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Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels

eISSN: 0022-2755

Journal of Neutron Research

ISSN: 1023-8166eISSN: 1477-2655
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems

ISSN: 1480-2422
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science

ISSN: 2332-8983eISSN: 2332-8975
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Nuclear Materials

ISSN: 0022-3115eISSN: 1873-4820
JUFO Level 2

The Journal of Nuclear Materials publishes high quality papers in materials research for nuclear applications, primarily fission reactors, fusion reactors, and similar environments including radiation areas of charged particle accelerators. Both original research and critical review papers covering experimental, theoretical, and computational aspects of either fundamental or applied nature are welcome.The breadth of the field is such that a wide range of processes and properties in the field of materials science and engineering is of interest to the readership, spanning atom-scale processes, microstructures, thermodynamics, mechanical properties, physical properties, and corrosion, for example.The following list describes topics within the scope of the Journal.Fission reactor materials, including fuels, cladding, core structures, pressure vessels, coolant interactions with materials, moderator and control components; fission product behavior.Materials aspects of the entire fuel cycle.Materials aspects of the actinides and their compounds.Performance of nuclear waste materials; immobilization of wastes.Fusion reactor materials, including first walls, blankets, insulators and magnets.Neutron and charged particle radiation effects in materials, including defects, transmutations, microstructures, phase changes and macroscopic properties.Interaction of plasmas, ion beams, electron beams and electromagnetic radiation with materials.Please note: a manuscript must focus on materials science and engineering related to nuclear applications. Thus, all topics within nuclear science and engineering or materials science and engineering do not necessarily fall within the scope. Topics outside the scope of the Journal will not be considered, and potential alternative journals are indicated in brackets in the list below. Typical examples of topics which are out of scope for the Journal include:(1) Topics in nuclear engineering and other areas not addressing materials, such as:Particle transport, cross-sections or isotope ratios (Radiation Physics and Chemistry; Annals of Nuclear Energy)Process engineering (Materials Science and Engineering A; Materials and Design)Thermal hydraulics (Nuclear engineering and design)Isotope separation processes (Nuclear Instrument and Methods B)Fusion reactor design and technology (Fusion Engineering & Design)Plasma physics (Physics Letters A)(2) Materials topics not addressing nuclear applications, such as general studies in:Physical properties including modeling and simulation (Materials Science and Engineering A, Materials Letters)Metallurgy (Journal of Alloys and Compounds; Materials Science and Engineering A)Corrosion (Corrosion Science)Welding and joining (Journal of Alloys and Compounds; Materials and Design)Ceramics (Journal of the European Ceramics Society; Ceramics international)

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Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology

ISSN: 0022-3131eISSN: 1881-1248
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (JNST) publishes internationally peer-reviewed papers that contribute to the exchange of research, ideas and developments in the field of nuclear science and technology, to contribute peaceful and sustainable development of the World.First established by the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) in 1964, JNST is published bimonthly in print and monthly online. JNST is continued to be organized by, and an official publication of AESJ . The journal is listed in Thomson Scientific’s Science Citation Index (SCI).JNST aims to serve its academic community, industry professionals, research institutions, government agencies and policy-makers concerned with the research, technological development and application of nuclear science and technology by:Providing authoritative and up-to-date information on the field of nuclear science and technologyPromoting the exchange of ideas and research within the nuclear/atomic science communityIdentifying areas of growth by assessing the conditions and constraints affecting the peaceful use of nuclear energySupporting the development of nuclear technology and applications in various markets for peaceful purposesResponding to global energy and environmental needs and objectives through the study of nuclear science, technology and resourcesJNST ’s broad scope covers a wide range of topics within its subject category, including but are not limited to:General Issues related to Nuclear Power Utilization: Philosophy and Ethics, Justice and Policy, International Relation, Economical and Sociological Aspects, Environmental Aspects, Education, Documentation and Database, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, SafeguardRadiation, Accelerator and Beam Technologies: Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Reaction for Engineering, Nuclear Data Measurement and Evaluation, Integral Verification/Validation and Benchmark on Nuclear Data, Radiation Behaviors and Shielding, Radiation Physics, Radiation Detection and Measurement, Accelerator and Beam Technology, Synchrotron Radiation, Medical Reactor and Accelerator, Neutron Source, Neutron TechnologyNuclear Reactor Physics: Reactor Physics Experiments, Reactor Neutronics Design and Evaluation, Reactor Analysis, Neutron Transport Calculation, Reactor Dynamics Experiment, Nuclear Criticality Safety, Fuel Burnup and Nuclear Transmutation,Reactor Instrumentation and Control, Human-Machine System: Reactor Instrumentation and Control System, Human Factor, Control Room and Operator Interface Design, Remote Control, Robotics, Image ProcessingThermal Hydraulics: Thermal Hydraulic Experiment and Analysis, Thermal Hydraulic Design, Thermal Hydraulics of Single/Two/Multi Phase Flow, Interactive Phenomena with Fluid, Measurement TechnologyOperational Management of Reactor, Nuclear Safety Engineering: Operational Management, Inspection and Maintenance, Design of Nuclear Power Station and Component, Aseismatic Design, Construction and Examination of Nuclear Power Station, Nuclear Safety Engineering, Nuclear Installation Safety, PSANuclear Materials and Nuclear Fuels: Fabrication/Development and Properties of Nuclear Materials and Fuels, Corrosion and Environmentally Assisted Cracking, Solid State Chemistry of Actinide Compounds as Fuels, Thermodynamics and High Temperature Chemistry of Fuels, Irradiation Behavior and Characteristics of Materials and Fuels, Irradiation Technique and Post-Irradiation ExperimentsReactor Chemistry, Radiochemistry, Fuel Reprocessing, Safeguards Technology: Reactor Chemistry, Radiation Chemistry, Corrosion, Decontamination, Isotope Separation, Application of Isotopes, Uranium Enrichment, Nuclear Chemistry, Radiochemistry, Chemistry of Actinides, Fuel Reprocessing, Group Partitioning, Nuclear Transmutation and Partitioning Process, Accountancy, Safeguards TechnologyRadioactive Waste Management: Radioactive Waste Treatment, Radioactive Waste Disposal and Environment, Decommissioning and Dismantling, Design and Manufacturing of Transportation Vessel and Storage FacilityFusion Energy Engineering : Plasma Engineering including Inertial Confinement Fusion, Fusion Reactor Materials and Fuels, Breeding Materials, Reactor Component Technology, Fusion Neutronics, Fusion Reactor Safety, Fusion Reactor SystemHealth Physics and Environmental Science: Medical and Biological Application of Radiation, Nuclear Medicine, Biological Effects, Radiation and Radioactivity Measurement, Radiation Dosimetry, Radiation Control, Environmental Radioactivity, Radiation Dose and Environmental Safety Assessments, Philosophy and Standards for Radiation Protection© 2012 Atomic Energy Society of Japan. All rights reserved. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy

ISSN: 2198-6444eISSN: 2198-6452
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Oil Palm Research

ISSN: 1511-2780
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

ISSN: 2190-0558eISSN: 2190-0566

The Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology is an International quarterly journal that publishes leading edge studies in the field of petroleum engineering, petroleum geology and exploration geophysics and the implementation of related technologies to the development and management of oil and gas reservoirs from their discovery through their entire production cycle.Focusing on:Reservoir characterization and modelingUnconventional oil and gas reservoirsGeophysics: Acquisition and near surfaceGeophysics Modeling and ImagingGeophysics: InterpretationGeophysics: ProcessingProduction EngineeringFormation EvaluationReservoir ManagementPetroleum GeologyEnhanced RecoveryGeomechanicsDrillingCompletionsThe Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology is a quarterly Open Access journal (supported by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology) and accepts original and review articles as well as book reviews for publication. All the manuscripts are peer-reviewed for scientific quality and acceptance.
Every year KACST awards the best paper with the KACST Medal and $ 5000.

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Journal of Petroleum Geology

ISSN: 0141-6421eISSN: 1747-5457
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Petroleum Geology is a quarterly journal devoted to the geology of oil and natural gas. Editorial preference is given to original papers on oilfield regions of the world outside North America and on topics of general application in petroleum exploration and development operations, including geochemical and geophysical studies, basin modelling and reservoir evaluation.

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Journal of Photonics for Energy

eISSN: 1947-7988
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Photonics for Energy (JPE) is an e-journal that covers fundamental and applied research areas focused on the applications of photonics for renewable energy harvesting, conversion, storage, distribution, monitoring, consumption, and efficient usage. Materials and Concepts: Novel photonic materials for renewable energy Innovative photonic concepts for renewable energy (e.g., light harvesting, light management, antireflective materials, plasmonic structures) Devices: Photovoltaic devices (including thin film and organic semiconductors) Photonic devices for efficient harvesting and conversion of solar energy (e.g., thermophotovoltaics, photoelectrochemical solar cells) Solar thermal and concentrator technology (e.g., thermoelectrics, mirrors, optics) Energy-efficient photonic devices (e.g., solid-state lighting, flat-panel displays) Sensors to measure, control, and regulate energy Efficient Energy Usage: Photonic technologies for monitoring energy usage Photonic technologies for monitoring exhaust gases and pollutants Measurement techniques for energy technologies Photonics in process control (e.g., for more energy-efficient production processes) Photonics in production of renewable energy devices and applications Applications: Photonic sensors in power plants and buildings Photonics in buildings (e.g., lighting, sensing, control systems, integrated photovoltaics)

