Faraday Discussions covers a variety of topics in rapidly developing areas of the physical sciences, with a focus on physical chemistry and its interfaces with other scientific disciplines. The journal publishes the papers presented and a record of the questions, discussion and debate that took place at the corresponding Faraday Discussions meeting; and provides an important record of current international knowledge and opinions in the relevant field. Each Faraday Discussion covers a topic in a rapidly developing area of chemistry, and will be of interest to academic and industrial chemists across all areas of the chemical sciences. Topical coverage includes: • Spectroscopy • Dynamics • Kinetics • Statistical mechanics • Thermodynamics • Electrochemistry • Catalysis • Surface science • Quantum mechanics • Quantum computing • Machine learning • Polymers and soft matter • Materials • Quantum Materials • Nanoscience • Energy • Surfaces/interfaces • Biophysical chemistry • Atmospheric Chemistry • Astrochemistry
Database coverage includes Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS); Current Contents; SciSearch and Research Alert. Science Citation Index and Focus on: Veterinary Science and Medicine.
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2009 Impact Factor: 1.708Ranking: 50/155 (Geosciences, Multidisciplinary) and 76/181 (Environmental Sciences)2009 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.445Ranking: 42/155 (Geosciences, Multidisciplinary) and 56/181 (Environmental Sciences)169; 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports174;Geomicrobiology Journal is a unified vehicle for research and review articles in this rapidly growing field. Articles deal with microbial transformations of materials composing the earth's crust, including oceans, seas, lakes, bottom sediments, soils, mineral deposits, and rocks, and the geological impact these transformations have to present or have had over geologic time. In this context, the functions of bacteria, yeasts, filamentous fungi, micro-algae, protoists, and related micro-organisms as geomechanical or geochemical agents are examined.Articles may stress the nature of specific micro-organisms and their activities in a geomicrobial context, or the geological consequences of geomicrobial activity. The journal covers basic topics such as: microbial weathering of rocks; microbial roles in formation and degradation of specific minerals; mineralization of organic matter; subsurface microbiology; biogeochemical cycling of elements; isotopic fractionation and paleomicrobiology. Applied topics such as bioleaching microbiology and petroleum geomicrobiological prospecting, and groundwater microbiology are also covered. Included are the application of new techniques such as molecular and nano- and microscale.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles includes papers in the broad areas of global change involving the geosphere and biosphere. The journal focuses on research at large geographic scales. Marine, hydrologic, atmospheric, extraterrestrial, geologic, biologic, and human causes of and response to environmental change on time scales of tens, thousands, and millions of years are the purview of the journal.
Global Change Biology exists to promote understanding of the interface between all aspects of current environmental change and biological systems, including rising tropospheric O3 and CO2 concentrations, climate change, loss of biodiversity, and eutrophication. Both biological responses and feedbacks to change are included, and may be considered at any level of organization from molecular to biome. Studies which integrate across levels of organization to provide a mechanistic understanding are particularly encouraged. Studies may be experimental, observational or theoretical, and may concern aquatic or terrestrial and managed or natural environments. GCB concentrates on primary research articles, but operates a flexible policy regarding other submissions, which include Technical Papers, Mini-Reviews and Opinion Articles. Global Change Biology defines global change as any consistent trend in the environment - past, present or projected - that affects a substantial part of the globe. Examples include:
Green Chemistry provides a unique forum for the publication of innovative research on the development of alternative green and sustainable technologies. Based on the, but not limited to, the twelve principles of green chemistry defined by Anastas and Warner (Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, P T Anastas and J C Warner, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998). Green chemistry is, by definition, a continuously-evolving frontier. Therefore, the inclusion of a particular material or technology does not, of itself, guarantee that a paper is suitable for the journal. To be suitable, the novel advance should have the potential for reduced environmental impact relative to the state of the art. Green Chemistry does not normally deal with research associated with 'end-of-pipe' or remediation issues.
Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews is a peer reviewed journal that focuses on rapid publication of innovative new syntheses and procedures that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous materials. In addition, reviews of state of the art green chemistry technologies will be included.The journal includes the application of the 12 principles of green chemistry in: Synthetic Reaction Pathways Research and Process Analytical Techniques Separation and Purification Technologies Renewable Feedstocks Degradable Products DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
The journal is directed to different stakeholders and professionals, including government and non-governmental organizations, international funding agencies, universities, public water institutions, public health and other public/private sector professionals, and other relevant institutions. It is aimed at professionals, academics and students in the fields of disciplines such as: groundwater and its connection to surface hydrology and environment, soil sciences, engineering, ecology, microbiology, atmospheric sciences, analytical chemistry, hydro-engineering, water technology, environmental ethics, economics, public health, policy, as well as social sciences, legal disciplines, or any other area connected with water issues.
The objectives of this journal are to facilitate:
• The improvement of effective and sustainable management of water resources across the globe.
• The improvement of human access to groundwater resources in adequate quantity and good quality.
• The meeting of the increasing demand for drinking water, and irrigation water needed for food security to contribute to a social and economically sound human development.
• The creation of a global inter- and multidisciplinary platform and forum to improve our understanding of groundwater resources and to advocate their effective and sustainable management and protection against contamination.
• Interdisciplinary information exchange and to stimulate scientific research in the fields of groundwater related sciences and social and health sciences required to achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals for sustainable development.
This journal should become the international forum for groundwater research oriented to the direct solution of problems of great social impact rather than only breakthrough research in physical and chemical issues.
