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Guofang Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of National University of Defense Technology

ISSN: 1001-2486


ISSN: 1225-293XeISSN: 2288-6176

Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

ISSN: 1303-5010

Hangkong Dongli Xuebao/Journal of Aerospace Power

ISSN: 1000-8055

Hangkong Xuebao/Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica

ISSN: 1000-6893

Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences

ISSN: 1812-3368

Historia Mathematica

ISSN: 0315-0860
JUFO Level 3

Historia Mathematica publishes historical scholarship on mathematics and its development in all cultures and time periods. In particular, the journal encourages informed studies on mathematicians and their work in historical context, on the histories of institutions and organizations supportive of the mathematical endeavor, on historiographical topics in the history of mathematics, and on the interrelations between mathematical ideas, science, and the broader culture.In addition to research articles, Historia Mathematica also publishes book reviews, abstracts of the current literature in the history of mathematics, notes and sources, and occasionally letters to the editor.Research Areas Include:• Historiography• Interrelations between mathematics and the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, arts, religion, and education• Mathematicians and their work in context• Organizations and institutions• Pure and applied mathematical developments• Sociology of mathematics

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History and Philosophy of Logic

ISSN: 0144-5340eISSN: 1464-5149
JUFO Level 2

History and Philosophy of Logic contains articles, notes and book reviews dealing with the history and philosophy of logic. 'Logic' is understood to be any volume of knowledge which was regarded as logic at the time in question. 'History' refers back to ancient times and also to work in this century; however, the Editor will not accept articles, including review articles, on very recent work on a topic. 'Philosophy' refers to broad and general questions: specialist articles which are now classed as 'philosophical logic' will not be published. The Editor will consider articles on the relationship between logic and other branches of knowledge, but the component of logic must be substantial. Topics with no temporal specification are to be interpreted both historically and philosophically. Each topic includes its own metalogic where appropriate. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Homology, Homotopy and Applications

ISSN: 1532-0073eISSN: 1532-0081
JUFO Level 1

Homology, Homotopy and Applications is a refereed journal which publishes high-quality papers in the general area of homotopy theory and algebraic topology, as well as applications of the ideas and results in this area. This means applications in the broadest possible sense, i.e. applications to other parts of mathematics such as number theory and algebraic geometry, as well as to areas outside of mathematics, such as computer science, physics, and statistics. Homotopy theory is also intended to be interpreted broadly, including algebraic K-theory, model categories, homotopy theory of varieties, etc. We particularly encourage innovative papers which point the way toward new applications of the subject.

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Houston Journal of Mathematics

ISSN: 0362-1588
JUFO Level 1

IEEE Communications Letters

ISSN: 1089-7798eISSN: 1558-2558
JUFO Level 2

The IEEE Communications Letters publishes short papers in a rapid publication cycle on advances in the state-of-the-art of communication over different media and channels including wire, underground, waveguide, optical fiber, and storage channels. Both theoretical contributions (including new techniques, concepts, and analyses) and practical contributions (including system experiments and prototypes, and new applications) are encouraged. This journal focuses on the physical layer and the link layer of communication systems.



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IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine

ISSN: 1556-603XeISSN: 1556-6048
JUFO Level 1

The IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (CIM) publishes peer-reviewed articles that present emerging novel discoveries, important insights, or tutorial surveys in all areas of computational intelligence design and applications, in keeping with the Field of Interest of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE/CIS). Additionally, CIM serves as a media of communications between the governing body and its membership of IEEE/CIS. Authors are encouraged to submit papers on applications oriented developments, successful industrial implementations, design tools, technology reviews, computational intelligence education, and applied research.

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IEEE Control Systems

ISSN: 1066-033X
JUFO Level 2

As the official means of communication for the IEEE Control Systems Society, the IEEE Control Systems Magazine publishes interesting, useful, and informative material on all aspects of control system technology for the benefit of control educators, practitioners, and researchers.

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IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

eISSN: 2377-3766
JUFO Level 2

The IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) publishes peer-reviewed articles that provide a timely and concise account of innovative research ideas and application results, reporting significant theoretical findings and application case studies in areas of robotics and automation.

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IEEE Signal Processing Letters

ISSN: 1070-9908eISSN: 1558-2361
JUFO Level 2

The IEEE Signal Processing Letters is a monthly, archival publication designed to provide rapid dissemination of original, cutting-edge ideas and timely, significant contributions in signal, image, speech, language and audio processing.

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IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

ISSN: 1053-5888eISSN: 1558-0792
JUFO Level 3

IEEE Signal Processing Magazine publishes tutorial-style articles on signal processing research and applications, as well as columns and forums on issues of interest. Its coverage ranges from fundamental principles to practical implementation, reflecting the multidimensional facets of interests and concerns of the community. Its mission is to bring up-to-date, emerging and active technical developments, issues, and events to the research, educational, and professional communities. It is also the main society communication platform addressing important issues concerning all members.

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IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems

eISSN: 2329-924X
JUFO Level 1

IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems focuses on such topics as modeling, simulation, analysis and understanding of social systems from the quantitative and/or computational perspective. "Systems" include man-man, man-machine and machine-machine organizations and adversarial situations as well as social media structures and their dynamics. More specifically, the proposed transactions publishes articles on modeling the dynamics of social systems, methodologies for incorporating and representing socio-cultural and behavioral aspects in computational modeling, analysis of social system behavior and structure, and paradigms for social systems modeling and simulation. The journal also features articles on social network dynamics, social intelligence and cognition, social systems design and architectures, socio-cultural modeling and representation, and computational behavior modeling, and their applications.

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IEEE Transactions on Computers

ISSN: 0018-9340eISSN: 1557-9956
JUFO Level 3

The IEEE Transactions on Computers is a monthly publication with a wide distribution to researchers, developers, technical managers, and educators in the computer field. It publishes papers on research in areas of current interest to the readers. These areas include, but are not limited to, the following: a) computer organizations and architectures; b) operating systems, software systems, and communication protocols; c) real-time systems and embedded systems; d) digital devices, computer components, and interconnection networks; e) specification, design, prototyping, and testing methods and tools; f) performance, fault tolerance, reliability, security, and testability; g) case studies and experimental and theoretical evaluations; and h) new and important applications and trends.

Additional Information

IEEE Transactions on Computers publishes papers on research in areas of current interest to the readers, including but not limited to the following: a) computer organizations and architectures (multicores, manycores, accelerators, application-specific, domain-specific and reconfigurable processors, processing-in-memory, near-data processing, and  datacenters); b) operating systems, software systems, and cloud computing  (runtime systems, parallel and distributed systems, virtualization, and software-hardware interactions); c) real-time, mobile and embedded systems (Internet of Things, edge computing, wearables, actuators, and sensor networks); d) digital devices, computer components, and interconnection networks (volatile and non-volatile emerging memory technologies, solid-state devices for storage, emerging technologies for interconnects); e) specification, design, prototyping, and testing methods and tools; f) performance, fault tolerance, reliability, security, and testability (availability, scalability, energy/power management); g) case studies and experimental and theoretical evaluations (workload characterization, tracing, analyzing, and troubleshooting) ; and h) new and important applications and trends (computing issues for emerging technologies and applications, machine learning, approximate computing, quantum computing, neuromorphic computing, and analog computing).

TC is a scholarly, archival journal published monthly. In addition to full papers, brief contributions are also published.

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IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems

eISSN: 2325-5870
JUFO Level 2

The IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems is committed to the timely publication of high-impact papers at the intersection of control systems and network science. In particular, the journal addresses research on the analysis, design and implementation of networked control systems, as well as control over networks. Relevant work includes the full spectrum from basic research on control systems to the design of engineering solutions for automatic control of, and over, networks. The topics covered by this journal include: Coordinated control and estimation over networks, Control and computation over sensor networks, Control under communication constraints, Control and performance analysis issues that arise in the dynamics of networks used in application areas such as communications, computers, transportation, manufacturing, Web ranking and aggregation, social networks, biology, power systems, economics, Synchronization of activities across a controlled network, Stability analysis of controlled networks, Analysis of networks as hybrid dynamical systems.

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IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

ISSN: 1089-778XeISSN: 1941-0026
JUFO Level 3

IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation publishes archival quality original papers in evolutionary computation and related areas including nature-inspired algorithms, population-based methods, and optimization where selection and variation are integral, and hybrid systems where these paradigms are combined. Purely theoretical papers are considered as are application papers that provide general insights into these areas of computation.


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