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Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

eISSN: 1948-7185
JUFO Level 3

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters is devoted to reporting new and original experimental and theoretical basic research of interest to physical chemists, biophysical chemists, chemical physicists, physicists, material scientists, and engineers. An important criterion for acceptance is that the paper reports a significant scientific advance and/or physical insight such that rapid publication is essential.

JPC Letters has emerged as one of the premier journals in the discipline by disseminating significant scientific advances in physical chemistry, chemical physics, and materials science. The authors use streamlined editorial processes to publish their important new scientific advances at a fast pace and thus are able to publish their research results first. The journal has consistently maintained a rapid publication time and thus offers authors the opportunity to stay ahead of the competition. 

Areas covered by the journal include:

  • Physical Insights into Quantum Phenomena and Function
  • Physical Insights into Materials and Molecular Properties
  • Physical Insights into Light Interacting with Matter
  • Physical Insights into the Biosphere, Atmosphere, and Space
  • Physical Insights into Chemistry, Catalysis, and Interfaces
  • Physical Insights into Energy Science

This journal offers Transparent Peer Review. Read more about the Transparent Peer Review pilot.

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Journal of Physics: Energy

eISSN: 2515-7655
JUFO Level 1

An interdisciplinary and fully open access journal that aims to set the agenda in identifying and publishing the most exciting and significant developments across all areas of energy-related research. JPhys Energy adopts open science principles to maximise the exchange of knowledge between existing and emerging communities.

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Journal of Power Sources

ISSN: 0378-7753eISSN: 1873-2755
JUFO Level 2

The Journal of Power Sources is the journal for researchers and technologists interested in all aspects of the science, technology and applications of sources of electrochemical power. Journal of Power Sources publishes original research and reviews about the science and applications of primary and secondary batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors and photo-electrochemical cells.Topics considered include the research, development and applications of nanomaterials and novel componentry for these devices.Examples of applications of these electrochemical power sources include:• Portable Electronics• Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles• Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Systems• Storage of renewable energy• Satellites and deep space probes• Boats and shipsBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of Propulsion and Power

ISSN: 0748-4658eISSN: 1533-3876
JUFO Level 1

This Journal is devoted to the advancement of the science and technology of aerospace propulsion and power through the dissemination of original archival papers contributing to advancements in airbreathing, electric, and advanced propulsion; solid and liquid rockets; fuels and propellants; power generation and conversion for aerospace vehicles; and the application of aerospace science and technology to terrestrial energy devices and systems. It is intended to provide readers of the Journal, with primary interests in propulsion and power, access to papers spanning the range from research through development to applications. Papers in these disciplines and the sciences of combustion, fluid mechanics, and solid mechanics as directly related to propulsion and power are solicited.

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Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry

ISSN: 0236-5731eISSN: 1588-2780
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (JRNC) publishes original papers, letters, review papers and short communications on nuclear chemistry. Coverage embraces a wide range of topics, including nuclear chemistry, radiochemistry, radiation chemistry, radiobiological chemistry, environmental radiochemistry, production and control of radioisotopes and labeled compounds, nuclear power plant chemistry, nuclear fuel chemistry, radioanalytical chemistry, radiation detection and measurement, nuclear instrumentation and automation, and more.

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Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

eISSN: 1941-7012
JUFO Level 1

JRSE, published by the American Institute of Physics, is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal covering all areas of renewable and sustainable energy-related fields that apply to the physical science and engineering communities. Content is published online daily, collected into bimonthly issues (6 times a year). As an electronic-only, web-based journal with rapid publication time, JRSE is responsive to the many new developments expected in this field. The interdisciplinary approach of the publication ensures that the editors draw from researchers worldwide in a diverse range of fields.

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Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues

ISSN: 2029-7025

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering

ISSN: 0199-6231eISSN: 1528-8986
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Spatial Science

ISSN: 1449-8596eISSN: 1836-5655
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Spatial Science publishes original peer review Research and Review Papers contributing to the theory and practice of the spatial sciences. The Journal also publishes Professional Papers that describe aspects of professional practise and implementation of techniques related to cartography, geodesy, geographic information science, hydrography, photogrammetry, remote sensing or surveying.

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