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Artificial Cells Nanomedicine and Biotechnology

ISSN: 2169-1401eISSN: 2169-141X

Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine and Biotechnology covers the frontiers of interdisciplinary research and application, combining artificial cells, nanotechnology, nanobiotechnology, biotechnology, molecular biology, bioencapsulation, novel carriers, stem cells and tissue engineering. Emphasis is on basic research, applied research, and clinical and industrial applications of the following topics:.

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Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

ISSN: 0933-3657eISSN: 1873-2860
JUFO Level 2

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine publishes original articles from a wide variety of interdisciplinary perspectives concerning the theory and practice of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine, human biology, and health care.Particular attention is given to:• AI-based clinical decision making• Medical knowledge engineering• Knowledge-based and agent-based systems• Computational intelligence in bio- and clinical medicine• Intelligent medical information systems• AI in medical education• Intelligent devices and instruments• Automated reasoning and metareasoning in medicine• Methodological, philosophical, ethical, and social issues of AI in medicineAIIM features:• Original research contributions• Methodological reviews• Survey papers• Special issue articles• Position papers• Historical perspectives• Editorials• Guest editorials• Letters to the editor• Book reviewsThis journal is included inCITE - The Computational Intelligence Website!

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Artificial Organs

ISSN: 0160-564XeISSN: 1525-1594
JUFO Level 1

Artificial Organs is the official peer reviewed journal of the International Federation for Artificial Organs, the International Faculty for Artificial Organs, and the International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps. Artificial Organs publishes original research articles dealing with research, developments, and clinical applications of artificial organs including organ replacement, recovery, and regeneration. Membership in the organizations listed above is not a prerequisite for publication. Articles are published without charge to the author except in certain circumstances such as color figures.

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Artificial Photosynthesis

eISSN: 2994-0974

The conversion of solar energy into fuels and valuable chemical products through artificial photosynthesis is an important scientific approach to addressing global energy transition, climate change mitigation and sustainability goals.

Artificial Photosynthesis is an open access journal dedicated to publishing compelling advances in understanding, mimicking, and utilizing the process of converting sunlight into chemical energy. The journal provides a unique, international platform to bring together leading researchers from different disciplines (chemistry, physics, materials, biology, and engineering) and facilitate collaboration with industry to publish the most impactful and insightful developments within the field. 

Specific topics of interest may include, but are not limited to:

  • New theories, methods, and strategies for photoelectrochemical energy conversion and storage, and their charge and energy transfer dynamics and mechanisms
  • Photocatalytic, photoelectrocatalytic, and electrocatalytic water splitting, carbon dioxide reduction, nitrogen reduction for ammonia synthesis, and synthesis of high value-added chemicals
  • Catalytic activation and transformation of small molecules (e.g., CO2, H2O, and N2, etc.)
  • Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis for artificial photosynthesis
  • Synthetic fuels, biology, food (e.g., starch, proteins, carbohydrates, etc.), and drugs through artificial photosynthesis
  • Function mimicking of natural photosynthesis and its applications in artificial photosynthesis
  • Advanced characterization techniques (e.g., spectroscopy) used in artificial photosynthesis research
  • Artificial photosynthesis for environmental remediation
  • Key engineering technologies for large-scale artificial photosynthesis 

APCs for manuscripts accepted in the first three years are covered by the journal.

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Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering

ISSN: 1932-2135eISSN: 1932-2143
JUFO Level 1
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Asian Journal of Civil Engineering

ISSN: 1563-0854eISSN: 2522-011X
JUFO Level 1
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Asian Journal of Control

ISSN: 1561-8625eISSN: 1934-6093
JUFO Level 1

The Asian Journal of Control, an ACA (Asian Control Association) and CACS (Chinese Automatic Control Society) affiliated journal, is the first international journal originating from the Asia Pacific region. The Asian Journal of Control publishes papers on original theoretical and experimental research and developments in the areas of control, involving all facets of control theory and its application. Published six times a year, the Journal aims to be a key interface between control communities within the Asia Pacific region and throughout the world. The Journal provides a forum where control researchers and practitioners can exchange knowledge and experiences on the latest advances in the control areas, and plays an educational role for students and experienced researchers in other disciplines interested in this continually growing field. The scope of the journal is extensive. Topics include:

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Asian Textile Journal

ISSN: 0971-3425

Asian-Pacific Economic Literature

ISSN: 0818-9935eISSN: 1467-8411
JUFO Level 1

Asian-Pacific Economic Literature (APEL) is an essential resource for anyone interested in economic development in the Asia Pacific region. With original articles on topical policy issues, literature surveys, and abstracts, APEL makes it easy for you to keep ahead of the proliferating research on this dynamic and increasingly important region. Read by politicians, journalists, businesspeople, policy-makers, industrialists and academics, APEL avoids technical jargon, and is the only journal devoted to one-stop, in-depth reporting of research on the development of Asian-Pacific economies. Comprehensive coverage of Asian-Pacific economies.

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ISSN: 1050-8171

Assembly Automation

ISSN: 0144-5154eISSN: 1758-4078
JUFO Level 1

A platform for state-of-the-art research covering all areas of assembly technology and automation, with a focus on practical applications.

