Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene is a trans-disciplinary, open-access journal committed to the facilitation of collaborative, peer-reviewed research. With the ultimate objective of accelerating scientific solutions to the challenges presented by this era of human impact, it is uniquely structured into distinct knowledge domains, and gives authors the opportunity to publish in one or multiple domains, helping them to present their research and commentary to interested readers from disciplines related to their own.
Energy & Environmental Science is an international journal dedicated to publishing exceptionally important and high quality, agenda-setting research tackling the key global and societal challenges of ensuring the provision of energy and protecting our environment for the future. The scope is intentionally broad and the journal recognises the complexity of issues and challenges relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science. For work to be published it must be linked to the energy-environment nexus and be of significant general interest to our community-spanning readership. All scales of studies and analysis, from impactful fundamental advances, to interdisciplinary research across the (bio)chemical, (bio/geo)physical sciences and chemical engineering disciplines are welcomed.
Energy use and supply is of fundamental importance to society and, with the possible exception of agriculture and forestry, has made the greatest impact on the environment of any human activity - a result of the large scale and pervasive nature of energy related activities. Although energy and environment concerns were originally local in character - for example, problems associated with extraction, transport or noxious emissions - they have now widened to cover regional and global issues such as acid rain and the greenhouse effect. Such problems have now become major political issues and the subject of international debate and regulation. It is for this reason that there is a need for a journal dedicated to energy and environment issues. Energy and Environment is an interdisciplinary journal aimed at natural scientists, technologists and the international social science and policy communities covering the direct and indirect environmental impacts of energy acquisition, transport, production and use. A particular objective is to cover the social, economic and political dimensions of such issues at local, national and international level. The technological and scientific aspects of energy and environment questions including energy conservation, and the interaction of energy forms and systems with the physical environment, are covered, including the relationship of such questions to wider economic and socio-political issues. Papers covering energy related aspects of wider environmental questions are included, such as the use of fuel wood and continuing impacts of de-forestation. A major aim of Energy and Environment is to act as a forum for constructive and professional debate between scientists and technologists, social scientists and economists from academia, government and the energy industries on energy and environment issues in both a national and international context. It is also the aim to include the informed and environmentally concerned public and their organisations in the debate. Particular attention is given to ways of resolving conflict in the energy and environment field.
Engineering in Life Sciences covers all technological aspects of Industrial, Environmental, Plant and Food Biotechnology, especially those related to the new, emerging fields of interest: White Biotechnology and Bioenergy.The journal reflects the modern and fast moving nature of engineering in life sciences and serves as a worldwide forum for the exchange of scientific information in this field, its interdisciplinary character supporting the transfer of scientific results of industrial biotechnology, as well as of environmental studies into technological processes. Concentrating on technology rather than on fundamental biological phenomena, it provides particularly useful insights into engineering applications.Rapid recent advances in genetic and metabolic engineering, systems biology, cell culture, tissue engineering and other biomedical applications have generated virtually unlimited potential for altering the capabilities of living systems expanding the scope of biotechnology, generating new applications for biological products and providing unprecedented ability to control life processes. A primary component of the mission of Engineering in Life Sciences is to facilitate the realization of this immense potential.All papers on microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, and applied environmental studies are technologically relevant, and there is a strong focus on bioprocess and biochemical engineering. Thus, the journal helps to drive advances in the covered fields, in terms of both research & development and the implementation of basic knowledge.
Now in its 50th year of publication, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development analyzes the problems, places, and people where environment and development come together, illuminating concerns from the local to the global. More readable than specialized journals and more timely than textbooks, Environment offers peer-reviewed articles and commentaries from researchers and practitioners who provide a broad range of international perspectives. This ISI-rated magazine also features in-depth reviews of major policy reports, conferences, and environmental education initiatives, as well as guides to the best Web sites, journal articles, and books. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience is published quarterly by the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists and the Geological Society of America.
Environmental Geochemistry and Health publishes original research papers and review papers across the broad field of environmental geochemistry. Environmental geochemistry and health establishes and explains links between the natural or disturbed chemical composition of the earth’s surface and the health of plants, animals and people.
Beneficial elements regulate or promote enzymatic and hormonal activity whereas other elements may be toxic. Bedrock geochemistry controls the composition of soil and hence that of water and vegetation. Environmental issues, such as pollution, arising from the extraction and use of mineral resources, are discussed. The effects of contaminants introduced into the earth’s geochemical systems are examined. Geochemical surveys of soil, water and plants show how major and trace elements are distributed geographically. Associated epidemiological studies reveal the possibility of causal links between the natural or disturbed geochemical environment and disease. Experimental research illuminates the nature or consequences of natural or disturbed geochemical processes.
