Beginning with a vision of a "materials-blind" society in the late 1960s, a few forward-looking individuals, with an eye toward advancing the cause of interdisciplinary research, made that vision a reality--the Materials Research Society, officially founded in 1973. The Society's core principles were interdisciplinarity, focused symposia, and greater interaction among researchers. These principles make MRS different from single-discipline professional societies because they encourage communication and technical information exchange across the various fields of science affecting materials.
The Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics is an established refereed companion to the Journal of Materials Science. It publishes papers on materials and their applications in modern electronics, covering the ground between fundamental science, such as semiconductor physics, and work concerned specifically with applications. It explores the growth and preparation of new materials, as well as their processing, fabrication, bonding and encapsulation, together with the reliability, failure analysis, quality assurance and characterization related to the whole range of applications in electronics. The Journal presents papers in newly developing fields such as low dimensional structures and devices, optoelectronics including III-V compounds, glasses and linear/non-linear crystal materials and lasers, high Tc superconductors, conducting polymers, thick film materials and new contact technologies, as well as the established electronics device and circuit materials.
The Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics (JMFM) is a forum for the publication of high-quality peer-reviewed papers on the mathematical theory of fluid mechanics, with special regards to the Navier-Stokes equations. As an important part of that, the journal encourages papers dealing with mathematical aspects of computational theory, as well as with applications in science and engineering. The journal also publishes in related areas of mathematics that have a direct bearing on the mathematical theory of fluid mechanics. All papers will be characterized by originality and mathematical rigor.
Bibliographic Data
J. Math. Fluid Mech.
First published in 1999
1 volume per year, 4 issues per volume
approx. 150 pages per issue
Format: 19.3 x 26 cm
ISSN 1422-6928 (print)
ISSN 1422-6952 (electronic)AMS Mathematical Citation Quotient (MCQ): 0.58 (2011)
Current developments in new image processing hardware, the advent of multisensor data fusion, and rapid advances in vision research have led to an explosive growth in the interdisciplinary field of imaging science. Emphasizing the role of mathematics as a rigorous basis for imaging science, this journal details innovative or established mathematical techniques applied to vision and imaging problems in a novel way. It also reports on new developments and problems in mathematics arising from these applications. The scope of Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision includes: - computational models of vision; imaging algebra and mathematical morphology - mathematical methods in reconstruction, compactification, and coding - filter theory - probabilistic, statistical, geometric, topological, and fractal techniques and models in imaging science - inverse optics - wave theory. This journal contains research articles, invited papers, and expository articles.
Journal of Mathematical Physics is published by the American Institute of Physics; content is published online daily, collected into monthly online and printed issues (12 issues per year). Its purpose is the publication of papers in mathematical physics–that is, the application of mathematics to problems in physics and the development of mathematical methods suitable for such applications and for the formulation of physical theories. The mathematics should be written in a manner that is understandable to theoretical physicists. Occasionally, reviews of mathematical subjects relevant to physics and special issues combining papers on a topic of current interest may be published.
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The Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (JM3) publishes peer-reviewed papers on the science, development, and practice of lithographic, fabrication, packaging, and integration technologies necessary to address the needs of the electronics, microeletromechanical systems, micro-optoelectromechanical systems, and photonics industries. The wide range of such devices also includes biomedical microdevices, microfluidics, sensors and actuators, adaptive optics, and digital micromirrors. The scope is broad to facilitate synergy and interest between the communities served by the journal. Lithography: tools, materials, and processes associated with the patterning of structures that have submicrometer and nanometer-scale features. Included are imaging and nonimaging approaches using optics, electron and other particle beams, nanoimprint, molecular self-assembly, and their hybrids. Applications include semiconductor fabrication, but also patterning for other micro/nanodevices. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS): the design, fabrication, operation, reliability, and testing of microdevices that contain both electrical and mechanical elements. Micro-optoelectromechanical systems (MOEMS): the design, fabrication, operation, reliability, and testing of microdevices that contain electrical, mechanical, and optical elements (that is, the merging of micro-optics and MEMS). Microfabrication: technologies to shape three-dimensional structures leading to the fabrication of active and passive electronics, photonics, MEMS, MOEMS, micro/nano-optics, and other micro/nanodevices. Metrology: metrology and process control for the above devices and their fabrication processes.
The Journal of the Microwave Power Energy (JMPEE) is a quarterly publication of the International Microwave Power Institute (IMPI), aimed to be one of the primary sources of the most reliable information in the arts and sciences of microwave and RF technology. JMPEE provides space to engineers and researchers for presenting papers about non-communication applications of microwave and RF, mostly industrial, scientific, medical and instrumentation. Topics include, but are not limited to: applications in materials science and nanotechnology, characterization of biological tissues, food industry applications, green chemistry, health and therapeutic applications, microwave chemistry, microwave processing of materials, soil remediation, and waste processing.
