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Multiple Sclerosis and Demyelinating Disorders

eISSN: 2056-6115
JUFO Level 1
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Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders

ISSN: 2211-0348eISSN: 2211-0356
JUFO Level 1

Multiple Sclerosis is an area of ever expanding research and escalating publications. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders is a wide ranging international journal supported by key researchers from all neuroscience domains that focus on MS and associated disease of the central nervous system. The primary aim of this new journal is the rapid publication of high quality original research in the field. Important secondary aims will be timely updates and editorials on important scientific and clinical care advances, controversies in the field, and invited opinion articles from current thought leaders on topical issues. One section of the journal will focus on teaching, written to enhance the practice of community and academic neurologists involved in the care of MS patients. Summaries of key articles written for a lay audience will be provided as an on-line resource.A team of four chief editors is supported by leading section editors who will commission and appraise original and review articles concerning: clinical neurology, neuroimaging, neuropathology, neuroepidemiology, therapeutics, genetics / transcriptomics, experimental models, neuroimmunology, biomarkers, neuropsychology, neurorehabilitation, measurement scales, teaching, neuroethics and lay communication.The journal will publish the following types of articles: Reviews; Original Research Articles; Editorials; Comment; Clinical Trial papers; Letter to the Editors; Case Reports; Book reviews; News. The submission of an on-line summary of selected papers of relevance for lay audience, Teaching Lessons and supporting images and datasets is also encouraged.

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Muscle & Nerve

ISSN: 0148-639XeISSN: 1097-4598
JUFO Level 1

Muscle & Nerve is an international and interdisciplinary publication of original contributions, in both health and disease, concerning studies of the muscle, the neuromuscular junction, the peripheral motor, sensory and autonomic neurons, and the central nervous system where the behavior of the peripheral nervous system is clarified. Appearing monthly, Muscle & Nerve publishes clinical studies and clinically relevant research reports in the fields of anatomy, biochemistry, cell biology, electrophysiology and electrodiagnosis, epidemiology, genetics, immunology, pathology, pharmacology, physiology, toxicology, and virology. The Journal welcomes articles and reports on basic clinical electrophysiology and electrodiagnosis. We expedite some papers dealing with timely topics to keep up with the fast-moving pace of science, based on the referees' recommendation.

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Médecine du Sommeil

ISSN: 1769-4493

Pour une meilleure prise en charge des troubles du sommeil et de la vigilance, Médecine du Sommeil est la revue de référence francophone, qu'il s'agisse de la publication d'articles originaux ou de formation médicale continue.Conçue selon une approche pluridisciplinaire et transversale, Médecine du Sommeil rapporte les travaux des meilleures équipes - spécialistes du sommeil, chercheurs ou cliniciens - qui travaillent en complémentarité : neurologues, psychiatres, pneumologues, généralistes, gériatres, internistes, médecins du travail, ORL, cardiologues, stomatologistes, etc.Au sommaire de chaque numéro, 4 fois par an, des dossiers thématiques alternent avec des articles pratiques :- mises au point,- méthodes d'évaluations, - conduite à tenir, cas cliniques, - compte rendus de congrès.Des analyses de livre et revues de la presse, un calendrier et des informations diverses rapportent enfin toute l'actualité utile au somnologue.

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NPG Neurologie - Psychiatrie - Gériatrie

ISSN: 1627-4830eISSN: 2214-0913

Une revue d'actualitéAux confins de la neurologie, de la psychiatrie et de la gériatrie, NPGpropose à tous les acteurs de la prise en charge du vieillissement cérébral normal et pathologique, des développements récents et adaptés à leur pratique clinique.Un support de formation médicale continueNPG répond aux problématiques soulevées dans votre exercice quotidien au travers de nombreuses rubriques de FMC : Dossier thématique, Synthèse, Réflexions et perspectives, Pratique thérapeutique, Cas cliniques.Une approche pluridisciplinaireRésolument pluridisciplinaire, NPG rapporte le point de vue du neurologue, du psychiatre et du gériatre sur les grandes questions cliniques concernant le vieillissement cérébral.

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Nature Reviews Neurology

ISSN: 1759-4758eISSN: 1759-4766
JUFO Level 3

Nature Reviews' clinical content is written by internationally renowned clinical academics and researchers and targeted towards readers in the medical sciences, from postgraduate level upwards. While intended to be read by practicing doctors, researchers and academics within a specialty, we aim to make all our articles accessible to readers working in any medical discipline.In-depth Reviews present authoritative, up-to-date information on a topic, placing it in the context of a field's history and development. Topical discussion and opinions are proffered in Perspectives and News & Views articles, and in the Research Highlights section we filter primary research from a range of specialty and general medical journals.Subjects covered * Aging and dementia * Brain imaging * Epilepsy * Genetics * Headache * Infectious disease * Injury, repair and rehabilitation * Movement disorders * Neural tube defects * Neurodegenerative disease * Neuroimmunology and neuroinflammation * Neurometabolic disorders * Neuromuscular disease * Neurooncology * Neuropsychiatric disorders * Neurosurgery * Public health * Ethics * Pain * Peripheral neuropathies * Sensory systems * Sleep * Spongiform encephalopathies * Stroke * White matter disease (including demyelinating and dysmyelinating disorders).

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Nature and Science of Sleep

eISSN: 1179-1608
JUFO Level 1

An international, peer-reviewed, open access journal covering all aspects of sleep science and sleep medicine, including the neurophysiology and functions of sleep, the genetics of sleep, sleep and society, biological rhythms, dreaming, sleep disorders and therapy, and strategies to optimize healthy sleep.

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ISSN: 0722-1541
JUFO Level 1

Die Nervenheilkunde ist eine der bekanntesten Fort- und Weiterbildungszeitschriften für Neurologen, Psychiater und Nervenärzte. Da bei psychischen Störungen Hausärzte fast immer die ersten Ansprechpartner sind und die Weichenstellung für eine kompetente fachärztliche Behandlung in ihren Händen liegt, wendet sich die Nervenheilkunde zugleich an Primärärzte. Ziel ist neben der Weitergabe aktueller wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse, praxistaugliche Informationen zu vermitteln, die zur besseren Versorgung von Patienten mit neurologischen und psychiatrischen Störungen beitragen. Folgerichtig können Leser der Nervenheilkunde CME-Punkte sammeln. Regelmäßig werden Empfehlungen oder Leitlinien der Deutschen Migräne- und Kopfschmerzgesellschaft sowie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Muskelkranke veröffentlicht.

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Nervno-Mysecnye Bolezni

eISSN: 2413-0443
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Neural Plasticity

ISSN: 2090-5904eISSN: 1687-5443
JUFO Level 1

Neural Plasticity is an international, interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the publication of articles related to all aspects of neural plasticity, with special emphasis on its functional significance as reflected in behavior and in psychopathology. Neural Plasticity publishes research and review articles from the entire range of relevant disciplines, including basic neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, biological psychology, and biological psychiatry. The most recent Impact Factor for Neural Plasticity is 2.000 according to 2011 Journal Citation Reports released by Thomson Reuters (ISI) in 2012.

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ISSN: 1522-8517eISSN: 1523-5866
JUFO Level 2

Published monthly from January 2010, Neuro-Oncology is the official journal of the Society for Neuro-Oncology. Also affiliated with the Japan Society for Neuro-Oncology and the European Association for Neuro-Oncology it is a truly global journal in the field.Dedicated to providing superior and rapid publication of information in all areas of neuro-oncology, the journal contains peer-reviewed articles and reviews, symposia on selected topics, published abstracts of annual meetings, and society news and announcements from around the world.

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Neuro-Oncology Practice

ISSN: 2054-2577eISSN: 2054-2585
JUFO Level 1
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ISSN: 0165-8107eISSN: 1744-506X
JUFO Level 1

Neuro-Ophthalmology publishes original papers on diagnostic methods in neuro-ophthalmology such as perimetry, neuro-imaging and electro-physiology; on the visual system such as the retina, ocular motor system and the pupil; on neuro-ophthalmic aspects of the orbit; and on related fields such as migraine and ocular manifestations of neurological diseases.The following sections are included in the journal:* Editorial (will usually be commissioned)*Review (may be commissioned or submitted)*Comment (shorter than a full review and may cover a single issue and may be more speculative, may be commissioned or submitted)*Original Paper and Short Report (in the fields of Basic Science, Clinical Science and History of Neuro-Ophthalmology)*Case Report and Case Series (which must contribute original information to the literature)*Photoessay (the clinical condition described need not be original, the criterion is that the image must be of high quality and provide an illustration that is of a high educational value)*Letters to the Editor (usually commenting on articles published in the journal)*Book Reviews (usually commissioned, but suggestions are welcomed)*Selected Abstracts (Neuro-Ophthalmic literature review, commissioned from our team of reviewers)*Society Tidings (commissioned or submitted).

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Neuro-Ophthalmology Japan

ISSN: 0289-7024

NeuroImage: Clinical

eISSN: 2213-1582
JUFO Level 2

The new online only, open access, peer reviewed journal in clinical neuroimaging.NeuroImage: Clinical, a Journal of Diseases affecting the Nervous System, provides a vehicle for communicating important advances in the study of abnormal structure-function relationships of the human nervous system based on imaging.The focus of NeuroImage: Clinical is on the characterization of changes to the brain at a systems level of analysis secondary to disease. The main criterion for judging papers is the extent of scientific advancement in the understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanisms of disease, in identification of functional models that link clinical signs and symptoms with brain function and in the creation of image based tools applicable to a broad range of clinical needs including diagnosis, monitoring of disease and tracking of therapeutic response. Papers dealing with structure and function at the microscopic level will also be considered if they reveal mechanisms that inform across multiple levels and can be translated to human disease.The journal welcomes original research articles as well as papers on innovative methods, models, databases, theory or conceptual positions provided that they involve imaging approaches and demonstrate significant new opportunities for understanding clinical problems.

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ISSN: 1053-8135eISSN: 1878-6448
JUFO Level 1

NeuroRehabilitation is an international journal which emphasizes publication of scientifically based, practical information relevant to all aspects of neurologic rehabilitation. Manuscripts cover the full life span and range of neurological disabilities including stroke, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, neuromuscular disease, and other neurological disorders. Information is intended for an interdisciplinary audience.Issues of the journal are thematically organized. Themes have focused on specific clinical disorders, types of therapy, and age groups. Proposals for thematic issues and suggestions for issue editors are welcomed. NeuroRehabilitation also publishes original research and book reviews. Letters to the editor, commentaries, and editorials are also welcomed.Readers are encouraged to submit original research which includes experimental investigations or case reports. Reviews of rehabilitation literature will be published as well. Manuscripts are given blind, peer review, and authors are provided with timely, constructive feedback. Publication decisions will be made based on relevance to practice, quality of methodology, and synthesis of findings with existing literature.

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Neurobiology of Aging

ISSN: 0197-4580
JUFO Level 2

Neurobiology of Aging publishes the results of studies in behavior, biochemistry, cell biology, endocrinology, molecular biology, morphology, neurology, neuropathology, pharmacology, physiology and protein chemistry in which the primary emphasis involves mechanisms of nervous system changes with age or diseases associated with age. Reviews and primary research articles are included, occasionally accompanied by open peer commentary. Letters to the Editor and brief communications are also acceptable. Brief reports of highly time-sensitive material are usually treated as rapid communications in which case editorial review is completed within six weeks and publication scheduled for the next available issue. The accepted abbreviation for Neurobiology of Aging for bibliographic citation is Neurobiol.AgingBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

eISSN: 2451-9944

Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms is a multidisciplinary journal for the publication of original research and review articles on basic, translational and clinical research into sleep. It focuses on the mechanisms of sleep/wake and circadian regulation at the molecular and systems level and on research to examine the function of sleep. The translation of basic research findings to understand and treat sleep and circadian disorders is a key aim of the journal.

