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Biomedicine and Aging Pathology

ISSN: 2210-5220

Created in 2011, as a spin-off from Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, this journal has an International Editorial Board of researchers and physicians working in oncology, cardiology, neurodegenerative diseases, nutritional pathologies and all aspects of disease pathologies affecting children and the ever-growing number of the elderly throughout the world. This included effects of nutritional and psychological conditions. The pathology of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease are reported, plus other diseases of children and elderly, such as diabetes. Original articles, review articles, thematic dossiers and clinical reports are published.

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eISSN: 2227-9059
JUFO Level 1

biological active substances, quality and safety of biological pharmaceutical products, gene therapy, challenges in administration of biomedicines, development of biomedicines, production of biomedicines

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Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya

ISSN: 2310-6972eISSN: 2310-6905


ISSN: 0006-341XeISSN: 1541-0420
JUFO Level 2

Published on behalf of the International Biometric Society, Biometrics emphasizes the role of statistics and mathematics in the biosciences. Its objectives are to promote and extend the use of statistical and mathematical methods in the principal disciplines of biosciences by reporting on the development and application of these methods. A centerpiece of most Biometrics articles is scientific application that sets scientific or policy objectives, motivates methods development, and demonstrates the operations of new methods.

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eISSN: 1932-1058
JUFO Level 1

iomicrofluidics is an online currently free access journal published by the American Institute of Physics to rapidly disseminate research in elucidating fundamental physicochemical mechanisms associated with microfluidic and nanofluidic phenomena as well as novel microfluidic and nanofluidic techniques for diagnostic, medical, biological, pharmaceutical, environmental, and chemical applications.

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Biomolecular Concepts

ISSN: 1868-5021eISSN: 1868-503X
JUFO Level 1
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Biomolecular Detection and Quantification

ISSN: 2214-7535eISSN: 2214-7535

Biomolecular Detection and Quantification (BDQ) is an open access, peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to championing excellence in molecular study design, measurement, data analysis and reporting. Its focus is on the application of qualitative and quantitative molecular methodologies to all areas of clinical and life sciences. The journal has two main aims:to provide a forum for discussion and recommendation of guidelines designed to improve the accuracy of molecular measurement, its data analysis and the transparency of its subsequent reporting;to publish molecular biology based studies that adhere to best practice guidelines, both current and future.BDQ was established by a group of scientists based on their experience developing and publishing the Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time (and Digital) PCR Experiments (the MIQE and digital MIQE guidelines). The deliberately broad scope of the journal covers clinical areas such as cancer, epigenetics, metagenomics, and infectious diseases as well non clinical subjects including environmental, microbiology and food science. BDQ revolves around the common theme of promoting excellence in molecular measurement and its data analysis. It will serve as a repository for sharing key findings across what may otherwise be disparate specialties.BDQ is distinguished by its three highly respected founding editors and molecular methodology pioneers Carl Wittwer, Michael W. Pfaffl and Ron Cook, and an international editorial board comprised of experienced scientists with broad expert interest.BDQ is published quarterly and includes:original research articles (both methodological and applied)short communicationsreviewseditorials and commentspoints of view and perspective articlesIn conjunction to scientific meetings in the field special extra issues can be released.All submitted manuscripts must present original contributions and contain no data that have been published elsewhere. Please note that BDQ operates with a so-called double blind peer-review policy which means that both the author and the reviewer remain anonymous to each other to avoid reviewer bias.The journal has an international audience and we particularly welcome submissions from younger scholars and researchers and those from developing countries.Scope:GeneticsEpigeneticsTranscriptomicsProteomicsMetabolomicsCancerInfectious diseases/microbiology/virologyDiagnosticsKeywords: molecular quantification, molecular diagnostics, standardization, standardization, metrology, dpcr, qpcr, ngs, rnaseq, biomarkers, microbiome, metagenomics, epigenetics, infectious disease

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Biomolecular NMR Assignments

ISSN: 1874-2718eISSN: 1874-270X
JUFO Level 1

Biomolecular NMR Assignments provides a forum for publishing sequence-specific resonance assignments for proteins and nucleic acids as Assignment Notes. Chemical shifts for NMR-active nuclei in macromolecules contain detailed information on molecular conformation and properties. Publication of resonance assignments in Biomolecular NMR Assignments ensures that these data are deposited into a public database at BioMagResBank (BMRB;, where they are available to other researchers. Coverage includes proteins and nucleic acids; Assignment Notes are processed for rapid online publication and are published in biannual online editions in June and December.Details Concerning the Submission and Publication Procedures:
- No Page Charges
- No Fees for Online Color Images
- Optional Color Images in Print – Euro 950,-
- Optional Open Access Publication Fee (APC) – USD 3000,- / Euro 2200,-

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eISSN: 2218-273X
JUFO Level 1

Biosensors (ISSN 2079-6374) provides an advanced forum for studies related to the the science and technology of biosensors and biosensing. It publishes original research papers, comprehensive reviews and communications. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. Electronic files and software regarding the full details of the calculation or experimental procedure, if unable to be published in a normal way, can be deposited as supplementary electronic material.

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Biomolecules and Therapeutics

ISSN: 1976-9148eISSN: 2005-4483
JUFO Level 1

Biomédica: revista del Instituto Nacional de Salud

ISSN: 0120-4157eISSN: 0120-4157
JUFO Level 1

Emblema del Instituto Nacional para Programas Especiales de Salud (INPES).1968-1975.Esta denominación se conservó hasta 1975 y. luego. mediante el.