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Atomization and Sprays

ISSN: 1044-5110eISSN: 1936-2684
JUFO Level 1

The application and utilization of sprays is not new, and in modern society, it is extensive enough that almost every industry and household uses some form of sprays. What is new is an increasing scientific interest in atomization - the need to understand the physical structure of liquids under conditions of higher shear rates and interaction with gaseous flow. This need is being met with the publication of Atomization and Sprays, an authoritative, international journal presenting high quality research, applications, and review papers.

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AusIMM Bulletin

ISSN: 1034-6775
JUFO Level 1

Australian Geomechanics Journal

ISSN: 0818-9110

Australian Journal of Civil Engineering

ISSN: 1448-8353eISSN: 2204-2245
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Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

ISSN: 1448-837XeISSN: 2205-362X

It is the policy of the Australian Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (AJEEE) to publish a variety of contributions to the science and practice of electrical engineering. Major fields of interest include electronics and communications, electric energy, instrumentation and control, and automation.

The AJEEE aims to publish reviewed technical papers in these major fields of interest, as well as in allied fields. Papers should be related to the relevant fields and will usually fall into one of the following categories:

  • Research Paper - a paper making an original contribution to engineering knowledge.
  • Special Interest Paper – a report on significant aspects of a major or notable project.
  • Review Paper for specialists – an overview of a relevant area intended for specialists in the field covered.
  • Review Paper for non-specialists – an overview of a relevant area suitable for a reader with an electrical/electronics background.
  • Tutorial Paper – a paper that explains an important subject or clarifies the approach to an area of design or investigation.
  • Technical Note – a technical note or letter to the Editors that is not sufficiently developed or extensive in scope to constitute a full paper.
  • Discussion – a contribution to discuss a published paper to which the original author's response will be sought.

From time to time, invitations are presented to particular authors to write papers for the AJEEE. This most usually occurs when it is decided to collect a number of papers relating to one subject for a given issue, often with a guest editor.

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Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering

ISSN: 1448-4846eISSN: 2204-2253

The Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering is the peer-reviewed technical journal of Mechanical College of Engineers Australia. The journal aspires to be one of the top-ranking premier source of research and innovation in the science and practice of mechanical and mechatronic engineering in Australasia and around the world, and seeks to disseminate high impact publications that will advance the practice of engineering.  

The editorial team aims to publish high quality and highly applied research and innovation that has the potential to be widely disseminated, taking into consideration the potential economic and social impacts that it could generate. Of note, the journal is keen to disseminate highly disruptive discoveries and technologies, and new and emerging sub-disciplines of mechanical engineering.

The scope of the journal is segmented into the following industries, but not limited to:

·         Automotive, Freight and Transport

·         Aerospace and Aeronautical

·         Agriculture Technologies and Machines

·         Biomedical Devices and Assistive Technologies

·         Construction, Building and Infrastructure Services

·         Marine Structures and Machines

·         Mining and Mineral Processing

·         Oil and Gas Technologies and Processing

·         Railway Technologies and Machines

·         Traditional and Renewable Energy

·         Consumer Products and Services

Within the relevant industry sector, the journal is seeking original and innovative work from sub-disciplines such as, but not limited to:

·         Acoustics and Vibration

·         Dynamics and Mechanics

·         Thermo-fluids and Heat Transfer

·         Engines, Energy and Combustion

·         Mechanical Failures, Fracture and Fatigue

·         Manufacturing and Industrial Processes

·         Manual and Bulk Handling

·         Mechanical and Machine Design and Controls

·         Applied Robotics and Mechatronics

·         Biomechanical Design and Technology

·         Pipes, Pumps and Hydraulics

·         Materials Science and Technology

·         Nano, Smart and Bio-Materials

·         Refrigeration and Air-conditioning

·         Condition and Performance Monitoring


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Australian Journal of Structural Engineering

ISSN: 1328-7982eISSN: 2204-2261

The  Australian Journal of Structural Engineering ( AJSE) is published under the auspices of the Structural College Board of Engineers Australia. It fulfils part of the Board's mission for Continuing Professional Development. The journal also offers a means for exchange and interaction of scientific and professional issues and technical developments. The journal is open to members and non-members of Engineers Australia.

Original papers on research and development (Technical Papers) and professional matters and achievements (Professional Papers) in all areas relevant to the science, art and practice of structural engineering are considered for possible publication. All papers and technical notes are peer-reviewed. The fundamental criterion for acceptance for publication is the intellectual and professional value of the contribution.

Occasionally, papers previously published in essentially the same form elsewhere may be considered for publication. In this case acknowledgement to prior publication must be included in a footnote on page one of the manuscript. These papers are peer-reviewed as new submissions.

The length of acceptable contributions typically should not exceed 4000 to 5000 word equivalents. Longer manuscripts may be considered at the discretion of the Editor. Technical Notes typically should not exceed about 1000 word equivalents.

Discussions on a Paper or Note published in the AJSE are welcomed. Discussions must address significant matters related to the content of a Paper or Technical Note and may include supplementary and critical comments and questions regarding content.

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Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy

ISSN: 2203-1693

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences

ISSN: 0146-4116eISSN: 1558-108X
JUFO Level 1

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences is devoted to: Control methods, modeling and identification of technological processes in the field of industry, artifical intellect in control systems. Network information technologies, information security, and information processing systems. Signal digitization and methods of their analysis, digital filtration, signal processing in technology, medicine, geophysics and astrophysics.

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