The journal particularly welcomes novel research linking environmental geochemistry and health issues on such topics as: heavy metals (including mercury), persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and mixed chemicals emitted through human activities, such as uncontrolled recycling of electronic-waste; waste recycling; surface-atmospheric interaction processes (natural and anthropogenic emissions, vertical transport, deposition, and physical-chemical interaction) of gases and aerosols; phytoremediation/restoration of contaminated sites; food contamination and safety; environmental effects of medicines; effects and toxicity of mixed pollutants; speciation of heavy metals/metalloids; effects of mining; disturbed geochemistry from human behavior, natural or man-made hazards; particle and nanoparticle toxicology; risk and the vulnerability of populations, etc.
Environmental Modelling & Software publishes contributions, in the form of research articles, reviews and short communications, on recent advances in environmental modelling and/or software. The aim is to improve our capacity to represent, understand, predict or manage the behaviour of environmental systems at all practical scales, and to communicate those improvements to a wide scientific and professional audience.
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy is a quarterly publication of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers reporting on critical issues of the environment, including remediation and treatment of solid or aqueous wastes, air pollution, sustainability, and sustainable energy. Each issue helps engineers and scientists stay on top of technological advances in all areas associated with the environment through peer-reviewed technical manuscripts, updates, book and software reviews, and editorials. With an emphasis on applications, topics covered include:
Environmental Science: Advances caters to all disciplines working towards environmental sustainability, publishing research that enhances our comprehension of the environment and proposes solutions for a cleaner, safer and more equitable world. Environmental Science: Advances invites fundamental research, modelling, fieldwork, applied studies and policy work from across the environmental sciences. The journal welcomes research from any environmental or sustainability field, including biosciences, engineering, ecology, hydrology, soil science, geoscience, atmospheric science, agricultural science and climate science. Studies that advance our understanding of the physical environment, environmental health and environmental sustainability, or provide solutions to challenges in these areas are particularly welcome, as are studies falling at the environmental and social science interface. Manuscripts will be judged on their quality, interest and potential impact to ensure the publication of novel and significant contributions.
Environmental Science: Atmospheres is a gold open access journal publishing high-quality research in fundamental and applied atmospheric science. The journal is cross-disciplinary and spans the entirety of Earth’s atmosphere. This includes atmosphere–biosphere, atmosphere–ocean, and atmosphere–surface interactions. We also encourage research related to indoor air, aerosols, new particle formation as well as human health effects. All aspects of science are covered, including in situ and laboratory measurements, computational chemistry and chemical transport modelling, instrumentation, and remote sensing. The journal welcomes contributions in thermodynamics, microphysics, and chemistry of multiphase systems coupling gases, aerosols and clouds, as well as photochemistry and radiative transfer. Environmental Science: Atmospheres publishes Communications, Articles, Perspectives, Reviews and Comments and Replies to provide flexible manuscript types and address the full breadth of multidisciplinary research in this field.
Environmental Science: Nano is a comprehensive, high-impact source of peer-reviewed information on the design and demonstration of engineered nanomaterials for environment-based applications and on the interactions of engineered, natural, and incidental nanomaterials with biological and environmental systems. This scope includes, but is not limited to, the following topic areas: • Novel nanomaterial-based applications for water, air, soil, food, and energy sustainability • Nanomaterial interactions with biological systems and nanotoxicology • Environmental fate, reactivity, and transformations of nanoscale materials • Nanoscale processes in the environment • Sustainable nanotechnology including rational nanomaterial design, life cycle assessment, risk/benefit analysis
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts publishes high quality papers in all areas of the environmental chemical sciences, including chemistry of the air, water, soil and sediment. We welcome studies on the environmental fate and effects of anthropogenic and naturally occurring contaminants, both chemical and microbiological, as well as related natural element cycling processes. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts strongly prefers significant contributions whose results can be generalised to other systems, especially studies that characterise chemical processes (e.g. chemical and (micro)biological transformations and transport) as well as those that address contaminant impacts on ecosystems and human health. We also welcome high impact field studies, particularly those that are broad enough to define occurrence baselines or long term trends, identify new contaminants, or those that enrich our molecular-level understanding of environmental systems. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts also invites papers that bridge between environmental chemistry and sustainability topics, such as life cycle assessment, materials flow analysis, and environmental decision making.
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology seeks to showcase high quality research about fundamental science, innovative technologies, and management practices that promote sustainable water. The journal aims to provide a comprehensive and relevant forum that unites the diverse communities and disciplines conducting water research relevant to engineered systems and the built environment. This includes fundamental science geared toward understanding physical, chemical, and biological phenomena in these systems as well as applied research focused on the development and optimisation of engineered treatment, management, and supply strategies. Papers must report a significant advance in the theory, fundamental understanding, practice or application of water research, management, engineering or technology.