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Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering And Materials

ISSN: 2052-5192eISSN: 2052-5206
JUFO Level 1

Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materialspublishes scientific articles related to the structural science of compounds and materials in the widest sense. Knowledge of the arrangements of atoms, including their temporal variations and dependencies on temperature and pressure, is often the key to understanding physical and chemical phenomena and is crucial for the design of new materials and supramolecular devices. Acta Crystallographica B is the forum for the publication of such contributions. Scientific developments based on experimental studies as well as those based on theoretical approaches, including crystal-structure prediction, structure-property relations and the use of databases of crystal structures, are published.

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Acta Materialia

ISSN: 1359-6454eISSN: 1873-2453
JUFO Level 3

Acta Materialia provides a forum for publishing full-length, original papers and commissioned overviews which advance the in-depth understanding of the relationship between the processing, the structure and the properties of inorganic materials. Papers which have a high impact potential are sought. The structure encompasses atomic and molecular arrangements, chemical and electronic structures, and microstructure. Emphasis is on either the mechanical or functional behavior of inorganic solids at all length scales down to nanostructures.The following aspects of the science and engineering of inorganic materials are of particular interest:(i) Cutting-edge experiments and theory as they relate to the understanding of the properties,(ii) Simulation and modeling preferably combined with experimentation specifically as they relate to the understanding of the properties,(iii) Elucidation of the mechanisms involved in the synthesis and processing of materials specifically as they relate to the understanding of the properties,and(iv) Characterization of the structure and chemistry of materials specifically as it relates to the understanding of the properties.Short communications and comments to papers published in Acta Materialia may be submitted to Scripta Materialia.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters)

ISSN: 1006-7191eISSN: 2194-1289
JUFO Level 1

Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) is an international journal which presents compact reports of significant, original and timely research reflecting progress in metallurgy, materials science and engineering, including materials physics, physical metallurgy, and process metallurgy. Coverage extends to the fields of mining and ore dressing, production metallurgy, foundry, metal working, testing methods, powder metallurgy, composites, welding and joining, oxidation and corrosion. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) is sponsored by the Chinese Society for Metals, and managed by the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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Acta Metallurgica Slovaca

ISSN: 1335-1532eISSN: 1338-1156
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Advances in Materials Research (South Korea)

ISSN: 2234-0912eISSN: 2234-179X

Archives of Foundry Engineering

eISSN: 2299-2944
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ISSN: 0966-0844eISSN: 1572-8773
JUFO Level 1

BioMetals is the only established journal to feature the important role of metal ions in chemistry, biology, biochemistry, environmental science, and medicine. BioMetals is an international, multidisciplinary journal singularly devoted to the rapid publication of the fundamental advances of both basic and applied research in this field. BioMetals offers a forum for innovative research and clinical results on the structure and function of: metal ions metal chelates, siderophores, metal-containing proteins biominerals in all biosystems. BioMetals rapidly publishes original articles and reviews. BioMetals is a journal for metals researchers who practice in medicine, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, microbiology, cell biology, chemistry, and plant physiology who are based academic, industrial and government laboratories.

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CIS Iron and Steel Review

ISSN: 2072-0815

Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly

ISSN: 0008-4433eISSN: 1879-1395
JUFO Level 1

The majority of Maney journals are published online via the ingentaconnect platform, with one exception published online via HighWire.Access to the full text of each volume is available free of charge to subscribers with a paid-up subscription to that volume. (Some exceptions apply.) Subscribers are also given access in perpetuity to all previous volumes to which they held a paid-up subscription.For non-subscribers, there is a standard price for all articles and issues available online within each journal. All articles and issues from our archives that are more than 10 years old have a significantly reduced rate – special rates also apply in some instances for special issues and supplements.All prices are indicated next to the article or issue hosted online.

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Chemical Communications

eISSN: 1364-548X
JUFO Level 2

ChemComm publishes urgent research which is of outstanding significance and interest to experts in the field, while also appealing to a broad chemistry readership. Our communication format is ideally suited to short studies that are of such importance that they require accelerated publication. Our scope covers all topics in chemistry, and research at the interface of chemistry and other disciplines (such as materials science, nanoscience, physics, engineering and biology) where there is a significant novelty in the chemistry aspects. Major topic areas covered include Analytical Chemistry, Catalysis, Chemical Biology, Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Machine Learning, Energy and Sustainable Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Nanoscience, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry and Supramolecular Chemistry.

