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Physics in Medicine

eISSN: 2352-4510

The scope of PhysMed consists of the application of theoretical and practical physics to medicine, physiology and biology. Topics covered are:

  • Physics of Imaging
    Ultrasonic imaging, Optical imaging, X-ray imaging, Fluorescence, other
  • Physics of Therapy
    Ultrasonic therapy, Vibrational medicine, Laser Physics, other
  • Physics of Materials and Mechanics
    Physics of impact and injuries, Physics of proteins, Metamaterials, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Biomedical Materials, Physics of vascular and cerebrovascular diseases, Micromechanics and Micro engineering, Microfluidics in medicine, Mechanics of the human body, Rotary molecular motors, Biological physics, Physics of bio fabrication and regenerative medicine, other
  • Physics of Instrumentation
    Engineering of instruments, Physical effects of the application of instruments, Measurement Science and Technology, Physics of micro-labs, Optical instrumentation, Ultrasound instruments, other
  • Physics of Electromagnetics
    Neural Engineering, Signal analysis in Medicine, Electromagnetics and the nerve system, Quantum Electronics, Other
  • Physics of Hearing and Seeing
    Acoustics and hearing, Physics of hearing aids, Optics and vision, Physics of vision aids, other
  • Physics of Space Medicine
    Space physiology, Space medicine related Physics, other

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Physics in Perspective

ISSN: 1422-6944eISSN: 1422-6960
JUFO Level 1

Physics in Perspective seeks to bridge the gulf between physicists and non-physicists through historical and philosophical studies that typically display the unpredictable as well as the cross-disciplinary interplay of observation, experiment, and theory that has occurred over extended periods of time in academic, governmental, and industrial settings and in allied disciplines such as astrophysics, chemical physics, and geophysics. The journal also publishes first-person accounts by physicists of significant contributions they have made, biographical articles, book reviews, and guided tours of historical sites in cities throughout the world. It strives to make all articles understandable to a broad spectrum of readers – scientists, teachers, students, and the public at large.

Bibliographic Data
Phys. Perspect.
1 volume per year, 4 issues per volume
approx. 120 pages per issue
Format: 15.5 x 23.5cm
ISSN 1422-6944 (print)
ISSN 1422-6960 (electronic)

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Physics of Atomic Nuclei

ISSN: 1063-7788eISSN: 1562-692X
JUFO Level 1

Physics of Atomic Nuclei (Yadernaya fizika) was founded in 1965 as the leading Russian journal on elementary particles and nuclei. The topics covered are the experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear physics: nuclear structure, spectra, and properties; radiation, fission, and nuclear reactions induced by photons, leptons, hadrons, and nuclei; fundamental interactions and symmetries; hadrons (with light, strange, charm, and bottom quarks); particle collisions at high and superhigh energies; gauge and unified quantum field theories, quark models, supersymmetry and supergravity, astrophysics and cosmology. The journal is intended for researchers, nuclear engineers, and universities.

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Physics of Fluids

ISSN: 1070-6631eISSN: 1089-7666
JUFO Level 1

Physics of Fluids is published by the American Institute of Physics with the cooperation of The American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics. The journal is devoted to the publication of original theoretical, computational, and experimental contributions to the dynamics of gases, liquids, and complex or multiphase fluids. Content is published online daily, collected into monthly online and printed issues (12 issues per year).

