The official journal of the American Orthopsychiatric Association, the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry is dedicated to informing public policy and professional practice and to the expansion of knowledge relating to mental health and human development from a multidisciplinary and interprofessional perspective. This journal is a critical resource for psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, educators, and professionals in a broad range of allied disciplines.
Applied Psychological Measurement (APM) publishes empirical research on the application of psychological measurement to substantive problems in all areas of psychology and related disciplines. It offers reports on the development and application of innovative measurement techniques; methodological developments in the solution of measurement problems; comparisons of measurement techniques; investigations of measurement methodologies; validation and reliability methodologies; and critical reviews of measurement methodology.
The peer-reviewed, international Archive for the Psychology of Religion/Archiv für Religionspsychologie is the oldest periodical in the psychology of religion. It is open to all scientific methodologies, quantitative and qualitative.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy publishes relevant, innovative and original articles on the theory, research, teaching and practice of family therapy. All articles are refereed by assessors with generous feedback and guidance provided as well as mentoring for beginning or new authors. Regular features include book reviews and guest issues on topics of interest to readers and practitioners. As a professional journal we aim to further the discipline of family therapy in Australia and New Zealand.
Behavior Research Methods publishes articles concerned with the methods, techniques, and instrumentation of research in experimental psychology. The journal focuses particularly on the use of computer technology in psychological research. An annual special issue is devoted to this field.
Behavioral Sleep Medicine addresses behavioral dimensions of normal and abnormal sleep mechanisms and the prevention, assessment, and treatment of sleep disorders and associated behavioral and emotional problems. Standards for interventions acceptable to this journal are guided by established principles of behavior change. Intending to serve as the intellectual home for the application of behavioral/cognitive science to the study of normal and disordered sleep, the journal paints a broad stroke across the behavioral sleep medicine landscape. Its content includes scholarly investigation of such areas as normal sleep experience, insomnia, the relation of daytime functioning to sleep, parasomnias, circadian rhythm disorders, treatment adherence, pediatrics, and geriatrics. Multidisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. The journal' domain encompasses human basic, applied, and clinical outcome research. Behavioral Sleep Medicine also embraces methodological diversity, spanning innovative case studies, quasi-experimentation, randomized trials, epidemiology, and critical reviews. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review , based on initial editor screening and refereeing by three anonymous reviewers.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The well-established Creativity Research Journal publishes high quality, scholarly research capturing the full range of approaches to the study of creativity--behavioral, clinical, cognitive, cross-cultural, developmental, educational, genetic, organizational, psychoanalytic, psychometric, and social. Interdisciplinary research is also published, as is research within specific domains such as art and science, as well as on critical issues such as aesthetics, genius, imagery, imagination, incubation, insight, intuition, metaphor, play, and problem finding and solving. Integrative literature reviews and theoretical pieces that appreciate empirical work are welcome, but purely speculative articles will not be published.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Criminal Behaviour & Mental Health - CBMH - aims to publish original material on any aspect of the relationship between mental state and criminal behaviour. Thus, we are interested in mental mechanisms associated with offending, regardless of whether the individual concerned has a mental disorder or not. We are interested in factors that influence such relationships, and particularly welcome studies about pathways into and out of crime. These will include studies of normal and abnormal development, of mental disorder and how that may lead to offending for a subgroup of sufferers, together with information about factors which mediate such a relationship. We are particularly keen to attract treatment studies and studies evaluating the impact of a range of interventions and new services designed to increase public safety as well as the safety and well-being of the perpetrators of crime and their victims. CBMH welcomes a wide range of methodologies and formats. Both qualitative and quantitative research is welcomed, from both laboratory and field conditions, as are systematic reviews. Case histories are not excluded, but have to be presented with the same theoretical and methodological rigour as any other research considered acceptable for publication. Potential authors are referred to the guidance for authors for further information about requirements on length, style, format and ethical issues. CBMH should be of interest to clinical and non-clinical practitioners working with offenders with and without identified mental disorder. University students and researchers in clinical disciplines and in non-clinical disciplines such as criminology and law should find the material particularly useful. CBMH would also be useful for policy makers and government departments.
Cross-Cultural Research (CCR) publishes peer-reviewed articles that describe cross-cultural and comparative studies in all human sciences. Each issue, published quarterly, examines topics that span societies, nations and cultures, providing strategies for the systematic testing of theories about human society and behavior.
Educational and Psychological Measurement publishes referred scholarly work from all academic disciplines interested in the study of measurement theory, problems, and issues. Theoretical articles will address new developments and techniques, and applied articles will deal strictly with innovation applications.
Homicide Studies (HS), published quarterly, bridges the gap between academic and practitioner with high quality, multidisciplinary articles devoted to the dissemination of information concerning research, public policy, and applied knowledge related to the study of homicide. HS brings you the latest thinking and discussion in homicide studies aiding more effective public policies to help reduce and possibly prevent future homicides.
The International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling is published under the auspices of the International Association for Counselling.The journal promotes the exchange of information about counselling activities throughout the world. Papers published in the journal are conceptual, practical or research contributions providing an international perspective on the following areas: Theories and models of guidance and counselling:Counsellor education and supervision:State of the art reports on guidance and counselling in specific settings:Special populations:Special applications:Counselling services in developing countries. The International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling publishes original articles, major addresses and papers presented at the International Association for Counselling and other major international meetings, and thematic reviews and discussions related to guidance and counselling.
The Journal of Classification presents original and valuable papers in the field of classification, numerical taxonomy, multidimensional scaling and other ordination techniques, clustering, tree structures and other network models, as well as associated models and algorithms for fitting them. Articles support advances in methodology, while demonstrating compelling substantive applications. The journal also publishes comprehensive review articles. Among the disciplines represented are statistics, psychology, biology, information retrieval, anthropology, archeology, astronomy, business, chemistry, computer science, economics, engineering, geography, geology, linguistics, marketing, mathematics, medicine, political science, psychiatry, sociology, and soil science. Published twice a year, each issue typically comprises four sections: articles, short notes and comments, software abstracts, and book reviews. The Editor-in-Chief is Willem J. Heiser, Department of Psychology, Leiden University, The Netherlands.Offici
The Journal of Comparative Psychology® publishes original empirical and theoretical research from a comparative perspective on the behavior, cognition, perception, and social relationships of diverse species. The submission of articles containing data on multiple species and multiple tasks is especially encouraged. Studies can be descriptive or experimental and can be conducted in the field or in captivity.Papers in the following areas are especially welcome: * behavior genetics * behavioral rhythms * communication * cognition * behavioral biology of conservation and animal welfare * animal models in robotics * experimental economics * development * endocrine–behavior interactions * evolutionary psychology * methodology * phylogenetic comparisons * orientation and navigation * sensory and perceptual processes * social behavior * social cognition * personality and temperament.
The Journal of Educational Measurement (JEM) publishes original measurement research, provides reviews of measurement publications, and reports on innovative measurement applications. The topics addressed will interest those concerned with the practice of measurement in field settings, as well as be of interest to measurement theorists. In addition to presenting new contributions to measurement theory and practice, JEM also serves as a vehicle for improving educational measurement applications in a variety of settings.