Principal areas covered by the proposed journal are:
• Hydrogeological systems and sustainable groundwater resources management
• Groundwater contamination and protection
• Groundwater vulnerability and risk assessment
• Groundwater quality and food safety
• Epidemiology and public health impacts of groundwater contamination
• Groundwater treatment and remediation
• Hydroeconomics
• Water policy
• Social aspects of groundwater
• Water and education
• Water - Energy - Food nexus
• Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater
The scope of the International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry comprises such subjects as original research on all aspects of analytical work related to environmental problems such as analysis of organic, inorganic and radioactive pollutants in air, water, sediments and biota; and determination of harmful substances, including analytical methods for the investigation of chemical or metabolic breakdown patterns in the environment and in biological samples.The journal also covers the development of new analytical methods or improvement of existing ones useful for the control and investigation of pollutants or trace amounts of naturally occurring active chemicals in all environmental compartments. Development, modification and automation of instruments and techniques with potential in environment sciences are also part of the journal.Case studies are also considered, particularly for areas where information is scarce or lacking, providing that reported data is significant and representative, either spatially or temporally, and quality assured. Owing to the interdisciplinary nature of this journal, it will also include certain topics in the fields of medical science (health sciences), toxicology, forensic sciences, oceanography, food sciences, biological sciences and other fields that in one way or another contribute to the knowledge of our environment and for this purpose have to make use of analytical chemistry.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (IJEST) is an international scholarly refereed research journal which aims to promote the theory and practice of environmental science and technology, innovation, engineering and management. A broad outline of the journal's scope includes: peer reviewed original research articles, case and technical reports, reviews and analyses papers, short communications and notes to the editor, in interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in environmental science and technology, both natural and man made. The main aspects of research areas include, but are not exclusive to; environmental chemistry and biology, environments pollution control and abatement technology, transport and fate of pollutants in the environment, concentrations and dispersion of wastes in air, water, and soil, point and non-point sources pollution, heavy metals and organic compounds in the environment, atmospheric pollutants and trace gases, solid and hazardous w
An Official Journal of the Association for Environmental Health and Science and the International Phytotechnology Society. 2009 Impact Factor: 1.321Ranking: 109/181 (Environmental Sciences)2009 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.852Ranking: 84/181 (Environmental Sciences)169; 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports174; The International Journal of Phytoremediation is the first journal devoted to the publication of current laboratory and field research describing the use of plant systems to remediate contaminated environments. Phytoremediation refers to a diverse group of green technologies that use either naturally occurring or genetically engineered plants to decontaminate polluted air, soil, and water. Phytoremediation technologies currently fall into the following five categories:PhytodegradationPhytostabilizationPhytovolatizationPhytoextraction, including rhizofiltrationEnhanced rhizosphere biodegradation The journal is an international, peer-reviewed publication designed to link professionals in the many environmental disciplines involved in the development, application, management, and regulation of emerging phytoremediation technologies. Manuscripts will be considered that address any of a wide range of issues and interests associated with the entire field of phytoremediation. High quality, original articles make up the primary content, with additional contributions as technical notes, short communications, editorials, and occasional invited review articles. Prior to publication, manuscripts must pass a rigorous peer review process managed by the editor-in-chief. The journal also publishes letters to the editor, book/software reviews, new products and patent information, and announcements of upcoming conferences and courses.The scope of the International Journal of Phytoremediation includes:Use of phytoremediation processes for environmental restoration.Hybrid technologies combining chemical, physical, and/or other biological processes with phytoremediation.Any stage of technology development and validation, from basic laboratory research and bench-scale testing to pilot-and full-scale field application.Field applications or descriptions of the effects of contaminants and other forms of stress on phytoremediation systems.Examinations of the social framework for phytoremediation, including regulatory, economic, and public perception issues. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The journal deals with all aspects of non-radioactive isotope application in environmental and health studies, such as: * investigations using variations in natural isotope abundance (isotope ecology, isotope hydrology, isotope geology) * stable isotope tracer techniques to follow the fate of certain substances in soil, water, plants, animals and in the human body * isotope effects, tracer theory, and mathematical modelling of environmental cycles * isotope measurement methods and equipment with respect to environmental and health research * diagnostic (stable) isotope application in medicine * ionogenic radiation exposure and its effects on all living matter as well as radiation in protection. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two expert referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Discover the latest in basic and applied research in the analytical sciences related to foods, drugs, agriculture, and the environment. Read contributions from leaders in the fields of chemical and biological analysis, original collaborative studies of AOAC Official MethodsSM, special guest editor sections, invited reviews, and much more.The Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL publishes 6 issues per year of fully refereed contributed papers in the fields of chemical and biological analysis: on original research on new techniques and applications, collaborative studies, authentic data of composition, studies leading to method development, meeting symposia, newly adopted AOAC approved methods and invited reviews. To view Journal table of contents and abstracts, click here. (You will be redirected to Atypon, our online host.).
JAMES is a Gold Open Access journal that publishes original research articles advancing the development and application of models at all scales in understanding the physical Earth system and its coupling to biological, geological and chemical systems.
Founded in 1970, the Journal of Aerosol Science considers itself the prime vehicle for the publication of original work as well as reviews related to basic and applied aerosol research. Its content is directed at scientists working in areas such as physics, chemistry, engineering, applied mathematics, aerobiology, medicine, industrial and environmental hygiene, toxicology, or materials processing.The editors welcome submissions of papers describing recent theoretical and experimental research related to:• The basic physical, chemical and biological properties of systems of airborne particles of all types,• Their measurement,• Their formation, transport, deposition and effects,• Their industrial, environmental and medical applications.Beside originality, a very important criterion for acceptance of a submission is its ability to communicate conclusions of general relevance to a given field. On the other hand, the Journal is not intended to archive data such as environmental measurements from specific geographical regions, unless new methodologies are involved or broadly relevant new conclusions are reached.