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Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

ISSN: 0045-7825eISSN: 1879-2138
JUFO Level 3

The development of computer methods for the solution of scientific and engineering problems governed by the laws of mechanics was one of the great scientific and engineering achievements of the second half of the 20th century, with a profound impact on science and technology. This is accomplished through advanced mathematical modeling and numerical solutions reflecting a combination of concepts, methods and principles that are often interdisciplinary in nature and span several areas of mechanics, mathematics, computer science and other scientific disciplines as well.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering was founded over three decades ago, providing a platform for the publication of papers in this important field of science and engineering. The range of appropriate contributions is very wide. It covers any type of computational method for the simulation of complex physical problems leading to the analysis and design of engineering products and systems. This includes theoretical development and rational applications of mathematical models, variational formulations, and numerical algorithms related to finite element, boundary element, finite difference, finite volume, and meshless discretization methods in the following fields of computational science and engineering:• Solid and structural mechanics• Fluid mechanics• Mechanics of materials• Heat transfer• Dynamics• Geomechanics• Acoustics• Biomechanics• Nanomechanics• Molecular dynamics• Quantum mechanics• Electromagnetics,and also includes virtual design, multiscale phenomena, from nanoscale to macroscale, multiphysics problems, parallel computing, optimization, probabilistic and stochastic approaches.CMAME publishes original papers at the forefront of modern research describing significant developments of computational methods in solving problems of applied mechanics and engineering.

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Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences

ISSN: 1526-1492eISSN: 1526-1506
JUFO Level 1
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Computer Science Journal

ISSN: 1508-2806

Computer Science Review

ISSN: 1574-0137eISSN: 1876-7745
JUFO Level 1

Computer Science Review intends to fulfil a need in the Computer Science community by publishing research surveys and expository overviews in computer science and related fields. The reviews are aimed at a general computer science audience seeking a full and expert overview of the latest in computer science research.The journal will publish research surveys and expository overviews in computer science. Articles from other fields are welcome, as long as their content is relevant to computer science.Articles should be of sufficient scientific interest and help to advance the fundamental understanding of ongoing research, applied or theoretical, for a general computer science audience. The treatment of each topic should be more than a catalogue of known results. Emphasis should be on clarity and originality of presentation and each survey should add insight to the topic under review.A survey may typically contain the following elements:Introduction (including motivation and historical remarks)Outline of the SurveyBasic concepts, examples and results (with sketches of the proofs)Comments on the relevance of the results, relations to other results and applicationsOpen problemsCritical review of the relevant literatureComprehensive bibliographyAuthors should give a clear and well-balanced treatment of their subject. Expanded versions of primary research papers are generally not acceptable. The optimal length for a paper is considered to be approximately 30 printed pages or about 20,000 words, including tables and diagrams.

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Computer Speech & Language

ISSN: 0885-2308
JUFO Level 2

Computer Speech & Language publishes reports of original research related to the recognition, understanding, production, coding and mining of speech and language.The speech and language sciences have a long history, but it is only relatively recently that large-scale implementation of and experimentation with complex models of speech and language processing has become feasible. Such research is often carried out somewhat separately by practitioners of artificial intelligence, computer science, electronic engineering, information retrieval, linguistics, phonetics, or psychology.The journal provides a focus for this work, and encourages an interdisciplinary approach to speech and language research and technology. Thus contributions from all of the related fields are welcomed in the form of reports of theoretical or experimental studies, tutorials, reviews, and brief correspondence pertaining to models and their implementation, or reports of fundamental research leading to the improvement of such models.Research Areas IncludeAlgorithms and models for speech recognition and synthesisNatural language processing for speech understanding and generationStatistical computational linguisticsComputational models of discourse and dialogueInformation retrieval, extraction and summarizationSpeaker and language recognitionComputational models of speech production and perceptionSignal processing for speech analysis, enhancement and transformationEvaluation of human and computer system performanceBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Computer Systems Science and Engineering

ISSN: 0267-6192
JUFO Level 1
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Computer-Aided Design and Applications

eISSN: 1686-4360
JUFO Level 1
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Computers and Mathematics with Applications

ISSN: 0898-1221
JUFO Level 1

Computers & Mathematics with Applications provides a medium of exchange for those engaged in fields contributing to building successful simulations for science and engineering using Partial Differential Equations (PDEs).The following are the principal areas of interest of the journal:Modeling using PDEs.Analysis of mathematical models, formulated in terms of PDEs.Discretization Methods and Numerical Analysis for PDEs.Numerical linear and nonlinear algebra. Fast numerical algorithms.Algorithms and Data Structures. Adaptivity. Computational Geometry.Software Design, Code verification and Quality Assurance (QA).Verification and Validation.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Computers and Operations Research