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Bioorganic Chemistry

ISSN: 0045-2068eISSN: 1090-2120
JUFO Level 1

Bioorganic Chemistry publishes accounts of research that provide mechanistic insight inspired by Biology. The guiding principle that the Editorial Board will follow in accepting manuscripts for publication is that the research uses the principles and techniques of organic and physical organic chemistry in attempting to solve some problem of relevance to biology or that are directly inspired by some biological observation.Within this context, manuscripts suitable for submission are ones that deal with such topics as enzymology and biocatalysis (including the study of ribozymes and catalytic antibodies), closely-relevant enzyme models, biosynthesis and combinatorial biosynthesis, and biomimetic synthesis. In addition, the theoretical treatment of any of these topics is appropriate, as is the application of biophysical and analytical techniques to advance our understanding of one of these topics. The Journal publishes regular articles, preliminary communications, reviews and mini-reviews.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry

ISSN: 0968-0896
JUFO Level 1

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry provides an international forum for the publication of full original research papers and critical reviews on molecular interactions in key biological targets such as receptors, channels, enzymes, nucleotides, lipids and saccharides.The aim of the journal is to promote a better understanding at the molecular level of life processes, and living organisms, as well as the interaction of these with chemical agents. A special feature will be that colour illustrations will be reproduced at no charge to the author, provided that the Editor agrees that colour is essential to the information content of the illustration in question.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters

ISSN: 0960-894X
JUFO Level 1

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters presents preliminary experimental or theoretical research results of outstanding significance and timeliness on all aspects of science at the interface of chemistry and biology and on major advances in drug design and development. The journal publishes articles in the form of communications reporting experimental or theoretical results of special interest, and strives to provide maximum dissemination to a large, international audience.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Biophotonics International

ISSN: 1081-8693

Biophysical Chemistry

ISSN: 0301-4622eISSN: 1873-4200
JUFO Level 1

Biophysical Chemistry publishes original work and reviews in the areas of chemistry and physics directly impacting biological phenomena. Quantitative analysis of the properties of biological macromolecules, biologically active molecules, macromolecular assemblies and cell components in terms of kinetics, thermodynamics, spatio-temporal organization, NMR and X-ray structural biology, as well as single-molecule detection represent a major focus of the journal. Theoretical and computational treatments of biomacromolecular systems, macromolecular interactions, regulatory control and systems biology are also of interest to the journal.The journal publishes regular articles, letters and invited reviews. Manuscripts that fall outside the scopes and interests of the journal are returned to the Authors without in-depth review. Relevant manuscripts are reviewed expeditiously with decisions generally made within 3 weeks from receipt. Letters are short articles (6 printed pages maximum) reporting results of unusual timeliness and significance. Decisions on Letters are made within 1-2 weeks from receipt and publication is offered only to manuscripts requiring minor revision. Reviews are published by invitation from the Editors, but suggestions are welcome at any time. Authors can now submit supplementary material for online publication on ScienceDirect See our Guide for Authors for more information.

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Biophysical Journal

ISSN: 0006-3495eISSN: 1542-0086
JUFO Level 2
Publisher: Elsevier | Society or Institution: Biophysical Society

Cell Press was chosen by the Biophysical Society to publish its premier journal, beginning in January 2009. Published semimonthly, the Biophysical Journal presents original articles, letters and reviews on the most important developments in modern biophysics, emphasizing the molecular and cellular aspects of biology.Topics covered include:Channels, Receptors, and Electrical SignalingProteinsBiophysical Theory and ModelingCell BiophysicsPhotobiophysicsMembranesSpectroscopy, Imaging, Other TechniquesMuscle and ContractilitySupramolecular AssembliesBioenergeticsNucleic AcidsElectrophysiology

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Biophysical Reviews

ISSN: 1867-2450eISSN: 1867-2469
JUFO Level 1

Biophysical Reviews publishes short and critical reviews from key figures in the field. Authors are encouraged to discuss with the Editor the possibility of contributing a review. Biophysical Reviews covers the entire field of biophysics, generally defined as the science of describing and defining biological phenomenon using the concepts and the techniques of physics. This includes but is not limited by such areas as bioinformatics, biophysical methods and instrumentation, medical biophysics, biosystems, cell biophysics and organization, macromolecules: dynamics, structures and interactions, single molecule biophysics, and membrane biophysics, channels and transportation.

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Biophysical Reviews and Letters

ISSN: 1793-0480eISSN: 1793-7035
JUFO Level 1

The Biophysical Reviews and Letters is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research papers, review articles and brief communications in the field of experimental and theoretical Biophysics. It covers the whole area of Bionanosciences - including Biomolecules, Biocolloids (membranes, filaments, and minerals), Bioenergetics (molecular motors, growing filaments), Biofunctional, Bioinspired and Biomimetic Materials - as well as physical aspects of Structural and Molecular Cell Biology, Computational Biophysics, Bioinformatics, and fundamental issues related to the Life Sciences.

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ISSN: 0006-3509eISSN: 1555-6654
JUFO Level 1

Biophysics covers a wide scope of problems related to the main physical mechanisms of processes taking place on different organization levels in biosystems. It includes structure and dynamics of molecules, cells and tissues: the influence of environment: energy transformation and transfer: thermodynamics: biological motility: population dynamics and cell differentiation modeling: biomechanics and tissue rheology: non-linear phenomena, mathematical cybernetics modeling of complex systems: computational biology. Biophysics exercises a multidisciplinary approach and presents the complete pattern of relevant basic research in former Soviet and Eastern European countries. The Letters to the Editor section is dedicated to rapid publications of special interest. Reviews and mini-reviews are devoted to problems of general interest. The size of manuscripts is not limited.

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