2D Materials™ (2DM) aims to curate the most significant and cutting-edge research being undertaken in the field of two-dimensional materials science and engineering. Serving an expanding multidisciplinary community of researchers and technologists, our goal is to develop a selective journal dedicated to bringing together the most important new results and perspectives from across the discipline. Submissions should be essential reading for a particular sub-field and should also be of multidisciplinary interest to the wider community, with the expectation that published work will have a significant impact.
ounded in 1904 and headquartered in Farmington Hills, Michigan, the American Concrete Institute is advancing concrete knowledge by conducting 125 seminars annually, managing 14 different certification programs, publishing hundreds of technical documents, and offering scholarships to students in the field. With 98 chapters, 37 student chapters, and nearly 20,000 members spanning over 120 countries, the American Concrete Institute has always retained the same basic mission - to develop, share, and disseminate the knowledge and information needed to utilize concrete to its fullest potential.
ounded in 1904 and headquartered in Farmington Hills, Michigan, the American Concrete Institute is advancing concrete knowledge by conducting 125 seminars annually, managing 14 different certification programs, publishing hundreds of technical documents, and offering scholarships to students in the field. With 98 chapters, 37 student chapters, and nearly 20,000 members spanning over 120 countries, the American Concrete Institute has always retained the same basic mission - to develop, share, and disseminate the knowledge and information needed to utilize concrete to its fullest potential.
The ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems invites submissions of original technical papers describing research and development in emerging technologies in computing systems. Major economic and technical challenges are expected to impede the continued scaling of semiconductor devices. This has resulted in the search for alternate mechanical, biological/biochemical, nanoscale electronic, green and sustainable computing, asynchronous and quantum computing, and sensor technologies. As the underlying nanotechnologies continue to evolve in the labs of chemists, physicists, and biologists, it has become imperative for computer scientists and engineers to translate the potential of the basic building blocks (analogous to the transistor) emerging from these labs into information systems. Their design will face multiple challenges ranging from the inherent (un)reliability due to the self-assembly nature of the fabrication processes for nanotechnologies, from the complexity due to the sheer volume of nanodevices that will have to be integrated for complex functionality, and from the need to integrate these new nanotechnologies with silicon devices in the same system.
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) is a venue for high quality research contributions addressing foundational, engineering, and technological aspects of computing systems exhibiting emergent and adaptive behaviour. TAAS encourages contributions aimed at supporting the understanding, development, and control of such systems based on sound theoretical models, including but not limited to bio-inspired models. ACM TAAS spans complexity, self-adaptation, autonomic computing, and multi-agent systems. It addresses research being undertaken by an interdisciplinary research computing community -- and provide a common platform under which this work can be published and disseminated. Such a common view would consider macro-behavior of decentralized applications emerging from micro-behavior of its autonomous, possibly mobile components.
ACM, the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM provides the computing field's premier Digital Library and serves its members and the computing profession with leading-edge publications, conferences, and career resources.
ACS Applied Engineering Materials is an international and interdisciplinary forum devoted to original research covering all aspects of engineered materials, complementing the ACS Applied Materials portfolio. Papers that describe theory, simulation, modeling, or machine learning assisted design of materials and that provide new insights into engineering applications are welcomed.
The scope of ACS Applied Engineering Materials includes high quality research of an applied nature that integrates knowledge in materials science, engineering, physics, mechanics, and chemistry.
Examples of materials and applications that fit the scope of the journal include: