The Australian Acoustical Society aims to promote and advance the science and practice of acoustics in all its branches to the wider community and provide support to acousticians.
Acta Analytica is an international journal for philosophy in the analytical tradition covering a variety of philosophical topics including philosophical logic, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science and philosophy of mind. Special attention is devoted to cognitive science. The journal aims to promote a rigorous, argument-based approach in philosophy. Acta Analytica is a peer reviewed journal, published quarterly, with authors from all over the world.
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae is devoted to the art and techniques of applying mathematics and the development of new, applicable mathematical methods. Covering a large spectrum from modeling to qualitative analysis and computational methods, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae contains papers on different aspects of the relationship between theory and applications, ranging from descriptive papers on actual applications meeting contemporary mathematical standards to proofs of new and deep theorems in applied mathematics.
Data Science for Transportation publishes high-quality original research and reviews in a wide range of topics related to Data Science for Transportation. This includes classical approaches when data sources are used to unravel underlying physical mechanisms leading to general laws and new modelling frameworks. It also includes new data-driven approaches when AI plays a central role.
The goal of the journal is to showcase the latest methodological advances and applications of data science methods in transportation and appropriate implications for policy making. The journal is also interested in the significant impact that these fields are beginning to have on other scientific disciplines as well as many aspects of society and industry. There are countless opportunities where big data intelligence can augment other methods in transportation systems planning, operations, freight, safety analysis, transit, safe and sustainable cities and emergency management. There are many emerging questions of relevance on ethical, social and privacy, that are also relevant in this domain. The focus is primarily on analytical data driven methods. High quality application based studies will also be considered.
Acta Diabetologica is a journal that publishes reports of experimental and clinical research on diabetes mellitus and related metabolic diseases. Original contributions on biochemical, physiological, pathophysiological and clinical aspects of research on diabetes and metabolic diseases are welcome. Reports are published in the form of original articles, short communications and letters to the editor. Invited reviews and editorials are also published. A Methodology forum, which publishes contributions on methodological aspects of diabetes in vivo and in vitro, is also available. The Editor-in-chief will be pleased to consider articles describing new techniques (e.g., new transplantation methods, metabolic models), of innovative importance in the field of diabetes/metabolism. Finally, workshop reports are also welcome in Acta Diabetologica.The journal is also open for publication of supplements and for publishing abstracts of scientific meetings. Condition can be obtained from the Editor-in Chief or the publish
The journal publishes original research papers in the field of geodesy and geophysics under headings: aeronomy and space physics, electromagnetic studies, geodesy and gravimetry, geodynamics, geomathematics, rock physics, seismology, solid earth physics, history. Papers dealing with problems of the Carpathian region and its surroundings are preferred. Similarly, papers on topics traditionally covered by Hungarian geodesists and geophysicists (e.g. robust estimations, geoid, EM properties of the Earth’s crust, geomagnetic pulsations and seismological risk) are especially welcome.
Acta Geotechnica is an international journal devoted to the publication and dissemination of basic and applied research in geoengineering – an interdisciplinary field dealing with geomaterials such as soils and rocks. Coverage emphasizes the interplay between geomechanical models and their engineering applications. The journal presents original research papers on fundamental concepts in geomechanics and their novel applications in geoengineering based on experimental, analytical and/or numerical approaches. The main purpose of the journal is to foster understanding of the fundamental mechanisms behind the phenomena and processes in geomaterials, from kilometer-scale problems as they occur in geoscience, and down to the nano-scale, with their potential impact on geoengineering. The journal strives to report and archive progress in the field in a timely manner, presenting research papers, review articles, short notes and letters to the editors. Indexed by SCOPUS, Ulrich´s, MetaPress, Swets Informatin Service
The journal provides international dissemination of contributions on the art, discipline and science of informatics. Its scope covers design, description, presentation and analysis of programs, information structures, computing systems and interaction between components thereof.
Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series is a monthly journal established by the Chinese Mathematical Society. The journal publishes significant research papers from all branches of pure and applied mathematics. It provides authoritative reviews of current developments in mathematical research. Contributions are invited from researchers all over the world.
Acta Mathematica Vietnamica publishes original papers of high level in pure and applied mathematics and aims to contribute to the interaction and cooperation among mathematicians from Vietnam and from other countries in the World.
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series) is a quarterly journal established by the Chinese Mathematical Society. The journal publishes high quality research papers from all branches of applied mathematics, including partial differential equations, computational mathematics, applied probability, mathematical finance, statistics, dynamical systems, and optimization and management science.
