological products, services, and companies. The Journal is intended as an outlet for individuals conducting research on high technology management at both a micro and macro level of analysis.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems focuses on the management, business and organizational issues associated with the introduction and utilization of information systems as a strategic tool, and considers these issues in a global context. The emphasis is on the incorporation of IT into organizations' strategic thinking, strategy alignment and management of change issues. The journal publishes research and case study papers from around the world which:• investigate the very nature of business in the context of emerging IT• discuss the justification and evaluation of information systems• discuss the organizational implications of IT• consider how organizations have been transformed as a result of the astute management and application of ITA transdisciplinary approach/perspective is welcome.Topics covered include:• organizational transformation on the back of information technology• information systems/business strategy alignment• inter-organizational systems• global issues and cross-cultural issues• the impact and significance of emerging information technologies (e.g. internet, intranets)In 2002, Elsevier launched Library Connect, a new initiative bringing together many of Elsevier's library-focused efforts. For more information about this initiative and to read or subscribe to the complimentary Library Connect Newsletter, please visit Library Connect
TQM seeks high quality international submissions from academics, researchers and practitioners. The journal aims to publish papers that report research that addresses real-life industry and management challenges and contribute to developing real solutions.
Theory and Decision is devoted to all aspects of decision-making, exploring research in psychology, management science, economics, the theory of games, statistics, operations research, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and analytical philosophy. Moreover, it addresses cross-fertilization among these disciplines. This journal draws special attention to experimentation in decision-making and its links to the cognitive sciences. It also addresses applications to various problems in management and organizational science, economics and finance, and computer-supported decision schemes. Particular topics addressed include preference and belief modeling, experimental decision-making under risk or uncertainty, decision analysis, multi-criteria decision modeling, game theory, negotiation theory, collective decision making, social choice, rationality, cognitive processes and interactive decision-making, and methodology of the decision sciences.Officially cited as: Theory Decis