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Journal of Oral and Facial Pain and Headache

ISSN: 2333-0384eISSN: 2333-0376
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Pain Management

eISSN: 1939-5914
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Journal of Pain Research

eISSN: 1178-7090
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy

ISSN: 1536-0288eISSN: 1536-0539
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, quarterly publication that addresses advances in acute, chronic, and end-of-life symptom management. It is published both in print and electronically (online). Readers in environments that have institutional subscriptions have access to full text of each issue online. The Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy is included in Medline/PubMed, EMBASE, and more than 50 other international abstracting & indexing services. Inside you’ll find original research, timely review articles, case reports, commentaries, book and media reviews, and articles on efficacy, safety, cost-effectiveness, availability, delivery systems, ethics, policy, philosophy, and other issues relevant to pharmacotherapy in the management of acute, chronic, and end-of-life pain and related symptoms. Readers are invited to submit letters to the Editor for publication consideration. The journal’s interdisciplinary, international, 32-member Editorial Board includes leading clinicians, investigators and analysts from the disciplines of bioethics, medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, psychology, social work, and health care policy. Read More:

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Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

ISSN: 0885-3924
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Pain and Symptom Management is an internationally respected, peer-reviewed journal and serves an interdisciplinary audience of professionals by providing a forum for the publication of the latest clinical research and best practices related to the relief of illness burden among patients afflicted with serious or life-threatening illness.The Journal has strongly supported both quantitative and qualitative research underpinning the evolving discipline of palliative care, including clinical trials of pain or symptom control therapies, epidemiology of phenomena related to life-threatening disease and end-of-life care, instrument development to enhance clinical assessment and facilitate investigation, and health services studies evaluating the outcomes of diverse therapeutic models. It also offers extensive coverage of clinical practice issues, publishing both systematic and narrative reviews, case series and case reports, and both special articles and columns that present important updates on topics as varied as the international diversity of palliative medicine, the economics of palliative care, and bioethics in end-of-life care.The Journal of Pain and Symptom Management's 2012 Impact Factor is 2.601. It is ranked: 74th out of 191 Clinical Neurology titles, 16th out of 82 Health Care Sciences & Services titles, and 28th out of 151 Medicine, General & Internal titles in the 2012 Journal Citation Reports®, published by Thomson Reuters.

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Journal of Palliative Medicine

ISSN: 1096-6218eISSN: 1557-7740
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Palliative Medicine is the leading peer-reviewed journal covering medical, psychosocial, policy, and legal issues in end-of-life care and relief of suffering for patients with intractable pain. The Journal presents essential information for professionals in hospice/palliative medicine, focusing on improving quality of life for patients and their families, and the latest developments in drug and non-drug treatments.Coverage includes:• The latest medical advances in pain and symptom management• Evidence-based protocols• Model palliative care programs• Clinical case reports• Guidance for working with patients and their families• Psychological and spiritual aspects of end-of-life care.

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Korean Journal of Anesthesiology

ISSN: 2005-6419eISSN: 2005-7563
JUFO Level 1
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Le Praticien en Anesthesie Reanimation

ISSN: 1279-7960

Conçu et élaboré pour la formation médicale continue des anesthésistes réanimateurs, Le Praticien en anesthésie réanimation répond à des objectifs clairement définis.- Être au plus près de votre quotidien : la revue vous apporte des réponses immédiatement opérationnelles aux problèmes rencontrés dans votre exercice.- Transmettre des informations riches et actualisées : vous trouverez des informations d'actualité scientifique ou de vie professionnelle qui font le point sur les derniers développements ou un rappel des connaissances sur un sujet spécifique.- Couvrir de manière précise tous les aspects de votre pratique : les membres du comité de rédaction représentent les différents aspects de la pratique de l'anesthésie et de la réanimation, pour des informations toujours proches des préoccupations de votre profession.Les articles sont rédigés de façon synthétique pour vous permettre d'aller à l'essentiel. - Apporter des informations scientifiques fiables : les articles retenus pour publication sont élaborés par des auteurs aux compétences reconnues et validées par un expert du sujet.Depuis 2006, à l'occasion de ses 10 ans, Le Praticien en anesthésie réanimation a adopté une nouvelle présentation, plus didactique et plus agréable à lire !

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ISSN: 0887-6924eISSN: 1476-5551
JUFO Level 3

Leukemia covers all aspects of the research and treatment of Leukemia and Allied Diseases. Studies of normal hemopoiesis are covered because of their comparative relevance. Topics of interest include oncogenes, growth factors, stem cells, leukemia genomics, cell cycle, signal transduction, molecular targets for therapy and more.Impact Factor2010 Impact Factor: 8.966*Rank:4/65 Hematology10/184 Oncology*2010 Journal Citation Reports (Thomson Reuters, 2011)Abstracted/indexed inBIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological SciencesBIOSISCambridge Scientific AbstractsCurrent Advances in Cell and Developmental BiologyCurrent Advances in Genetics and Molecular BiologyCurrent ContentsCurrent Contents/Life SciencesEMBASE/Excerpta MedicaMEDLINE/Index MedicusResearch AlertReference UpdateScience Citation IndexScience Citation Index ExpandedSUBISISSN and eISSNThe international standard serial number (ISSN) for Leukemia is 0887-6924, and the electronic international standard serial number (eISSN) is 1476-5551.