Since 1965, the international journal Acta Mechanica has been among the leading journals in the field of theoretical and applied mechanics. In addition to the fields of solid and fluid mechanics, such as elasticity, plasticity, vibrations, structures, multi-body dynamics, hydrodynamics, gasdynamics and multiphase flows, it also gives special attention to areas such as Non-Newtonian fluid dynamics, micro- and nanomechanics of fluids and solids, smart materials and structures, biomechanics of solids and fluids, and novel issues at the interface of mechanics and materials. The journal further publishes papers in such related fields as rheology, thermodynamics, and electromagnetic interactions with fluids and solids. In addition, articles in applied mathematics and control dealing with significant mechanics problems are also welcome. Acta Mechanica emphasizes originality in all aspects of theoretical, experimental, and computational mechanics that are of lasting value and of current interest. Acta Mechanica will
Acta Mechanica Sinica, sponsored by the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, promotes scientific exchanges and collaboration among Chinese scientists in China and abroad. It features high quality, original papers in all aspects of mechanics and mechanical sciences. Not only does the journal explore the classical subdivisions of theoretical and applied mechanics such as solid and fluid mechanics, it also explores recently emerging areas such as biomechanics and nanomechanics. In addition, the journal investigates analytical, computational, and experimental progresses in all areas of mechanics. Lastly, it encourages research in interdisciplinary subjects, serving as a bridge between mechanics and other branches of engineering and the sciences. In addition to research papers, Acta Mechanica Sinica publishes reviews, notes, experimental techniques, scientific events, and other special topics of interest.
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica aims to become the best journal of solid mechanics in China and the known one in the world in the field of mechanics, by building up an international exchange platform for the ecological research; providing original, perspective and even breakthrough theories and methods for the research on solid mechanics in China and in the world; serving the sustainable development worldwide.The Journal is devoted to the publication of research papers in English in all fields of the solid-state mechanics and its related disciplines in science, technology, and engineering, with a balanced coverage on analytical, experimental, numerical and applied investigations. Articles, Letters, Discussions on previously published papers, and invitation-based Reviews are published bimonthly. No length limitations for regular and review articles are set. Letters (4 pages or less) that report novel theories, experimental and numerical findings, are usually published within three months after receipt. Papers which are merely methodological without showing essential advantages in applications, and papers which do not study deformable solids are out of the score of the Journal.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) is an international journal which presents compact reports of significant, original and timely research reflecting progress in metallurgy, materials science and engineering, including materials physics, physical metallurgy, and process metallurgy. Coverage extends to the fields of mining and ore dressing, production metallurgy, foundry, metal working, testing methods, powder metallurgy, composites, welding and joining, oxidation and corrosion. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) is sponsored by the Chinese Society for Metals, and managed by the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
The journal 'Acta Neurochirurgica' publishes papers dealing with clinical neurosurgery - diagnosis and diagnostic techniques, operative surgery and results, postoperative treatment - or with research work in neuroscience where underlying questions or results are of neurosurgical interest. As official organ of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies the journal publishes all announcements of the E.A.N.S. and reports on the activities of its member societies. In addition to the regular journal, 'Acta Neurochirurgica' publishes 3-4 supplement volumes per year. These comprise proceedings of international meetings or other material of general neurosurgical interest.
Peer-reviewed and published quarterly, Acta Neurologica Belgicapresents original articles in the clinical and basic neurosciences, and also reports the proceedings and the abstracts of the scientific meetings of the different partner societies. The contents include commentaries, editorials, review articles, case reports, neuro-images of interest, book reviews and letters to the editor.Acta Neurologica Belgica is the official journal of the following national societies:
Belgian Neurological SocietyBelgian Society for NeuroscienceBelgian Society of Clinical NeurophysiologyBelgian Pediatric Neurology SocietyBelgian Study Group of Multiple SclerosisBelgian Stroke CouncilBelgian Headache SocietyBelgian Study Group of NeuropathologyActa Neuropathologica´s mission is to publish the best articles on pathology and pathogenesis of neurological disease. The journal focuses on structural and molecular neuropathology using human tissue, animal models and in vitro systems.
The journal publishes Original Papers, Review Articles, Case Reports and Scientific Correspondence.Six reasons for publishing your best paper in Acta Neuropathologica:High impact: 9.730 (IF 2012)Wide distribution: more than 6,000 institutions worldwide having full text access. Efficient handling: 12 days between submission and first decision. Fast publication: 10 days between acceptance and online publication. Commitment to fairness: author feedback program. Cost-free printing: no page charges - free color figures.The official journal of the Chinese Society of Oceanography, this publication provides a forum for research papers in the field of oceanography from all over the world. It features coverage from all branches of oceanography, including marine physics, marine chemistry, marine geology, marine biology, marine hydrology, marine meteorology, ocean engineering, marine remote sensing and marine environment sciences. Acta Oceanologica Sinica includes original research papers, review articles as well as research notes covering the whole spectrum of oceanography. It also features special issues emanating from related conferences and meetings.