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Environmental Science: Advances

eISSN: 2754-7000
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Science: Advances caters to all disciplines working towards environmental sustainability, publishing research that enhances our comprehension of the environment and proposes solutions for a cleaner, safer and more equitable world. Environmental Science: Advances invites fundamental research, modelling, fieldwork, applied studies and policy work from across the environmental sciences. The journal welcomes research from any environmental or sustainability field, including biosciences, engineering, ecology, hydrology, soil science, geoscience, atmospheric science, agricultural science and climate science. Studies that advance our understanding of the physical environment, environmental health and environmental sustainability, or provide solutions to challenges in these areas are particularly welcome, as are studies falling at the environmental and social science interface. Manuscripts will be judged on their quality, interest and potential impact to ensure the publication of novel and significant contributions.

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Environmental Science: Atmospheres

eISSN: 2634-3606
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Science: Atmospheres is a gold open access journal publishing high-quality research in fundamental and applied atmospheric science. The journal is cross-disciplinary and spans the entirety of Earth’s atmosphere. This includes atmosphere–biosphere, atmosphere–ocean, and atmosphere–surface interactions. We also encourage research related to indoor air, aerosols, new particle formation as well as human health effects. All aspects of science are covered, including in situ and laboratory measurements, computational chemistry and chemical transport modelling, instrumentation, and remote sensing. The journal welcomes contributions in thermodynamics, microphysics, and chemistry of multiphase systems coupling gases, aerosols and clouds, as well as photochemistry and radiative transfer. Environmental Science: Atmospheres publishes Communications, Articles, Perspectives, Reviews and Comments and Replies to provide flexible manuscript types and address the full breadth of multidisciplinary research in this field.

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Environmental Science: Nano

eISSN: 2051-8161
JUFO Level 2

Environmental Science: Nano is a comprehensive, high-impact source of peer-reviewed information on the design and demonstration of engineered nanomaterials for environment-based applications and on the interactions of engineered, natural, and incidental nanomaterials with biological and environmental systems. This scope includes, but is not limited to, the following topic areas: • Novel nanomaterial-based applications for water, air, soil, food, and energy sustainability • Nanomaterial interactions with biological systems and nanotoxicology • Environmental fate, reactivity, and transformations of nanoscale materials • Nanoscale processes in the environment • Sustainable nanotechnology including rational nanomaterial design, life cycle assessment, risk/benefit analysis

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Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts

eISSN: 2050-7895
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts publishes high quality papers in all areas of the environmental chemical sciences, including chemistry of the air, water, soil and sediment. We welcome studies on the environmental fate and effects of anthropogenic and naturally occurring contaminants, both chemical and microbiological, as well as related natural element cycling processes. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts strongly prefers significant contributions whose results can be generalised to other systems, especially studies that characterise chemical processes (e.g. chemical and (micro)biological transformations and transport) as well as those that address contaminant impacts on ecosystems and human health. We also welcome high impact field studies, particularly those that are broad enough to define occurrence baselines or long term trends, identify new contaminants, or those that enrich our molecular-level understanding of environmental systems. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts also invites papers that bridge between environmental chemistry and sustainability topics, such as life cycle assessment, materials flow analysis, and environmental decision making.

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Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology

eISSN: 2053-1419
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology seeks to showcase high quality research about fundamental science, innovative technologies, and management practices that promote sustainable water. The journal aims to provide a comprehensive and relevant forum that unites the diverse communities and disciplines conducting water research relevant to engineered systems and the built environment. This includes fundamental science geared toward understanding physical, chemical, and biological phenomena in these systems as well as applied research focused on the development and optimisation of engineered treatment, management, and supply strategies. Papers must report a significant advance in the theory, fundamental understanding, practice or application of water research, management, engineering or technology.

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Environmental Sciences Europe

ISSN: 2190-4707eISSN: 2190-4715
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Sciences Europe, formerly known as Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung (UWSF), is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. It is an international journal, with a broad scope covering all aspects of environmental sciences, including the main topic regulation.

The journal provides easy access to information on environmental issues at the regional and European level and gives authors the possibility to reach a broader, international readership.

Environmental Sciences Europe is published under the brand SpringerOpen, Springer's new range of fully open access journals

The journal's main language is English 

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European Journal of Environmental Sciences

ISSN: 1805-0174eISSN: 2336-1964

Exposure and Health

ISSN: 2451-9766eISSN: 2451-9685
JUFO Level 1
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Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

ISSN: 1018-4619

Geosystem Engineering

ISSN: 1226-9328eISSN: 2166-3394
JUFO Level 1
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Gigiena i sanitariia

ISSN: 0016-9900

Green Chemistry

eISSN: 1463-9270
JUFO Level 3

Green Chemistry provides a unique forum for the publication of innovative research on the development of alternative green and sustainable technologies. Based on the, but not limited to, the twelve principles of green chemistry defined by Anastas and Warner (Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, P T Anastas and J C Warner, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998). Green chemistry is, by definition, a continuously-evolving frontier. Therefore, the inclusion of a particular material or technology does not, of itself, guarantee that a paper is suitable for the journal. To be suitable, the novel advance should have the potential for reduced environmental impact relative to the state of the art. Green Chemistry does not normally deal with research associated with 'end-of-pipe' or remediation issues.

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Green Materials

ISSN: 2049-1220eISSN: 2049-1239
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Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal

ISSN: 1080-7039eISSN: 1549-7860
JUFO Level 1

Human and Ecological Risk Assessment is the first journal devoted to providing a framework for professionals researching and assessing developments in both human and ecological risk assessment. The aim of the journal is to enhance the communication and risk assessment domain. Given the rapid development in these respective disciplines and their unique potential interrelatedness, efforts to directly enhance technical information transfer will markedly benefit each field. The journal is a bi-monthly, international, peer-reviewed publication. The journal's scope includes scientific and technical information and critical analysis in the following areas: * Exposure Assessment * Environmental Fate Assessment * Environmental Indicators * Hazard Assessment * Use of Uncertainty Factors * Animal Extrapolation * Quantitative Risk Assessment * Environmental Epidemiology * Statistical Models and Methods * Laboratory/Field Extrapolation * Multi-Media Assessment * Risk Management * Regulatory Issues * Databases * Pharmacokinetic Modeling * Risk Communication/Perception * Comparative Risk Assessment * Risk Assessment Applications to Public Health & Ecosystems Manuscripts will be considered that address any of the wide range of issues associated with the entire risk assessment process. Examples of the types of manuscripts encouraged for submittal include: * Original data on relevant topics (e.g., exposure and hazard assessment) * Critical reviews of current methods for risk assessment * Improved extrapolation methods (e.g., interspecies, high to low dose) * Biological mechanism-based risk assessment procedures * Improved biomathematical modeling * International approaches to risk analysis * Case studies * Commentaries * Technical debates * Improved risk communication Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Hupo Kexue/Journal of Lake Sciences

ISSN: 1003-5427

International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment

ISSN: 2150-3621eISSN: 2150-363X
JUFO Level 1
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International Journal of Environment and Pollution

ISSN: 0957-4352eISSN: 1741-5101
JUFO Level 1

The IJEP is a refereed journal providing an international forum for the field of Environment and Pollution. One of three key journals (along with IJETM and IJGEnvI) which together offer complete coverage of key environmental issues, it addresses medium-term challenges involving scientific prediction, modelling and assessment, and social and economic policy areas.

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International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry

ISSN: 0306-7319eISSN: 1029-0397
JUFO Level 1

The scope of the International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry comprises such subjects as original research on all aspects of analytical work related to environmental problems such as analysis of organic, inorganic and radioactive pollutants in air, water, sediments and biota; and determination of harmful substances, including analytical methods for the investigation of chemical or metabolic breakdown patterns in the environment and in biological samples.The journal also covers the development of new analytical methods or improvement of existing ones useful for the control and investigation of pollutants or trace amounts of naturally occurring active chemicals in all environmental compartments. Development, modification and automation of instruments and techniques with potential in environment sciences are also part of the journal.Case studies are also considered, particularly for areas where information is scarce or lacking, providing that reported data is significant and representative, either spatially or temporally, and quality assured. Owing to the interdisciplinary nature of this journal, it will also include certain topics in the fields of medical science (health sciences), toxicology, forensic sciences, oceanography, food sciences, biological sciences and other fields that in one way or another contribute to the knowledge of our environment and for this purpose have to make use of analytical chemistry.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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International Journal of Environmental Health Research

ISSN: 0960-3123eISSN: 1369-1619
JUFO Level 1

International Journal of Environmental Health Research (IJEHR) is devoted to rapid publication of research in environmental health, acting as a link between the diverse research communities and practitioners in environmental health. Original research papers, technical notes and review articles, both invited and submitted, will be included. The International Editorial Board and strict refereeing procedures ensure that the Journal maintains high scientific standards and international coverage. IJEHR publishes articles on all aspects of the interaction of the environment with human health. This interaction can broadly be divided into three areas: 1. The natural environment and health (health implications and monitoring of air, water and soil pollutants and pollution and health improvements and air, water and soil quality standards); 2. The built environment and health (occupational health and safety, exposure limits, monitoring and control of pollutants in the workplace, and standards of health); and 3. Communicable diseases (disease spread, control and prevention, food hygiene and control, and health aspects of rodents and insects).IJEHR is published in association with the International Federation of Environmental Health and includes news from the Federation of international meetings, courses and environmental health issues. The Journal is available to members of the IFEH for personal use at a special reduced rate. --- Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science Publications Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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International Journal of Environmental Studies

ISSN: 0020-7233eISSN: 1029-0400
JUFO Level 1

For more than 30 years, the International Journal of Environmental Studies has been pre-eminent in its field. The environment is understood to comprise the natural and the man-made, and their interactions; including such matters as pollution, health effects, analytical methods, political approaches, social impacts etc. Papers favouring an interdisciplinary approach are preferred, because the evidence of 30 years appears to be that many intellectual tools and many causes and effects are at issue in any environmental problem - and its solution. This does not mean that a single focus or a narrow view is unwelcome; provided always that the evidence is indicated and the method is robust. Pragmatic decision-making and applicable policies are subjects of interest, together with the problems in establishing facts about dynamic systems where long periods of observation and precise measurement may be difficult to secure.In other words, a systems or holistic approach to the environment and a scientific analysis are complementary, and the distinction between 'hard' and 'soft' science is bridged in most of the papers published.These may be on any item in the agenda of environmental science: land, water, food, conservation, population, risk analysis, energy, economics of ecological and non-ecological approaches, social advocacy of arguments for change, legal measures, implications of urbanism, energy choices, waste disposal, recycling, transport systems and other issues of mass society. There is concern also for marginal areas, under-developed societies, minorities, species loss; and indeed no element of the subject of environmental studies, seen in an international and interactive mode, is excluded.Peer Review StatementAny paper offered to the International Journal of Environmental Studies will be assessed by peer review process.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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