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Physics of Life Reviews

ISSN: 1571-0645eISSN: 1873-1457
JUFO Level 2

Physics of Life Reviews is an international journal appearing quarterly, that publishes review articles on physics of living systems, complex phenomena in biological systems, and related fields of artificial life, robotics, mathematical bio-semiotics, and artificial intelligent systems. This journal is a unifying force, going across the barriers between disciplines, addressing all living systems from molecules to populations and from genetics to mind and artificial systems modeling these phenomena. The journal invites reviews from actively working researchers, which are broad in scope, critical, accessible to our wide readership and addresses sometimes controversial accounts of recent progress and problems.Physics of Life Reviews intends to keep the active researcher abreast of developments on a wide range of topics by publishing timely reviews, which are more than mere literature surveys but normally less than a full monograph. Although most of the reviews will be of a specialist nature, each review should contain enough introductory material to make the main points intelligible to a non-specialist and to inspire and facilitate interdisiplinary research. The reviews should address in a clear way the most important conceptual issues in a field, review existing theories and methods with their achievements and drawbacks or difficulties versus the issues, unsolved problems addressed by a new theory, method, or approach, and why a significant progress is achieved or expected. Future research directions, remaining unsolved problems, and experimental confirmations or controversies should also be addressed.

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Physics of Metals and Metallography

ISSN: 0031-918XeISSN: 1555-6190
JUFO Level 1

The Physics of Metals and Metallography (Fizika metallov i metallovedenie) was founded in 1955 by the USSR Academy of Sciences. Its scientific profile covers the theory of metals and metal alloys, their electrical and magnetic properties, as well as their structure, phase transformations, and principal mechanical properties. The journal publishes scientific reviews and papers written by experts involved in fundamental, application, and technological studies. The annual volume of publications amounts to 250 papers submitted from 100 leading national scientific institutions.

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Physics of Particles and Nuclei

ISSN: 1063-7796eISSN: 1531-8559
JUFO Level 1

The journal Fizika Elementarnykh Chastits i Atomnogo Yadr of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna) was founded by Academician N.N. Bogolyubov in August 1969. The Editors-in-chief of the journal were Academician N.N. Bogolyubov (1970–1992) and Academician A.M. Baldin (1992–2001). Its English translation, Physics of Particles and Nuclei, appears simultaneously with the original Russian-language edition. Published by leading physicists from the JINR member states, as well as by scientists from other countries, review articles in this journal examine problems of elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, experimental data processing, accelerators and related instrumentation ecology and radiology.

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Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters

ISSN: 1547-4771eISSN: 1531-8567
JUFO Level 1

The journal Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, brief name Particles and Nuclei Letters, publishes the articles with results of the new and original theoretical, experimental, scientific-technical, methodological and applied research. Subject matter of articles covers: theoretical physics, elementary particle physics, relativistic nuclear physics, nuclear physics and related problems in other branches of physics, neutron physics, condensed matter physics, physics and engineering at low temperatures, physics and engineering of accelerators, physical experimental instruments and methods, physical computation experiments, applied research in these branches of physics and radiology, ecology and nuclear medicine.

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Physics of Plasmas

ISSN: 1070-664XeISSN: 1089-7674
JUFO Level 1

Physics of Plasmas, published by the American Institute of Physics with the cooperation of The American Physical Society, Division of Plasma Physics, is devoted to original experimental and theoretical contributions to the physics of plasmas. Content is published online daily, collected into monthly online and printed issues (12 issues per year).

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Physics of Wave Phenomena

ISSN: 1541-308XeISSN: 1934-807X
JUFO Level 1

The academic journal Physics of Wave Phenomena presents reviews, research papers, letters, and brief communications elucidating recent theoretical and experimental achievements in modern physics of oscillations and waves. Coverage includes a variety of applications in fundamental areas of phenomenology and technology. The journal provides a broad interdisciplinary forum for active researchers in these related fields, and is of particular interest to students, scientists, and working engineers. Physics of Wave Phenomena was published first in 1993 as an international topical supplement to the well-known Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Physics. Since 2003 the journal is published under the current title, which best reflects its scope.

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Physics of the Dark Universe

eISSN: 2212-6864
JUFO Level 1

Physics of the Dark Universe is a new and innovative online-only, fully open access journal. The journal offers rapid publication of peer-reviewed, original research articles considered of high scientific impact. The journal is focused on the understanding of the nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy and covers all theoretical, experimental and phenomenological aspects of both Dark Matter and Dark Energy.It encourages the submission of articles on the following subjects in this field:Nature of Particle Dark MatterDirect searches for Dark MatterIndirect searches for Dark MatterCollider searches for Dark Matter, including for example the Large Hadron ColliderTheoretical investigations of the Physics of Dark MatterInvestigations of New and Existing Models OF Dark Matter (e.g. SUSY, extra dimensions, axions, etc)Low mass WIMP searchesObservations and experimental results related to the properties of Dark EnergyNew experiments, forecasts and methods for the observation of Dark EnergyModels and theoretical properties of vacuum energy,quintessence, modified gravity, and in general of Dark Energy and its alternative explanationsIn addition to submission of scientific papers in the usual formats, we encourage the submission of innovative articles, in the following forms:Articles containing additional information, such as additional figures, interactive plots and database linking. Elsevier offers 700 MB of space to be used for each article for additional material. Each file has a suggested size limit of 50 MB, but larger files are possible (in this case please contact the Managing Editor).Design Studies and Concept papers for new experiments or describing ideas for new experiments. In particular, experimental set up of the next generation of very large Dark Matter direct and indirect detectors, new underground laboratories for the study of Dark Matter, and new ground based or space based experiments on Dark Energy are particularly welcome. These articles can be longer than regular articles, describing the experiment while focusing on its scientific goals.Software Description and Manuals can be published, if the software is proved to have scientific interest in the understanding of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. The paper can be enriched with the code itself, that can be versioned and updated with time. A new article can only be allowed if the modifications to the software are relevant to the science described.Cover Images Credits:Photomultipliers, credits to XENON100 Collaboration; Cassiopea A, credits NASA/CXC/SAO/D.Patnaude et al; Millennium Simulation, credits Prof. Volker Springel; Bullet Cluster, credits: X-ray: NASA/CXC/CfA/M.Markevitch et al.; Optical: NASA/STScI; Magellan/U.Arizona/D. Clowe et al.; Lensing Map: NASA/STScI; ESO WFI; Magellan/U.Arizona/D.Clowe et al.

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Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors

ISSN: 0031-9201eISSN: 1872-7395
JUFO Level 1

Launched in 1968 to fill the need for an international journal in the field of planetary physics, geodesy and geophysics, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors has now grown to become important reading matter for all geophysicists. It is the only journal to be entirely devoted to the physical and chemical processes of planetary interiors.Original research papers, review articles, short communications and book reviews are all published on a regular basis; and from time to time special issues of the journal are devoted to the publication of the proceedings of symposia and congresses which the editors feel will be of particular interest to the reader.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Physics of the Solid State

ISSN: 1063-7834eISSN: 1090-6460
JUFO Level 1

The journal Physics of the Solid State presents the latest results from Russia’s leading researchers in condensed matter physics at the Russian Academy of Sciences and other prestigious institutions. Coverage includes all areas of solid state physics including solid state optics, solid state acoustics, electronic and vibrational spectra, phase transition, ferroelectricity, magnetism, and superconductivity. The journal also presents review papers on the most important problems in solid state physics.

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Planetary and Space Science

ISSN: 0032-0633eISSN: 1873-5088
JUFO Level 1

Planetary and Space Science publishes original articles as well as short communications (letters). Ground-based and space-borne instrumentation and laboratory simulation of solar system processes are included. The following fields of planetary and solar system research are covered:• Celestial mechanics, including dynamical evolution of the solar system, gravitational captures and resonances, relativistic effects, tracking and dynamics• Cosmochemistry and origin, including all aspects of the formation and initial physical and chemical evolution of the solar system• Terrestrial planets and satellites, including the physics of the interiors, geology and morphology of the surfaces, tectonics, mineralogy and dating• Outer planets and satellites, including formation and evolution, remote sensing at all wavelengths and in situ measurements• Planetary atmospheres, including formation and evolution, circulation and meteorology, boundary layers, remote sensing and laboratory simulation• Planetary magnetospheres and ionospheres, including origin of magnetic fields, magnetospheric plasma and radiation belts, and their interaction with the sun, the solar wind and satellites• Small bodies, dust and rings, including asteroids, comets and zodiacal light and their interaction with the solar radiation and the solar wind• Exobiology, including origin of life, detection of planetary ecosystems and pre-biological phenomena in the solar system and laboratory simulations• Extrasolar systems, including the detection and/or the detectability of exoplanets and planetary systems, their formation and evolution, the physical and chemical properties of the exoplanets• History of planetary and space research