ISSN: 0305-0548eISSN: 1873-765X
JUFO Level 1

Operations research and computers meet in a large number of scientific fields, many of which are of vital current concern to our troubled society. These include, among others, ecology, transportation, safety, reliability, urban planning, economics, inventory control, investment strategy and logistics (including reverse logistics). Computers & Operations Research provides an international forum for the application of computers and operations research techniques to problems in these and related fields.The common element in all these scientific areas which this Journal addresses is the methodology for determining viable solutions to problems, using computers and the techniques of operations research. However, it is not only the mathematical methodology which is of interest: the applications are of equal importance. The two are mutually supportive, since understanding the application helps one greatly to comprehend the mathematical methods used, and vice versa.This Journal will therefore concern itself with these scientific fields of application, and will be accordingly broad in scope of subject matter. The form, content and language of the articles will take cognizance of this breadth of applications and of the consequent fact that many readers may not be expert in the particular scientific field to which the computer and operations research techniques are applied by the author. All full-length research papers must contain original research results, and demonstrate constructive algorithmic complexity and extensive numerical experiments. Numerical illustrations (examples) are not sufficient: the numerical experiments must have a scientific value of their own, particularly with comparisons to other approaches. In addition, the research performed should represent novel and significant work relative to the relevant literature. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the submitted manuscripts are written using proper English, that possible grammatical or spelling errors are eliminated and that the text conforms to correct scientific English. Submissions which do not satisfythese criteria may be rejected without being sent to reviewers.Other paper types include:Case Studies:This Journal will also publish articles containing interesting real applications, even though there may be no new techniques involved. These should be labeled as case studies. It is important that they be actual cases of interest and significance which the authors were asked to analyze. In addition, the focus on algorithmic results should be emphasized.Review Papers and Tutorials (by invitation only):The content and presentation of this international Journal is such as to provide maximum utility to researchers, teachers and practitioners who have an interest in operations research, computers and the subject matter of the fields of application served by these. Tutorial and state-of-the-art papers will be presented from time to time, as deemed suitable. Emphasis will be given to those science areas of public importance, in which significant advances are being made by means of computers and operations research.Focused Issue Papers:Computers & Operations Research also publishes focused issues on topics of interest related to its editorial mission. Such issues typically contain between six and twelve articles. They are put together within an eighteen month period under the responsibility of one or several guest editors. Any contribution submitted by a guest editor is handled by the Editor of C&OR. Prospective guest editors are encouraged to contact the Editor, Professor Stefan Nickel.

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Computers and Structures

ISSN: 0045-7949eISSN: 1879-2243
JUFO Level 3

Computers & Structures publishes advances in the development and use of computational methods for the solution of problems in engineering and the sciences. The range of appropriate contributions is wide, and includes papers on establishing appropriate mathematical models and their numerical solution in all areas of mechanics. The journal also includes articles that present a substantial review of a field in the topics of the journal.With the modern use of computers and numerical methods to model and solve problems, the traditional boundaries between the fields of solid/structural mechanics and fluid mechanics hardly exist any longer, and multiphysics problems are solved that involve all aspects of mechanics. The word 'structures' must therefore now be interpreted in a broad sense including solids, fluids and multiphysics.Computers & Structures publishes papers in these fields that either present novel and quite general techniques, or offer substantial new insights into important methods. If a paper presents novel techniques, some comparison with known advanced methods is necessary. If a paper is to provide substantial new insights into advanced methods, then this can be achieved by strong numerical experiments, some mathematical analysis, and/or comparisons with well-designed physical test data. In either case, the paper must contribute to advancing the state of the art.The focus of Computers & Structures is on having an impact on the practice of simulations in mechanics as found in many industries and research endeavours, including the fields of engineering, such as civil and environmental, mechanical, biomechanical, automotive, aeronautical, and ocean engineering, and including the various fields of the sciences.In these areas, papers are sought on the automatic solution of mathematical models of 'structures' in the broadest sense, possibly including phenomena of multiphysics, multiscale, and uncertainties. Also, papers presenting algorithms for optimization and the simulation of complete life cycles of systems are sought.Established in 1971, and with online submission and review launched in 2006, Computers & Structures is indispensable for researchers and practitioners in academic, governmental and industrial communities.Related Conferences: can be accessed via the links on the right menu bar, under Related websites.

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Computers, Materials & Continua

ISSN: 1546-2218eISSN: 1546-2226
JUFO Level 1


ISSN: 0010-485XeISSN: 1436-5057
JUFO Level 1

Computing publishes original papers, short communications and surveys on all fields of computing. The contributions should be written in English and may be of theoretical or applied nature, the essential criteria are computational relevance and systematic foundation of results.
Subjects include
- autonomic, adaptive, dependable computing
- parallel computing
- services computing and cloud computing
- green computing
- internet computing
- business process computing
- software evolution and mining
- architectural concepts for systems
- network science, social networks, collective intelligence

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Computing and Visualization in Science