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Chemical Science

eISSN: 2041-6539
JUFO Level 3

Home to exceptional research and thought-provoking ideas. Open and free, for authors and readers. Chemical Science is the flagship journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the home for world-leading, interdisciplinary research from every aspect of the chemical sciences. As a multidisciplinary chemistry journal, our broad scope covers: analytical science and techniques; bioinorganic chemistry; biomaterials; biophysical chemistry; catalysis; chemical biology; chemical engineering; crystal engineering; energy conversion and storage; environmental, sustainable and green chemistry; inorganic chemistry; inorganic materials; main group chemistry; medicinal chemistry; nanoscience; organic chemistry; organic materials; physical chemistry; polymers; porous materials; supramolecular chemistry; and theoretical and computational chemistry.

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Chemical Society Reviews

eISSN: 1460-4744
JUFO Level 3

Chem Soc Rev is the Royal Society of Chemistry's leading reviews journal. We publish high-impact, authoritative and reader-friendly review articles covering important topics at the forefront of the chemical sciences. Reviews should be of the very highest quality and international impact. Our scope covers the breadth of the chemical sciences, including interdisciplinary topics where the article has a basis in chemistry. Topics include Analytical Chemistry, Catalysis, Chemical Biology, Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Machine Learning, Energy and Sustainable Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Nanoscience, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry and Supramolecular Chemistry.

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Chernye Metally

ISSN: 0132-0890eISSN: 2414-0104

Chinese Rare Earths

ISSN: 1004-0277

Defence Technology

eISSN: 2214-9147
JUFO Level 1
Defence Technology, sponsored by China Ordnance Society, is published quarterly and aims to become one of the well-known comprehensive journals in the world, which reports on the breakthroughs in defence technology by building up an international academic exchange platform for the defence technology related research. It publishes original research papers having direct bearing on defence, with a balanced coverage on analytical, experimental, numerical simulation and applied investigations. It covers various disciplines of science, technology and engineering.

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Digital Discovery

eISSN: 2635-098X
JUFO Level 1

Digital Discovery welcomes both experimental and computational work on all topics related to the acceleration of discovery such as screening, robotics, databases and advanced data analytics, broadly defined, but anchored in chemistry. The journal welcomes Artificial intelligence and data science methodologies for chemical, materials science, biochemical, biomedical or biophysical sciences including Computer-assisted retrosynthesis, Generative models for scientific design, Machine learning classification and regression models, Modern molecular, materials, and biological representations, Methods for Bayesian optimization and design of experiments, Advances and applications of interpretable models, Image recognition, Natural language processing, Literature mining tools, Advanced data workflows, Advances in robotics for science, Experimental control software, Databases, New robotic setups, New automated sensors, Novel synthetic methodologies and workflows, High-throughput computational science, Directed or accelerated evolution, DNA Encoded Library Technology, Cryptochemistry, and Blockchain-enabled science.

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EES Catalysis

eISSN: 2753-801X

EES Catalysis is a premier journal, publishing high-quality experimental and theoretical catalysis research for energy and environmental applications. Delivering the same impact and influence which researchers associate with the Energy & Environmental Science brand, EES Catalysis is transdisciplinary, publishing globally impactful energy and environmental catalysis across all scientific disciplines including chemistry, materials science and engineering. Exceptional research using any type of catalysis is welcome. This includes heterogeneous, homogeneous, molecular and biocatalysis phase-based investigations, and encompasses the fields of thermo-, electro-, and photocatalysis for the production of clean energy, fuels and chemicals, modification/repairing of environment, and improved planetary health. Both fundamental and applied catalysis research, as well as reports, focused on new reactions, new methodologies, new approaches, and new mechanisms that are of significant general interest to the community, are all welcome.

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Energy & Environmental Science

eISSN: 1754-5706
JUFO Level 3

Energy & Environmental Science is an international journal dedicated to publishing exceptionally important and high quality, agenda-setting research tackling the key global and societal challenges of ensuring the provision of energy and protecting our environment for the future. The scope is intentionally broad and the journal recognises the complexity of issues and challenges relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science. For work to be published it must be linked to the energy-environment nexus and be of significant general interest to our community-spanning readership. All scales of studies and analysis, from impactful fundamental advances, to interdisciplinary research across the (bio)chemical, (bio/geo)physical sciences and chemical engineering disciplines are welcomed.

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Energy Advances

eISSN: 2753-1457
JUFO Level 1

Energy Advances is a multidisciplinary journal that features cutting-edge science at the forefront of energy technology. The journal brings together research in chemistry, physics, materials science, engineering, computer science, and techno-economical/ecological evaluation, with a particular focus on emerging materials and methods. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: • Batteries, supercapacitors, hybrid devices and other energy storage technologies • Bioenergy, biofuels and the biorefinery • Carbon capture, storage or utilisation • Catalysis and chemical engineering for energy applications • Fuel cells • Hydrogen production and storage • Modelling, machine learning and characterisation for energy materials & systems • Solar energy conversion and photovoltaics

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Engineered Casting Solutions

ISSN: 1523-4371