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Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing

ISSN: 0272-4324eISSN: 1572-8986
JUFO Level 1

Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing is an international journal that provides a forum for the publication of original papers on fundamental research and new developments in plasma chemistry and plasma processing. The journal encompasses all types of industrial processing plasmas, ranging from nonthermal plasmas to thermal plasmas, and publishes fundamental plasma studies as well as studies of specific plasma applications. Application contexts of interest include plasma etching in microelectronics and other fields, deposition of thin films and coatings, powder synthesis, environmental processing, lighting, surface modification and others. Includes studies of chemical kinetics in plasmas, and the interactions of plasmas with surfaces.

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Plasma Medicine

ISSN: 1947-5764eISSN: 1947-5772
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Plasma Physics Reports

ISSN: 1063-780XeISSN: 1562-6938
JUFO Level 1

Plasma Physics Reports (Fizika Plasmy) was founded in 1975 in order to publish papers on a comparatively young and extremely fruitful branch of modern science - plasma physics. The journal covers the following topics: high-temperature plasma physics related to the problem of controlled nuclear fusion based on magnetic and inertial confinement; physics of cosmic plasma, including magnetosphere plasma, sun and stellar plasma, etc.; gas discharge plasma and plasma generated by laser and particle beams. The journal also publishes papers on such related topics as plasma electronics, generation of radiation in plasma, and plasma diagnostics. As well as other original communications, the journal publishes topical reviews and conference proceedings.

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Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

ISSN: 0741-3335eISSN: 1361-6587
JUFO Level 2

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion covers all aspects of the physics of hot, highly ionised plasmas. This includes results of current experimental and theoretical research on all aspects of the physics of high-temperature plasmas and of controlled nuclear fusion, including the basic phenomena in highly-ionised gases in the laboratory, in the ionosphere and in space, in magnetic-confinement and inertial-confinement fusion as well as related diagnostic methods.Papers with a technological emphasis, for example in such topics as plasma control, fusion technology and diagnostics, are welcomed when the plasma physics is an integral part of the paper or when the technology is unique to plasma applications or new to the field of plasma physics.The editorial policy is to maintain the quality of published papers at the highest level by strict peer review. Prompt publication of authors'' papers is also of prime concern and the journal is accessible in electronic form.

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Plasma Processes and Polymers

ISSN: 1612-8850eISSN: 1612-8869
JUFO Level 1

Plasma Processes & Polymers focuses on the interdisciplinary field of low temperature plasma science, covering both experimental and theoretical aspects of fundamental and applied research in materials science, physics, chemistry and engineering in the area of plasma sources and plasma-based treatments. With an significant increased ISI Impact Factor of 4.037 (2009) Plasma Processes & Polymers is ranked second among journals publishing original research in the ISI Impact Factor category 'Physics, Fluids & Plasmas' and also among the top 10 polymer journals. Plasma Processes and Polymers publishes an attractive mixture of strictly peer-reviewed Reviews, Feature Articles, Full Papers and Communications. The journal also presents Book Reviews, Conference Reports, and Essays. Visit Materials Views and get daily updates on the latest developments and exciting breakthroughs in the vast field of materials science. Don't be left behind and sign up for the e-alerting service. ISSN: 1612-8850 (print), 1612-8869 (online) Volume 7. 12 Issues in 2010. How to cite: To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science), please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'Plasma Processes Polym.' (punctuation may vary according to the style of the citing journal).

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Plasma Science and Technology

ISSN: 1009-0630eISSN: 2058-6272
JUFO Level 1

Plasma Science and Technology assists in advancing plasma science and technology by reporting important, novel, helpful and thought-provoking progress in this strongly multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary field, in a timely manner.

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