RSC Sustainability welcomes all solutions-focused research dedicated to solving sustainability challenges. This includes, but is not limited to, technologies to achieve responsible consumption and production of chemical products (UN’s SDG:12), such as for the efficient use of nature’s resources, the elimination of hazardous substances in the production and use of chemical products (sustainable and green chemistry), their reuse and recycling (circular economy) and methods to analyse these (techno-enviro-economics). Beyond this, RSC Sustainability champions chemical science discoveries that contribute to and enable any of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, celebrates multidisciplinary collaboration, and welcomes work from the academic, industry, regulatory and government sectors.
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry is a journal whose aim is the rapid publication of original research results and ideas on all aspects of mass spectrometry. There is no formal limit on paper length, but papers should be of a length that is commensurate with the importance and complexity of the results being reported. Contributions may deal with methods, techniques and applications, or with the interpretation of results. In general, submissions that use conventional MS, GC-MS or LC-MS methods to catalogue or screen for components of extracts including Traditional Chinese Medicines are discouraged, except where the authors can clearly demonstrate that their contribution represents a significant extension of the capabilities or applications of mass spectrometry or new understanding of ion chemistry and related disciplines.
The work of publishing houses like Freund Publishing house ltd, an Israel publishing house, is quite complicated. The editor chooses from the "manuscripts" submitted to the publishing house, previously published works, works published in other languages, or command works, works that fit the editorial line of its collections. After any corrections, it shall communicate the text to a printer in suitable technical characteristics of the book and the number of copies to print.
Chaque mois, la Revue francophone des laboratoires propose a ses lecteurs:toute l'actualité scientifique professionnelle à travers une revue de presse internationale et des échos rédigés par les membres de notre comité scientifique,un dossier scientifique consacré à un thème de fond en biologie médicale, composé d'articles scientifiques de très haut niveau couvrant les différents phénomènes biologiques et les différentes techniques d'analyses,Un dossier du technicien plus "pratique" spécialement destiné à la formation des techniciens de laboratoires,des rubriques régulières comme Cas clinique et Fiche technique illustrant, à partir d'un cas concret, une méthode de diagnostic ou une technique d'analyse,une veille juridique, complément indispensable pour la bonne exécution des analyses.
Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220) provides an advanced forum for the science and technology of sensors and biosensors. It publishes reviews (including comprehensive reviews on the complete sensors products), regular research papers and short notes. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced.
Sensors & Diagnostics is a gold open access journal focused on high-impact, innovative sensing work. The journal welcomes high-quality studies reporting innovative materials, novel detection principles, and/or significant development of known devices. All work must be of significant interest to the community, and, where relevant, must show in situ or real-life sample testing. Topics include Biosensors (intracellular sensors, cell chips); Chemical sensors (electronic, electromagnetic, optical, mechanical, thermal, gas sensors, single molecule sensors, arrays & multiplexing); Physical and physiological sensors; Integrated, wearable and/or implantable sensors; Microfluidic devices (lab-on-a-chip, micro total analysis systems); Sensor and sensor-array chemometrics; Molecular diagnostics (polymerase chain reaction (PCR), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), lateral flow assay (LFA), loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)); Scanning based diagnostics (mammography/mastography, positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)); and Digital health and data management.
Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Separation and Purification Technology is a publication dedicated to the dissemination of separation research results and findings. Its coverage extends to all aspects of separation and purification of homogeneous solutions and heterogeneous mixtures. Separation and Purification Technology welcomes, from investigators worldwide, contributions focused on the experimental studies and theoretical analyses of phenomena associated with and arising from separation and purification as well as process development and simulation, equipment design and fabrication and materials preparation and modification used in separation operations. Of particular interest are articles aimed at solving separation problems encountered in the emerging technologies including biotechnology, green technology, energy storage and conversion, and resource recovery and recycling. Authors who wish to contribute a review paper should send an abstract to one of the Editors prior to submission of the full paper.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy (SAA) is a well-established platform for scientific exchange among molecular spectroscopists. The journal aims to publish papers dealing with novel experimental and/or theoretical aspects of molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. The focus is on fundamental papers that advance the understanding of molecular and biomolecular structure, function, dynamics and interaction with the help of molecular spectroscopy. This includes innovations on the technical side of molecular spectroscopy and on new theoretical approaches for the quantitative calculation and modeling of spectra, as well as highly innovative biomedical spectroscopic techniques with possible applications. From the broad range of spectroscopies, the emphasis is on electronic, vibrational or rotational spectra of molecules, rather than on spectroscopy based on the coupling of electron or nuclear magnetic moments.The journal particularly welcomes manuscripts dealing with:• Fundamental aspects of bioanalytical, biomedical, environmental, and atmospheric measurements• Novel experimental techniques of molecular spectroscopy (such as surface spectroscopy, non-linear optics, hole-burning spectroscopy, single-molecule studies with new insights, spectroscopy beyond diffraction limit, etc.)• Novel theoretical aspects (such as ab-initio theory, modelling of vibrational spectra, etc.)• Novel applications in chemistry and photochemistry (such as reaction mechanisms, characterization of intermediates, and ultrafast dynamics, etc.)• Methodic advances in chemometric studies based on electronic or vibrational spectroscopyCriteria for publication in SAA are topicality, novelty, uniqueness, and outstanding quality. Manuscripts describing routine use or minor extensions or modifications of established and/or published methodologies (e.g. standard absorption, emission or scattering measurements; standard chemometry; FRET) are not appropriate for the journal. In addition, manuscripts describing analytical procedures that use established spectroscopic techniques, such as the quantitative determination of pharmaceutical compounds with optical techniques or the characterization of compounds with optical techniques in the course of a chemical or biochemical synthesis, will not be accepted for publication, even if they appear new or improved with respect to procedures previously used.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, is intended for the rapid publication of both original work and reviews in the following fields:Atomic Emission (AES), Atomic Absorption (AAS) and Atomic Fluorescence (AFS) spectroscopy;Mass Spectrometry (MS) for inorganic analysis covering Spark Source (SS-MS), Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP-MS), Glow Discharge (GD-MS), and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS).Laser induced atomic spectroscopy for inorganic analysis, including non-linear optical laser spectroscopy, covering Laser Enhanced Ionization (LEI), Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF), Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (RIS) and Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry (RIMS); Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS); Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy (CRDS), Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (LA-ICP-AES) and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS).X-ray spectrometry, X-ray Optics and Microanalysis, including X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) and related techniques, in particular Total-reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (TXRF), and Synchrotron Radiation-excited Total reflection XRF (SR-TXRF).Manuscripts dealing with (i) fundamentals, (ii) methodology development, (iii)instrumentation, and (iv) applications, can be submitted for publication.The emphasis is on papers having a relationship with "spectrochemical analysis". The main subjects will include theoretical or experimental studies of the physical and chemical processes connected with the generation of atomic or mass spectra; the determination of atomic data; diagnostics for spectrochemical sources; the fundamentals, design or performance of complete instrumental systems, components of instruments, or devices used in any of the above stated fields of spectrometry; qualitative and quantitative analysis in the sense of complete analytical procedures using a single method or a combination of methods, or parts of complete procedures: sampling, sample preparation, sample introduction, detection, data acquisition and handling (including calibration and statistical evaluation); analytical performance and analytical figures of merit: limits of detection and limits of determination, selectivity, precision, accuracy, interferences.Authoritative and comprehensive review articles, dedicated to a particularly important topic or field of analysis, are published regularly. In addition, shorter, concise reviews or viewpoints focusing on the current status and future prospects of a field or topic particularly relevant to the development of a new analytical methodology or to a better understanding of its fundamental underlying principles are welcome. Tutorial reviews, illustrating in depth fundamental concepts in atomic spectroscopy and analytical atomic spectroscopy, are also published.Articles describing an application of a spectroscopic technique to analysis will also be considered. In this case, however, the spectroscopic flavor of the manuscript should be substantial: mere analytical recipes or papers emphasizing separation and pre-concentration techniques should not be submitted. Finally, to the editors' discretion, accelerated publication of short papers dealing with new important concepts, instrumental developments or applications will be considered.
Spectroscopy Letters is an international journal that provides vital coverage of fundamental developments, new or improved instrumentation, spectroscopic diagnostics, and applications of spectroscopy across all disciplines disciplines (chemistry, physics, biology, environmental, geological) where spectroscopy is used. The journal offers communications about original experimental and theoretical work on such methods as NMR, ESR, microwave, NIR, Raman and UV spectroscopy, together with atomic emission, absorption, and fluorescence, X-ray spectroscopy, all forms of organic and inorganic mass spectrometry, laser spectroscopy, electron microscopy, molecular fluorescence and molecular phosphorescence. Manuscripts are welcome from all disciplines of biology, chemistry, physics and instrumentation science. Articles can be submitted as full papers, or as short papers of a preliminary nature (letters). Letters may include instrumental developments that may be useful for other spectroscopists. Applications of spectroscopy in pharmaceutical analysis are not covered, nor are spectroscopic techniques already well-established and well-represented in the literature. Also, one special sub-category of papers may be submitted: Spectroscopy Education Letters, which covers accounts of research done by undergraduates, new experiments for teaching, and other new pedagogical materials or approaches to the teaching of spectroscopy at any level. Reviews of topics in spectroscopy will be referred to our sister journal, Applied Spectroscopy Reviews. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Talanta provides a forum for the publication of original research papers, preliminary communications, and critical reviews in all branches of pure and applied analytical chemistry. Papers are evaluated based on established guidelines, including the fundamental nature of the study, scientific novelty, substantial improvement or advantage over existing technology or methods, and demonstrated analytical applicability. Original research papers on fundamental studies, and novel sensor and instrumentation development, are especially encouraged. Novel or improved applications in areas such as clinical and biological chemistry, environmental analysis, geochemistry, and materials science and engineering are welcome.Analytical performance of methods should be determined, including interference and matrix effects, and methods should be validated by comparison with a standard method, or analysis of a certified reference material. The developed method should especially comprise information on selectivity, sensitivity, detection limits, accuracy, and reliability. However, applying official validation or robustness studies to a routine method or technique does not necessarily constitute novelty. Proper statistical treatment of the data should be provided. Relevant literature should be cited, including related publications by the authors, and authors should discuss how their proposed methodology compares with previously reported methods.Since classical spectrophotometric measurements and applications (including derivative spectrophometry), fluorimetry, solvent extraction, titrimetry, chemometrics, etc. are well established and are considered routine analytical methods, studies in such areas should demonstrate a unique and substantial advantage over presently known systems. New reagents or systems should demonstrate clear advantage, and their presentation should be comprehensive rather than generating a series of similar papers for several analytes or similar reagents. Modifications of reagents should demonstrate significant improvements. Obvious application of known chemistries or methods to established instrumental techniques are discouraged.Application of established analytical approaches to relatively simple matrices having no major interferences, such as pharmaceutical preparations, are discouraged unless considerable improvements over other methods in the literature are demonstrated. Papers dealing with analytical data such as stability constants, pKa values, etc. should be submitted to more specific journals, unless novel analytical methodology is demonstrated, or important analytical data are provided which could be useful in the development of analytical procedures.
The articles in TrAC are concise, critical overviews of new developments in analytical chemistry, which are aimed at helping analytical chemists and other users of analytical techniques. These critical reviews comprise excellent, up-to-date, timely coverage of topics of interest in analytical chemistry, such as: analytical instrumentation, biomedical analysis, biomolecular analysis, biosensors, chemical analysis, chemometrics, clinical chemistry, drug discovery, environmental analysis and monitoring, food analysis, forensic science, laboratory automation, materials science, metabolomics, pesticide-residue analysis, pharmaceutical analysis, proteomics, surface science, and water analysis and monitoring.General issues contain critical review articles, news, meeting reports, book reviews and meeting announcements. In addition, Special Issues provide comprehensive updates with critical review articles on particularly topical fields of interest in analytical chemistry.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry is devoted to publishing concise and critical overviews of the rapid changes and development in the field of environmental analytical chemistry. The acquisition of good quality chemical data in environmental systems and the sound interpretation of this data is the basis for enhancing our understanding of the environment. TrEAC provides timely coverage of the novel and innovative use of analytical methods for the investigation of environmentally relevant substances and problems. Topics of interest include critical updates on the improvements in environmental analytical chemistry, achievements and challenges of modern techniques and possible future developments in the specific fields, such as sampling methodology, techniques for remote measurements, analytical instrumentation, miniaturization and automation, determination of trace atmospheric constituents of anthropogenic and natural origin, detection and identification of organic pollutants in water, soil and biota, determination and speciation of heavy metals and radionuclides in the environment, environmental references materials; method validation and chemometrics in environmental analysis.The aim of TrEAC is to publish concise reviews covering the latest advances in environmental analytical chemistry. Reviews should comprise about 4000 words and include several figures and tables. Reviews should interpret rather than be comprehensive. References should be limited to about 60. Primary research papers describing the results of the authors' research work are not within the scope of TrEAC. Please note that most articles published in the journal are by invitation of one of the Editors. If you wish to submit a paper to TrEAC and have not been invited by one of the Editors, please submit first a short proposal (max 1 page) to the Editor-in-Chief. All reviews will be subject to peer review and should be submitted through the Elsevier Editorial System.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages