Applied & Translational Genomics is a new open access biomedical journal providing a forum for publication and discussion of cutting edge research and new developments in applied and translational genomics, including information technologies that enable both advances in the field as well as the application of advances to clinical care and educational, ethical, economic, public health, citizen and policy issues pertinent to research advances. As such the Applied & Translational Genomics is a uniquely interdisciplinary journal. Further, it aims to publish new approaches to 'translational genomics', such as studies designed to probe the elasticity and dynamism of molecular processes. The Journal's mission is to enhance the knowledge, clinical adoption and discussion of applied and translational genomics worldwide. Its ethics mission is to enable global benefit sharing through the publication of articles, analyses and commentaries of researchers, clinicians, and patient populations situated throughout the world. The journal encourages submissions by authors in the developing world and to support their access to publishing, the Journal invites authors for whom processing fees represent a barrier, to contact the editor about our sliding fee scale policy.
Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research is an academic, open access, peer reviewed journal owned by Arabian Gulf University, which welcomes both theoretical and empirical submissions in natural resources sciences, medical sciences, biotechnology, computer science and applications, innovation, entrepreneurship, and management sciences, and educational sciences
Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine and Biotechnology covers the frontiers of interdisciplinary research and application, combining artificial cells, nanotechnology, nanobiotechnology, biotechnology, molecular biology, bioencapsulation, novel carriers, stem cells and tissue engineering. Emphasis is on basic research, applied research, and clinical and industrial applications of the following topics:.
Kurzcharakteristik BIOspektrum BIOspektrum ist das Publikationsorgan der Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie (GBM), der Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie (VAAM), der Gesellschaft für Genetik (GfG), der Gesellschaft für Entwicklungsbiologie (GfE) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (DGPT) und erreicht mit persönlichem Abonnement alle Biotechnologen der DECHEMA. Zweimonatlich gibt die Zeitschrift rund 15.000 Lesern anhand von Review Artikeln einen Überblick über neue Entwicklungen in den Biowissenschaften (mit den Schwerpunkten Molekularbiologie, Biochemie, Mikrobiologie, Genetik und Entwicklungsbiologie) und informiert über Aktuelles aus Wirtschaft und Politik. Interna aus der Scientific Community, zum Beispiel Instituts- und Wissenschaftlerporträts, sowie zahlreiche Servicesparten (neue Produkte, Bücher, Tagungsankündigungen etc.) runden das breite Informationsangebot von BIOspektrum ab., .
BMC Biology is the flagship biology journal of the BMC series, now incorporating Journal of Biology, the premier biology journal of BioMed Central, and publishes peer-reviewed research and methodology articles of special importance and broad interest in any area of biology and biomedical sciences, as well as full reviews, opinion pieces, commentary and Q&As on topics of special or topical interest.
BMC Biotechnology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in the manipulation of biological macromolecules or organisms for use in experimental procedures, cellular and tissue engineering or in the pharmaceutical, agricultural biotechnology and allied industries.
BMC Genomics is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of genome-scale analysis, functional genomics, and proteomics.
BioChip Journal publishes original research and reviews in all areas of the expanding field of biochip technology. Coverage spans a broad range of disciplines and topics, including protein chip, DNA chip, cell chip, lab-on-a-chip, bio-MEMS, biosensor, micro/nano mechanics, microfluidics, high-throughput screening technology, medical science, genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring and micro/nanotechnology. The editors of BioChip Journal are committed to rapid peer review, to ensure the timely publication of the highest quality original research, news and review articles.
An essential resource for R&D professionals and clinicians with an interest in biologic therapies.BioDrugs covers the development and use of biotechnology-based pharmaceuticals and innovative technologies for the treatment of human disease.
Microarrays (ISSN 2076-3905), is an academic Open Access Journal for microarray technology and applications. It publishes original research papers, comprehensive reviews and communications. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced.
Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology is the official journal of the International Society of Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology (ISBAB). The journal publishes high quality articles especially in the science and technology of biocatalysis, bioprocesses, agricultural biotechnology, biomedical biotechnology, and, if appropriate, from other related areas of biotechnology. The journal will publish peer-reviewed basic and applied research papers, authoritative reviews, and feature articles.The scope of the journal encompasses the research, industrial, and commercial aspects of biotechnology, including the areas of: biocatalysis; bioprocesses; food and agriculture; genetic engineering; molecular biology; healthcare and pharmaceuticals; biofuels; genomics; nanotechnology; environment and biodiversity; and bioremediation.Types of papers published are: Full-length original research papers; Short communications; Review articles; Letters to the Editor.