The journal (under its former title Optica Acta ) was founded in 1953 - some years before the advent of the laser - as an international journal of optics. Since then optical research has changed greatly; fresh areas of inquiry have been explored, different techniques have been employed and the range of application has greatly increased. The journal has continued to reflect these advances as part of its steadily widening scope.Journal of Modern Optics aims to publish original contributions to optical knowledge from educational institutions, government establishments and industrial R&D groups world-wide. The whole field of classical and quantum optics is covered. Papers may deal with the applications of fundamentals of modern optics, considering both experimental and theoretical aspects of contemporary research. In addition to regular papers, there are topical and tutorial reviews, and special issues on highlighted areas. General topics covered include:*Optical and photonic materials (inc. metamaterials)* Plasmonics and nanophotonics* Quantum optics (inc. quantum information)*Optical instrumentation and technology (inc. detectors, metrology, sensors, lasers)* Coherence, propagation, polarization and manipulation (classical optics)* Scattering and holography (diffractive optics)* Optical fibres and optical communications (inc. integrated optics, amplifiers)* Vision science and applications* Medical and biomedical optics* Nonlinear and ultrafast optics (inc. harmonic generation, multiphoton spectroscopy)* Imaging and Image processingTopical and Tutorial ReviewsIn order to best provide optical scientists with the highest quality information on current research topics, Journal of Modern Optics publishes two styles of review articles: topical reviews and tutorial reviews. Topical reviews are aimed primarily at the specialist already working on the topic covered or in a closely related area. Tutorial reviews emphasize the basics and are aimed at a structured introduction to a topic assuming little previous background knowledge.If you are interested in writing a review article for the journal, please send a one page synopsis explaining its topicality and likely content to . It will be considered by the Editorial Board and then may lead to an invitation to submit a full review.Special IssuesPlease note that Journal of Modern Optics has a general policy of NOT publishing full conference proceedings. The Journal only publishes Special Issues - on occasion, these may often overlap heavily with work presented at a specific conference on the topic of the Special Issue but we do not publish conventional conference proceedings. Contributions to Journal of Modern Optics Special Issues must report original research and will be subjected to review by referees at the discretion of the Editorial Office.Listed in Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report Science Edition.
The journal includes papers in the following areas:– Simple organic liquids and mixtures– Ionic liquids– Surfactant solutions (including micelles and vesicles) and liquid interfaces– Colloidal solutions and nanoparticles– Thermotropic and lyotropic liquid crystals– Ferrofluids– Water, aqueous solutions and other hydrogen-bonded liquids– Lubricants, polymer solutions and melts– Molten metals and salts– Phase transitions and critical phenomena in liquids and confined fluids– Self assembly in complex liquids.– Biomolecules in solutionThe emphasis is on the molecular (or microscopic) understanding of particular liquids or liquid systems, especially concerning structure, dynamics and intermolecular forces. The experimental techniques used may include:– Conventional spectroscopy (mid-IR and far-IR, Raman, NMR, etc.)– Non-linear optics and time resolved spectroscopy (psec, fsec, asec, ISRS, etc.)– Light scattering (Rayleigh, Brillouin, PCS, etc.)– Dielectric relaxation– X-ray and neutron scattering and diffraction.Experimental studies, computer simulations (MD or MC) and analytical theory will be considered for publication; papers just reporting experimental results that do not contribute to the understanding of the fundamentals of molecular and ionic liquids will not be accepted.
The Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy presents experimental and theoretical articles on all subjects relevant to molecular spectroscopy and its modern applications. An international medium for the publication of some of the most significant research in the field, the Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy is an invaluable resource for astrophysicists, chemists, physicists, engineers, and others involved in molecular spectroscopy research and practice.Feature Articles:It is planned to have several peer reviewed Feature articles in the Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy each year. These articles will overview areas of particular significance in molecular spectroscopy. They may review and consolidate an area of theoretical development or a collection of experimental data, in each case offering some new insights. The articles may also summarize the present status of a rapidly developing and/or evolving field. All the articles should serve as introductions to areas of spectroscopy other than one's specialty and should be particularly valuable to students entering the field.Feature articles will be solicited by invitation of the Editor. However, the Editor invites suggestions, with a reasonable level of detail, about topics that could be of interest. Self suggestions by potential authors are particularly encouraged.Submit your Article online:The 'Elsevier Editorial System' (or EES) is a web-based system with full online submission, review and status update capabilities. EES allows you to upload files directly from your computer. This is part of our on-going efforts to improve the efficiency and accuracy of our editorial procedures and the quality and timeliness of the manuscripts published.We strongly encourage all authors to use EES at the following URL when submitting papers to Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy. EES can be accessed at: time users will need to register)
The activities of Trans Tech Publications Inc. began back in 1967 when the first volume of the now famous "Diffusion Data" series was published. The series was later enlarged, and renamed "Diffusion and Defect Data", and this year it celebrated the publication of its 400th volume; a number which is now added to at the rate of 24 volumes per year.Since 1967 when the first volume of "Diffusion Data" was published, Trans Tech Publications Inc. has grown steadily and is now active in a wide range of disciplines:Materials Science and Technology is still our most important field of activity and the periodicals, "Materials Science Forum", "Key Engineering Materials", "Defect and Diffusion Forum" and "Solid State Phenomena", "Advanced Materials Research", "Applied Mechanics and Materials", "Journal of Nano Research" and "Advances in Science and Technology", offer more than 35,000 pages of high-class research results per year.Each one of these periodicals is available online in full text via our well-known platform. The site currently features 10 periodicals and over 355,000 pages of highly scientific research.In 1998 we started our monograph series "Materials Science Foundations" which has since then published over 25 titles. Each monograph is treating its chosen topic exhaustively, and seeks in particular to draw together the strands of current theory and industrial practice.In order to serve the world's science and engineering community better, Trans Tech Publications Inc. - has established offices in Switzerland, the UK and the United States of America, and our products are available via numerous agents and distributors in all parts of the world.In all of the fields in which we are active, we pride ourselves on being well-accepted by our readers, authors and editors of conference proceedings alike.
The Journal of Nanoparticle Research is a monthly peer-reviewed journal that explores the specific concepts, properties, phenomena and processes of structures at the nanoscale size range. Coverage includes synthesis, assembly, transport, reactivity, and stability, and emphasizes realization and application of systems, structures and devices with novel functions obtained via precursor nanoparticles. The Journal fosters the interdisciplinary dissemination of knowledge by encouraging synergetic approaches originating from a wide range of disciplines, such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Health Care. Perspectives now available for free onlinePerspective articles have a wide breadth of appeal because they evaluate research, industrial and societal trends centered around nanotechnology. See the bigger picture!
The Journal of Nanophotonics (JNP) is an electronic journal focusing on the fabrication and application of nanostructures that facilitate the generation, propagation, manipulation, and detection of light from the infrared to the ultraviolet regimes. The scope extends to theory, modeling and simulation, experimentation, instrumentation, and application. Nanoparticles and nanoparticulate composite materials Quantum dots and other low-dimensional nanostructures Nanotubes, nanowires, and nanofibers Nanowaveguides and nanoantennas Sculptured thin films and nanostructured photonic crystals Quantum optics and spintronics Nanoscale optical electronics Surface plasmons and nanoplasmonics Ultrashort pulse propagation Light-harvesting materials and devices Nanophotonic detectors Near-field optics Optical manipulation techniques, spectroscopies, and scattering techniques Molecular self-assembly, and other nanofabrication techniques Nanobiophotonics Nanophotonic concepts and systems that facilitate continued integration of various optical and/or electronic functions Dynamically tunable, multifunctional, and/or active nanomaterials and metamaterials
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (JNN) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with a wide-ranging coverage, consolidating research activities in all areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology into a single and unique reference source. JNN is the first cross-disciplinary journal to publish original full research articles, rapid communications of important new scientific and technological findings, timely state-of-the-art reviews with author's photo and short biography, and current research news encompassing the fundamental and applied research in all disciplines of science, engineering and medicine.
In all cases the papers must demonstrate both novelty and importance to the field, by way of significant advances in understanding or application of non-crystalline solids; in the case of Letters, a compelling case must also be made for expedited handling.
The journal publishes "Letters to the Editor" with a guarantee of publication within 3 months after acceptance of the manuscript.
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The Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics serves as an international publication organ for new ideas, insights and results on non-equilibrium phenomena in science, engineering and related natural systems. The central aim of the journal is to provide a bridge between science and engineering and to promote scientific exchange on* newly observed non-equilibrium phenomena* analytic or fuzzy models for their interpretation* new methods to describe non-equilibrium phenomena.The journal addresses mechanical, chemical, and biochemical engineers, physicists, chemists and applied mathematicians, as well as computational scientists. Contributions should present novel approaches to analyzing, modeling and optimizing processes of engineering relevance such as transport processes of mass, momentum and energy, separation of fluid phases, reproduction of living cells, and many others. Highest priority is given to contributions which add to the basic understanding of non-equilibrium phenomena in engineering and related natural systems.The journal publishes scholarly research papers, invited review articles, short communications and “comment-and-reply-notes” on papers already published.
Subjects considered suitable for the journal include the following (not necessarily in order of importance):
Overly abstract, formalistic or artificial developments will not be welcomed.