Cytotechnology incorporating Methods in Cell Science is an international journal covering up-to-date developments, methods and techniques in cell culture research involving in vitro systems, as well as the applications of that research in human and veterinary medicine, toxicology, animal and plant cell biotechnology. The aim is to centralize information on both the infrastructure of cell technology and the applied use of cell cultures and thus generate a better understanding of the many facets and disciplines needed to develop successful cell culture processes. Topics include the derivation, genetic modification and characterization of cell lines, cell culture techniques, cell culture systems, processes, reactors, scale-up, and industrial production, and the application of cells in a range of investigations, including application in gene therapy and tissue engineering. The journal publishes original papers, reviews, short communications, meeting reports and book reviews.
Cytotherapy is the Official Journal of the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT).Cytotherapy publishes cutting edge findings, clinical trials of cell-based therapies, and news and opinion on all aspects of the rapidly expanding field of cell-based treatments for cancer, degenerative disorders, immunotherapy and stem cell transplantation. The journal focuses especially on the practical translation of scientific developments in the laboratory into clinical practice. Cytotherapy is an essential global resource for clinical researchers, oncologists, hematologists, physicians, and regulatory experts involved in cell processing and therapy.The journal's scope includes research in:Stem cell processing and transplantationCell-based therapies of malignant and non-malignant blood diseasesCancerStem cell plasticityAutoimmune diseasesImmunotherapyCongenital disordersNovel molecular therapiesGene therapyMicrovesicle biology and therapeutic application
original scientific papers, critical reviews articles and short communications from the field of theoretical and applied plant genetics, plant biotechnology and plant breeding. Papers are published in English.
DNA Repair provides a forum for the comprehensive coverage of DNA repair and cellular responses to DNA damage. The journal publishes original observations on genetic, cellular, biochemical, structural and molecular aspects of DNA repair, mutagenesis, cell cycle regulation, apoptosis and other biological responses in cells exposed to genomic insult, as well as their relationship to human disease.DNA Repair publishes full-length research articles, brief reports on research, and reviews. The journal welcomes articles describing databases, methods and new technologies supporting research on DNA repair and responses to DNA damage. Letters to the Editor, hot topics and classics in DNA repair, historical reflections, book reviews and meeting reports also will be considered for publication.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
DNA Research is an internationally peer-reviewed journal which aims at publishing papers of highest quality in broad aspects of DNA and genome-related research. Emphasis will be made on the following subjects: 1) Sequencing and characterization of genomes/important genomic regions, 2) Comprehensive analysis of the functions of genes, gene families and genomes, 3) Techniques and equipments useful for structural and functional analysis of genes, gene families and genomes, 4) Computer algorithms and/or their applications relevant to structural and functional analysis of genes and genomes. The journal also welcomes novel findings in other scientific disciplines related to genomes.The Journal was launched in 1994 by Kazusa DNA Research Institute for publication of fine research in the growing field of genomic research. The online version of the journal was launched in 2000, and the journal has ever since been proud of providing the journal open access. DNA Research continues to provide its online journal open access at a very low author charge.
DNA and Cell Biology covers the latest research in the field of DNA and cell biology. This peer-reviewed journal includes original reports and cutting-edge reviews on: Gene Structure, Function, and Regulation, including topics on genomic organization; the role of histones in gene regulation; the molecular mechanisms of cell activation; the role of NF-kB in cell biology; and the interaction of viral genes with the cell replication apparatus Molecular Medicine, featuring molecular pathogenesis; genetic approaches to cancer and autoimmune diseases; HIV immunopathogenesis; and innovative approaches to studying inherited diseases Comparative Biology, such as cell-cell signaling in bacteria, plants, and animals; gene orthologue comparisons; and model systems development Immunology, covering mechanisms initiating or regulating transcriptional, translational or epigenetic control of gene expression in the context of innate or adaptive immune cell function; special emphasis on responses to infectious disease agents and transformed cells, and on comparative immunobiology.
Dalton Transactions publishes high-quality original research, theoretical and computational studies that significantly advance the field of inorganic chemistry. Its scope includes organometallic, bioinorganic, medicinal inorganic, materials and nanomaterials, with applications including synthesis, catalysis, energy conversion/storage, electrical devices and medicine and sensors.
Huge volumes of primary data are currently archived in numerous open-access databases, and with new generation technologies becoming more common in laboratories, large datasets will become even more prevalent than today. The lasting archiving, accurate curation, efficient analysis and precise interpretation of all of these data are a challenge. Collectively, database development and biocuration are at the forefront of the endeavor to make sense of this mounting deluge of data.