Topics it will cover will include:

  • Basic, translational and clinical research
  • Circadian rhythms
  • Molecular mechanisms
  • Genetics and epigenetics
  • Inflammation and immunology
  • Memory and learning
  • Neurological and neurodegenerative diseases
  • Behavioral sleep disorders
  • Neuropsychopharmacology and neuroendocrinology
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Neurocase: The Neural Basis of Cognition

ISSN: 1355-4794eISSN: 1465-3656
JUFO Level 1

Neurocase is a rapid response journal of both adult and child case studies in neuropsychology, neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurology. Four types of manuscript are considered for publication: single case investigations that bear directly on issues of relevance to theoretical issues or brain-behavior relationships; group studies of subjects with brain dysfunction that address issues relevant to the understanding of human cognition; reviews of important topics in the domains of neuropsychology, neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurology; and brief reports (up to 2500 words) that replicate previous reports dealing with issues of considerable significance. Of particular interest are investigations that include precise anatomical localization of lesions or neural activity via imaging or other techniques. Topic reviews are included in most issues. Peer Review IntegrityAll published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. Special IssuesIssues devoted to a single topic are occasionally published in this journal; these are sent free to subscribers, and are also available to purchase separately as books for non-subscribers. Click on the titles below for more information and to order.Emotions in Neurological DiseaseGuest Editors: Howard J Rosen and Robert W LevensonVolume 15, Issue 3 (2009) ISBN 978-1-84872-709-0Neuroscience and CrimeGuest Editor: Hans MarkowitschVolume 14, Issue 1 (2008) ISBN 978-1-84169-850-4 Related LinksBrowse books in Cognitive Psychology or Neuropsychology and view forthcoming conferences in Cognitive Psychology or Neuropsychology.Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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ISSN: 0028-3770eISSN: 1773-0619
JUFO Level 1

Les thèmes de Neurochirurgie couvrent le soin, l’enseignement et la recherche, la formation neurochirurgicale et les aspects professionnels, comme les modalités d’exercice, les textes réglementaires, les expertises et le développement professionnel continu (DPC); l’histoire et l’évolution de la neurochirurgie sont aussi abordées. Le journal s’intéresse aux pathologies de la tête, du rachis, du système nerveux central et périphérique, ainsi que de leur vascularisation. Tous les aspects de la spécialité sont abordés: traumatisme, tumeur, pathologie dégénérative, infection, malformation, fonctionnel, radiochirurgie et pédiatrie. Les travaux sur les domaines transversaux sont aussi bienvenus: neuroanatomie, neurophysiologie, neurologie, neuropédiatrie, psychiatrie, neuropsychologie, médecine physique et de réadaptation neurologique, neuro-anesthésie, neuroréanimation, neuroradiologie, explorations fonctionnelles, neuropathologie, neuro-ophtalmologie, otoneurologie, chirurgie maxillo-faciale, neuro-endocrinologie et chirurgie du rachis. Les aspects techniques et méthodologiques sont aussi traités : moyens diagnostiques et thérapeutiques, méthodologie d’évaluation de résultats et activités, épidémiologie, techniques chirurgicales, interventionnelles et radiochirurgicales, simulations et hypothèses physiopathologiques et outils d’enseignement et de formation. Le comité de rédaction se réserve le droit de refuser un travail soumis s’il ne correspond pas aux objectifs du journal ; le travail ne sera pas analysé et l’auteur correspondant sera averti rapidement par le rédacteur en chef pour ne pas retarder une soumission à un journal plus approprié

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