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Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures

ISSN: 1028-365X
JUFO Level 1

Journal of the Korean Society for Railway

ISSN: 1738-6225eISSN: 2288-2235

Journal of the New England Water Works Association

ISSN: 0028-4939

KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering

ISSN: 1226-7988eISSN: 1976-3808
JUFO Level 1

The KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering is a technical journal published bimonthly by the Korean Society of Civil Engineers (KSCE). The journal publishes original papers within the broad field of civil engineering which include, but are not limited to, the following: Coastal and Harbor Engineering, Construction Management, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Highway Engineering, Information Technology, Nuclear Power Engineering, Railroad Engineering, Structural Engineering, Surveying and Geo-Spatial Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Tunnel Engineering, Water Engineering.Theoretical papers, practice-oriented papers including case studies, state-of-the-art reviews are all welcomed and encouraged for the advance of science and technology in civil engineering.

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Lean Construction Journal

ISSN: 1555-1369eISSN: 1555-1369
JUFO Level 1
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Machine Learning: Engineering

eISSN: 3049-4761

Machine Learning: Engineering is a multidisciplinary open access journal dedicated to the application of machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) and data-driven computational methods across all areas of engineering. The journal also publishes research that presents methodological, theoretical, or conceptual advances in machine learning and AI with applications to engineering.

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Magazine of Civil Engineering

ISSN: 2071-4726eISSN: 2071-0305
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Magazine of Concrete Research

ISSN: 0024-9831eISSN: 1751-763X
JUFO Level 1
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Management, Procurement and Law

ISSN: 1751-4304eISSN: 1751-4312
JUFO Level 1
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Maritime by Holland

ISSN: 2211-3444
Publisher: Navingo BV

Materials Advances

eISSN: 2633-5409
JUFO Level 1

Materials Advances is an international, gold open access journal, publishing high-quality research across the breadth of materials science. The journal accepts experimental or theoretical studies that report new understanding, applications, properties and synthesis of materials, building on and complementing the materials content already published across the Royal Society of Chemistry journal portfolio. Submissions are handled by our high profile associate editors, all of whom also look after submissions to Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C. The Materials Advances publishing experience comes with the reputation, standards, commitment and expertise you would expect from an RSC journal, plus the visibility boost that comes from being open access and part of the Journal of Materials Chemistry family.

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Materials and Structures

ISSN: 1359-5997eISSN: 1871-6873

Materials and Structures, the flagship publication of the International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM), provides a unique international and interdisciplinary forum for new research findings on the performance of construction materials. A leader in cutting-edge research, the journal is dedicated to the publication of high quality papers examining the fundamental properties of building materials, their characterization and processing techniques, modeling, standardization of test methods, and the application of research results in building and civil engineering. Materials and Structures also publishes comprehensive reports prepared by the RILEM’s technical committees.

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Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

ISSN: 0888-3270eISSN: 1096-1216
JUFO Level 3

Ongoing developments in mechanical, aeronautical and civil engineering and major changes brought about by advances in instrumentation and associated computing power necessitate the application and integration of techniques involving systems theory, signal processing, control theory and statistics. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) provides a forum for the discussion of research covering these disciplines with an emphasis not only on fundamental theoretical advances but also balancing theoretical and experimental demonstration of new methodologies and techniques.MSSP publishes refereed papers of the highest quality reflecting the activities and interests of workers in academic and industrial research and development establishments. Especially sought are papers that include both theoretical and experimental aspects, or that include theoretical material of high relevance to practical applications. Papers showing mainly applications of established approaches will rarely be considered.It is a leader in its field, and the research areas covered include:• Diagnostics of mechanical systems/machines/components• Diagnostics/prognostics/machine learning• Structural dynamics, modal analysis (theoretical and experimental)• Structural health• Sensing/measurements/data acquisition• Signal processing: advances relevant to mechanical systems• System modeling and identification• Uncertainty and robust reliability of mechanical systems• Vibration monitoring and control• Rotor dynamics, rotating machinery• Noise source location and noise cancellation• Dynamic loading and force identification• Inverse problems• Machine and material dynamics, meta materials• Vibro-acoustic modeling, simulation, testing and validation• Automotive research.

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Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines

ISSN: 1539-7734eISSN: 1539-7742
JUFO Level 1

Other technical areas of interest include high-speed computing, numerical methods, structural optimization, variational methods, stability, fatigue and fracture mechanics, plasticity, and related basic applied mechanics and mechanics-based design. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Mechanics Research Communications

ISSN: 0093-6413
JUFO Level 1

Mechanics Research Communications publishes as rapidly as possible manuscripts of high standards but restricted length. It aims at providing a fast means of communication and of exchange of ideas among workers in Mechanics, at offering an effective method of bringing new results quickly to the public and at establishing an informal vehicle for the discussion of ideas that may still be in the formative stages.Mechanics Research Communications will publish both scientific and applied contributions. In either category, papers may be one of three types:1. Complete: Self-contained, normally no more than about twelve manuscript pages long. The essence and motivation of the communication must be made clear in a first section, called Introduction, of length appropriate to that of the entire article and written so as to be understandable to the majority of workers in Mechanics. No further abstract is required. The remainder of the contribution may, of course, be addressed to specialists.2. Work in Progress and Preliminary Results: Accounts of current research and of tentative results even if of a conjectural but well documented nature, about three or four manuscript pages in length.3. Letters: Not over two manuscript pages long usually dealing with previously printed contributions or with matters of general interest to the Mechanics community, to be written in non-aggressive language. After acceptance of letters referring to previous communications, the authors of the original articles will be informed and allowed four weeks time to submit a written reply. The letter and the reply will be printed simultaneously.In addition, special features may be added from time to time.The field of Mechanics will be understood in a broad sense, no attempt being made to limit it or to provide it with a precise definition. It will encompass the behavior of fluids, solids, particles, continua, rigid bodies, mechanisms, systems and so forth. It will include theoretical as well as applied and experimental researches, whether aimed at fundamental scientific advances or at practical engineering results.

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Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures

ISSN: 1537-6494eISSN: 1537-6532
JUFO Level 1

The central aim of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures is to promote the dissemination of significant developments and publish state-of-the-art reviews and technical discussions of previously published papers dealing with mechanics aspects of advanced materials and structures. Refereed contributions describing analytical, numerical and experimental methods and hybrid approaches that combine theoretical and experimental techniques in the study of advanced materials and structures will be published along with critical surveys of the literature and discussions of papers in the field. Contributions will range from new theories and formulations to analyses and novel applications. Emphasis will be placed on mechanics aspects and aspects at the interface of materials and mechanics issues. The journal will publish manuscripts dealing with the mechanics aspects (for example, the mechanical characterization, mathematical modeling, novel applications, and numerical simulation) of advanced materials and structures. Contributions may range from new methods to novel applications of existing methods to gain understanding of the material and/or structural behavior of new and advanced. Typical topic areas are: * Materials: Adhesives, ceramics, metal-matrix composites, and polymer-based composites; processing and manufacturing of composite; actuator/sensor (smart) materials and electromagnetic materials; and damage and failure mechanisms in material. * Structures: Basic structural elements such as beams, plates, and shells; structures with actuators/sensors (smart structures); active and passive control of structures; aerospace, automotive, and underwater structures; and adhesively bonded structures. * Methodologies: Mathematical formulation of the kinematic, constitutive, and structural behavior of materials and structures; experimental methods directed toward mechanical characterization, damage evolution, and failures in materials and structures; computational methods for the solution of micro-, meso-, macro-mechanics mathematical models; methods dealing with the determination of local effects; and novel computational approaches for material and structural modeling of new and advanced materials. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Military Operations Research

ISSN: 0275-5823
JUFO Level 1

Modern Tunnelling Technology

ISSN: 1009-6582

Municipal Engineer

ISSN: 0965-0903eISSN: 1751-7699
JUFO Level 1

Municipal Engineer is the only journal which examines new approaches to municipal engineering worldwide.Included in the Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2008®The journal combines research papers best practice reports, policy updates and opinion pieces. Reader comment is always invited. Most issues are based on a call for papers which sets a comprehensive agenda for a chosen subject.The journal has a global scope and covers the whole life cycle of providing municipal services to communities. It addresses technical issues, political interface and community participation, the sustainability agenda, cultural context, and the key dimensions of procurement, management and finance.

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Natural Hazards Review

ISSN: 1527-6988eISSN: 1527-6996
JUFO Level 1
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