ISSN: 1432-9360eISSN: 1433-0369
JUFO Level 1

Devoted to computational sciences - a field of a major and continually growing importance for both research and applications, this journal provides the ideal platform for scientists eager to cooperate in solving scientific and technological challenges. The aim is to link professionals from the diverse fields of mathematics computer science physics chemistry environmental sciences biosciences engineering. The rapid development of computer technology has opened up new perspectives, increased the importance of mathematical models and created an urgent need for efficient algorithms. Reflecting these trends, the journal has set itself the goal of publishing pioneering methods and applications which precipitate the solution of complex problems - or even make such solutions possible at all. Since visualization has become an important scientific tool, especially in the analysis of complex situations, it is treated in close connection with the other areas covered by the journal. These areas include: - mathematical modeling and analysis of model systems - numerical methods and algorithms - development of simulation software - optimization and control - parallel computing - visualization and image analysis - computational physics and chemistry - structural mechanics - fluid dynamics - environmental sciences - computation in biosciences and medicine - modeling and computation in engineering As well as publishing this exciting material in print form, Computing and Visualization in Science will also make the documents available to subscribers electonically via a server.

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Concrete Operators

eISSN: 2299-3282
JUFO Level 1
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Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience

ISSN: 1532-0626eISSN: 1532-0634
JUFO Level 1

Concurrency is seen in an increasing number of computing and communication systems. We have tens of millions of clients on the World Wide Web and many thousands of powerful nodes in high-end massively parallel machines (MPP). One can project continued rapid progress within ten years, Exaop performance from the Web and Petaflop capabilities in closely coupled parallel machines. This leads to a confusing rich choice of architectures with distributed memory PC clusters or Web-based computers and shared memory MPPs. These are enabled and coupled with corresponding boosts in wide-area network performance and deployment with a blurring and convergence of computing and communication. This hardware juggernaut is coupled to new languages and programming paradigms, such as Java and VRML for the Web and multithreading HPF and MPI for parallel systems. The combination of concurrent digital and optical technology is expected to create a Global Information Infrastructure (GII) that will enable new applications, and open up a new set of communication and computer software and architecture challenges. We need portable and scalable (portable to the future and to hybrid heterogeneous world-wide systems) solutions. This technology is being driven by and used in a wide range of academic, research, and commercial application areas. This use is producing a substantial amount of practical experience in those problems that are enabled or enhanced by this amazing infrastructure. There are also new computational methods, such as mobile agents, cellular automata and massively parallel neural networks, which are particularly suited to concurrent execution. There is a rapid growth in both scientific (grand challenges) and information (national challenge) applications that drive both the functionality and high performance of the base technologies. These will impact academia, business, the homes and education. New applications are also being opened up by advances in human-computer interfaces with full immersive environments becoming available, and tools to support those with disabilities broadening the reach of the computer and communication revolution. This journal will, therefore, focus on practical experience with the application of these converging trends to solve real problems. In particular, themes of our papers include:

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Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications

ISSN: 1063-293XeISSN: 1531-2003
JUFO Level 1

Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications (CERA) provides quality articles on all aspects computer-aided concurrent engineering (CE). The journal deals with all basic tracks that enable CE, including: information modeling, teaming & sharing, networking & distribution,planning & scheduling, reasoning & negotiation, collaborative decision making, and organization and management of CE.

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Confluentes Mathematici

ISSN: 1793-7442eISSN: 1793-7434
JUFO Level 1
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Conformal Geometry and Dynamics

ISSN: 1088-4173
JUFO Level 1
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Connection Science

ISSN: 0954-0091eISSN: 1360-0494
JUFO Level 1

Connection Science is an interdisciplinary scientific and technical journal that has, since 1989, been a focus for research on connectionist modelling and neural network learning in both living and artificial systems with an emphasis on cognition and AI. Papers on these traditional themes are still strongly encouraged. However, in 2002, in response to exciting new work in evolutionary methods and adaptive robotics, its scope was broadened to include computational research on all biologically inspired adaptive mechanisms as well as all areas of biologically inspired robotics research. Papers submitted to the journal may be of a practical nature including, but not restricted to, new adaptive methods, novel implementations of existing methods as well as empirical work that has a strong modelling or theoretical component in psychology, biology, neuroscience or biologically inspired robotics. Submissions may also be theoretical or philosophical. Review papers are welcomed and authors are encouraged to consult with the Editor-in-Chief if they are considering a submission. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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ISSN: 1383-7133eISSN: 1572-9354
JUFO Level 1

This journal provides a common forum for the many disciplines interested in constraint programming and constraint satisfaction and optimization, and the many application domains in which constraint technology is employed. It covers all aspects of computing with constraints, including: theory and practice, algorithms and systems, reasoning and programming, logics and languages. Relevant disciplines and application domains include, but are not limited to: Disciplines: artificial intelligence, automated reasoning, combinatorial algorithms, databases, discrete mathematics, operations research, programming languages, satisfiability and computational logic. Domains: agents, bioinformatics, design and configuration, graphics, visualization, user interfaces, human-computer interaction and decision support, robotics, machine vision and computational linguistics, scheduling, planning, resource allocation, temporal and spatial reasoning. Officially cited as: Constraints

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