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Local and Regional Anesthesia

eISSN: 1178-7112
JUFO Level 1
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Medical Gas Research

ISSN: 2045-9912

Medical Gas Research is an international journal dedicated to publishing basic, translational, and clinical studies focusing on the neurobiology and other medical fields of medical gas research and their applications to neurological and other disorders. Due to the unique nature of medical gas practice, Medical Gas Research will serve also as an information platform for education and technology advances for medical gas fields.

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Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology

ISSN: 0544-0440

Minerva Anestesiologica

ISSN: 0375-9393eISSN: 1827-1596
JUFO Level 1
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Molecular Pain

eISSN: 1744-8069
JUFO Level 1

Molecular Pain is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of pain research at the cellular, subcellular and molecular levels. Molecular Pain is sponsored by the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.

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Médecine Palliative: Soins de Support - Accompagnement - Éthique

ISSN: 1636-6522

La revue des soins palliatifs, des soins de support, de l'accompagnement et de l'éthique et pratique médicalesUn lieu d'information et de réflexionOutil de transmission et d'échange des différents savoirs scientifiques, Médecine palliative vous permettra d'enrichir et d'élargir vos connaissances grâce à une approche globale, transversale et pluridisciplinaire.Un lieu d'échange et de rencontre entre les différents spécialistesLes différents acteurs, professionnels ou non, impliqués dans la prise en charge palliative et continue ainsi que dans l'accompagnement et dans la réflexion éthique rendent compte de leurs travaux, de leurs expériences, de leur vécu, de leur dynamisme et de leur complémentarité.Un contenu scientifique riche dans sa diversitéRetrouvez une information variée : synthèses sur des sujets médicaux, publications d'études originales, rapports de pratiques, informations professionnelles, expériences partagées, analyses de presse, agenda...

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Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface

ISSN: 1094-7159eISSN: 1525-1403
JUFO Level 1

Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface is the preeminent journal in the area of neuromodulation, providing our readership with the state of the art clinical, translational, and basic science research in the field. For clinicians, engineers, scientists and members of the biotechnology industry alike, Neuromodulation provides timely and rigorously peer-reviewed articles on the technology, science, and clinical application of devices that interface with the nervous system to treat disease and improve function. Representing the needs of the broad neuromodulation community, the journal serves as an instrument for the exchange of high quality data, improving results, advancing science, and as a forum for debate and commentary. Neuromodulation covers an ever expanding field including, pain, headache, movement disorders, spasticity, paralysis, psychiatric disorders, epilepsy, sensory deprivation, gastric dysfunction, obesity, and incontinence. As the official journal of the International Neuromodulation Society (INS), it represents the international practice of neuromodulation, a growing, diverse multidisciplinary field responsible for the development and application of devices and techniques to benefit patients by normalizing function and reducing suffering. In-depth reviews, original articles, national and international meeting abstracts, special focus editions, and web-based educational offerings help the reader to expand their knowledge and understanding of the interface between electrical stimulation, chemical neuromodulation, the nervous system and the patient. Neurotechnology reports keep the reader informed of the rapidly changing landscape of the business of neuromodulation, while our updates on past and future news of events and activities of the INS and its membership keep the reader abreast of issues related to professional education and development in this dynamic field.

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Open Access Surgery

eISSN: 1178-7082
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ISSN: 0304-3959eISSN: 1872-6623
JUFO Level 3

This journal is the official publication of the International Association for the Study of Pain and publishes original research on the nature, mechanisms and treatment of pain. The journal provides a forum for the dissemination of research in the basic and clinical sciences of multidisciplinary interest.Editor-in-Chief: Allan I. Basbaum Learn moreElectronic usageAn increasing number of readers access the journal online via ScienceDirect, one of the world's most advanced web delivery systems for scientific, technical and medical information.Average monthly article downloads for this journal: 80,097* Figure is an average based on full text articles downloaded monthly via ScienceDirect between July 2008 and June 2009.

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Pain Medicine

ISSN: 1526-2375eISSN: 1526-4637
JUFO Level 1

Pain Medicine is a multi-disciplinary journal dedicated to pain clinicians, educators and researchers with an interest in pain from various medical specialties such as pain medicine, anesthesiology, family practice, internal medicine, neurology, neurological surgery, orthopedic spine surgery, psychiatry, and rehabilitation medicine as well as related health disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, nursing, nurse practitioner, and physical therapy. This scholarly, indexed publication reflects the rapid growth in pain science and practice as well as the field's need for policy, ethical, and forensic commentary on pain and its management. Readers benefit from both cutting-edge original clinical and translational research and scientific reviews.This is the respected pain journal that gives you special sections on spine pain, pain & aging, primary care & health services, neuropathic pain, palliative care, opioids, substance abuse & addiction, psychology, psychiatry and brain neuroscience, translational research, acute & perioperative pain, rehabilitation, musculoskeletal pain, ethics and forensic pain medicine, as well as case reports, reviews, clinical investigations , special articles on thematic topics,editorials, guest commentary and letters to the editor. Thematic supplements are published yearly.The journal accepts international research papers on all pain topics, including submissions from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Poland, Spain and Turkey among other countries. Pain Medicine promotes both the visibility and development of pain medicine as a worldwide interdisciplinary medical specialty within a multidisciplinary pain field and also promotes the specialty’s collaboration with primary care and other health services towards a population-based approach to pain management for the public health.

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Pain Practice

ISSN: 1530-7085eISSN: 1533-2500
JUFO Level 1
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