Development is a leading primary research journal covering the field of developmental biology. With its long and prestigious history and its team of expert academic editors, Development is committed to publishing cutting-edge research across the spectrum of animal and plant developmental biology. Over recent years, Development has expanded its focus to incorporate the stem cell and regeneration fields, with the aim of underscoring the close links between these growing communities and more traditional developmental biology.
Development Genes and Evolution publishes high-quality reports on all aspects of development biology and evolutionary biology. The journal reports on experimental and bioinformatics work at the systemic, cellular and molecular levels in the field of animal and plant systems, covering key aspects of the following topics:
Embryological and genetic analysis of model and non-model organismsGenes and pattern formation in invertebrates, vertebrates and plants Axial patterning, embryonic induction and fate maps Cellular mechanisms of morphogenesis and organogenesis Stem cells and regenerationFunctional genomics of developmental processes Developmental diversity and evolutionEvolution of developmentally relevant genesPhylogeny of animals and plantsMicroevolutionPaleontologyDevelopment Growth & Differentiation publishes original papers dealing with all aspects of developmental phenomena in all kinds of organisms, including plants and microorganisms. Papers in any of the following fields will be considered: developmental genetics, growth, differentiation, morphogenesis, cellular kinetics, fertilization, cell division, dormancy, germination, metamorphosis, regeneration and pathogenesis, at the molecular biological, biochemical, biophysical and analytically morphological levels. Reports on techniques applicable to the above fields are also considered. Occasional reviews on subjects selected by the Editors will be published.
Developmental Biology publishes original research on mechanisms of development, differentiation, and growth in animals and plants at the molecular, cellular, genetic and evolutionary levels. Areas of particular emphasis include transcriptional control mechanisms, embryonic patterning, cell-cell interactions, growth factors and signal transduction, and regulatory hierarchies in developing plants and animals.Research Areas Include:• Molecular genetics of development• Control of gene expression• Cell interactions and cell-matrix interactions• Mechanisms of differentiation• Growth factors and oncogenes• Regulation of stem cell populations• Evolution of developmental control• Gametogenesis and fertilizationPublishing ContactPublisher: Simone Groothuis, E-mail: s.groothuis@elsevier.comBenefits to authors• No publication fees• No color fees• Free PDF offprints• Free online access to non-subscribers after one year, or immediate open access for USD 1800
Developmental Cell is a broad-spectrum journal that covers the fields of cell biology and developmental biology. It publishes research reports describing novel results of unusual significance in all areas of these two fields, and at the interface between them. Each issue also contains review articles tailored to the journal's broad readership. With this wide coverage, Developmental Cell is a unique cross-disciplinary resource for researchers in both these fields, and for the general scientific community.Developmental Cell will consider papers in any area of cell biology and developmental biology. Examples of these include cell proliferation, intracellular targeting, cell polarity, membrane traffic, cell migration, stem cell biology, morphogenesis, developmental roles of genes or pathways and differentiation. The primary criterion for publication inDevelopmental Cell, as for all Cell Press journals, is new biological insight. We recognize that there are many ways in which such insight can be obtained, andDevelopmental Cell is interested in studies using the full range of methodologies available to the cell and developmental biology communities. We are happy to consider any study that leads to important new conclusions about biological function.Developmental Cell is a complementary partner for its companion journal Molecular Cell, and has similar standards for publication.Visit the Developmental Cell website to find out more - .
DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS provides a focus for communication among developmental biologists who study the progressive and dynamic emergence of form and function during embryonic development. The journal is an international forum for the exchange of novel and substantive information on mechanisms that control development. We seek manuscripts presenting work done at all levels of biological organization, ranging from the molecular to the organismal, using both animal and plant model systems, and we welcome studies that advance our understanding of the developmental basis of human disease. DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS is fully compliant with current open access policies of major funding agencies including those of the NIH, HHMI, and Wellcome Trust. In addition, all of our content is open access one year after publication, and more than 30% of our content - including all reviews, special issues, primers, and highlights - is open access immediately upon publication. DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS reviews and publishes rapidly: averaging 3 weeks from submission to decision, 4-6 weeks to online publication after acceptance, and 90 days to print publication. There are no page or color charges, and the length of the articles (and the number of figures and references included) are limited only by what is required to tell a novel and significant scientific story. How to cite: To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science), please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'Dev Dynam.' Punctuation may vary according to the style of the citing journal.
Developmental Neurobiology (previously the Journal of Neurobiology ) publishes original research articles on development, regeneration, repair and plasticity of the nervous system and on the ontogeny of behavior. High quality contributions in these areas are solicited, with an emphasis on experimental as opposed to purely descriptive work. The Journal also will consider manuscripts reporting novel approaches and techniques for the study of the development of the nervous system as well as occasional special issues on topics of significant current interest. We welcome suggestions on possible topics from our readers. Papers that do not conform to the general criteria for publication in Developmental Neurobiology will be returned immediately without detailed review in order to avoid unnecessary delay in submission elsewhere.
Developmental Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary journal publishing papers covering all stages of invertebrate, vertebrate and human brain development. Emphasis is placed on publishing fundamental as well as translational studies that contribute to progress in understanding mechanisms of normal development as well as genetic and environmental causes of abnormal brain development. The journal provides valuable information for both physicians and biologists. The journal accepts original research reports, reports on technological advances, and long and short reviews.
Current topics of particular interest to the journal include:
-Genetics of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
-Stem Cell-derived Models of Neurological Disease
-Injury of the Developing Nervous System
-Pre-clinical models of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Developmental Psychobiology is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research papers from the disciplines of psychology, biology, neuroscience, and medicine that contribute to an understanding of behavior development. Research that focuses on development in the embryo/fetus, neonate, juvenile, or adult animal and multidisciplinary research that relates behavioral development to anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, or evolution is appropriate. The journal represents a broad phylogenetic perspective on behavior development by publishing studies of invertebrates, fish, birds, humans, and other animals. The journal publishes experimental and descriptive studies whether carried out in the laboratory or field. The journal also publishes review articles and theoretical papers that make important conceptual contributions. Special dedicated issues of Developmental Psychobiology , consisting of invited papers on a topic of general interest, may be arranged with the Editor-in-Chief. Developmental Psychobiology also publishes Letters to the Editor, which discuss issues of general interest or material published in the journal. Letters discussing published material may correct errors, provide clarification, or offer a different point of view. Authors should consult the editors on the preparation of these contributions. Overall scholarship including soundness of experimental design, appropriate controls and procedures, and importance and significance are the major criteria for publication. Developmental Psychobiology is the official publication of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology. Membership in the Society is not a prerequisite for submission or publication.
Developmental and Comparative Immunology (DCI) is an international journal that publishes articles describing original research in all areas of immunology, including comparative aspects of immunity and the evolution and development of the immune system. Manuscripts describing studies of immune systems in both vertebrates and invertebrates are welcome. All levels of immunological investigations are appropriate: organismal, cellular, biochemical and molecular genetics, extending to such fields as aging of the immune system, interaction between the immune and neuroendocrine system and intestinal immunity.Please bookmark this URL: http:/ to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
A high quality scientific journal with an international readershipOfficial publication of the Alfediam, Diabetes & Metabolism, publishes high-quality papers by leading teams, forming a close link between hospital and research units. Diabetes & Metabolism is published in English language and is indexed in all major databases with its impact factor up to 2.426 in 2010 (IF 2009).Diabetes & Metabolism contains original articles, short reports and comprehensive reviews. The latter are updates written by internationally recognized specialists carefully edited in order to help clinicians and researchers keep informed about the latest developments in the field of diabetes.Une revue scientifique de haute qualitéDiabetes & Metabolism réunit des articles originaux, des cas cliniques, des lettres à l'éditeur et des travaux indispensables pour la compréhension du diabète et de ses conséquences multiples, ainsi que des Recommandations de l'Alfediam. Elle est destinée aux cliniciens et aux chercheurs qui souhaitent suivre de près les récentes évolutions de la diabétologie.Une revue à diffusion internationaleDiabetes & Metabolism publie en langue anglaise les travaux des meilleures équipes francophones et étrangères de la spécialité et rencontre un facteur d'impact qui ne cesse de progresser. La revue est indexée dans les plus grandes bases de données internationales : Current Contents (Life Sciences), EMBASE (Excerpta Medica), Research Alert, SCI Search.
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice is an international journal for health-care providers and clinically oriented researchers that publishes high-quality original research articles and expert reviews in diabetes and related areas. The role of the journal is to provide a venue for dissemination of knowledge and discussion of topics related to diabetes clinical research and patient care. Topics of focus include translational science, genetics, immunology, nutrition, psychosocial research, epidemiology, prevention, socio-economic research, complications, new treatments, technologies and therapy.Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice is the official journal of the International Diabetes Federation.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: